War and Post

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Merlin watched as the opposing forces grew closer. He immediately rose his staff, and sent lightning down to the valley, striking the opposing forces. The groups hit. He could no longer distinguish where Arthur was. Nor Gwain, Lancelot, or Percival. He just sent spells and lightning down on those he sensed as evil. He used his enhanced vision to find Morgana, but he couldn't see her. He looked around, and he recognized Gwain and Percival. But he could not find Arthur or Lancelot. He looked to the opening of the cave where the old man lived, and he was no where in sight.

Merlin panicked slightly, but released Izusa to help. She swopped down to the crowds of fighting men, and she picked up random men who bore all black. She carried them by twos high into the air, and dropped them down to the earth with a splat. Merlin was pleased with her.

As Merlin watched the chaos while shooting them down from above, he realized very quickly that the numbers were uneven. Morgana's side had more surviving than Camelot. He knew that if this were to continue, they would loose.

"Shit." He cursed. "Kilgarrah. Show them what you can do. Burn the enemies to the ground." Merlin commanded. And Kilgarrah did what he was told. He flew to the side of the mountain, and gripped the side. He released his breaths of fire to the large groups of men, and burned with accuracy. He was quickly dwindling the opposing numbers with the help of Izusa. Merlin took a moment's break to scout the ground. He looked, and finally saw what he wanted to see. He saw Arthur riding on Ebony, down the mountain side from the man's caves. Merlin did not know what reason he had for being there, but he was glad that Arthur was still alive.

Once Arthur met the people at the bottom, Merlin went to great measures to strike down anyone commencing battle with him. This went on for hours, although it felt like minutes.

Merlin striked the men down as night fell, and only the light from lightning and the light from the dragon's breath ignited the night. Merlin grew tired soon, and could not muster his energy to flow through his staff. He discarded the staff where he stood, and slide down the mountain.

As soon as Merlin was met with groups of men charging him, he braced himself, and let out his emotions. He held his hands out in front of him, and released flowing blue light. The men were thrust back yards behind themselves, dead. Merlin was so in the moment, he did not dwell on the group murder he had spent his whole life trying to avoid. He just continued. He could feel the anger in his soul swell up. And passing the bodies of Camelot knights fueled it.

All the anger from Morgana, her negligence, her constant need for power. He was fed up. All these men were brainwashed, and if they stayed on this plain, they would continue to go after Arthur. And so they needed to be exterminated.

Merlin continued ruthlessly. Spell after spell, death after death. Soon he was wiping out men by the tens. And soon the overwhelming energy was positive, and not negative. He knew that the numbers of men fighting Camelot were dwindling. Merlin felt weird about the situation.

He knew he was killing sorcerers and druids who worked for Morgana. He could feel more power restore to him. After every wipe out, he felt stronger. And as his killing spree continued, he stopped becoming tired. He started to gain strength.

Merlin looked around, and for once, he could see past the groups of men. Now there could have been less than 50 men still fighting. He saw Gwain and Percival fight against a small group of men. And to the other side, he saw Arthur ride around, slicing and stabbing men as he passed, and Ebony pounced on unsuspecting men, and knocked them down with her many tails. The only person he could not find was Lancelot. Merlin did not worry a lot. He knew that Lancelot could fight for his own without trouble.

Merlin ran with his new found energy, and helped Gwain finish off some men. When he looked behind him, he saw the sight that made his stomach do flips. He finally had found Morgana, but she was battling with Arthur. To the side he saw Ebony on her side, bleeding out from stab wounds. Merlin ran towards the two fighting, but Morgana saw this, and knocked him against the mountain side from far away. Merlin quickly blocked his pain, and crawled towards Ebony. He healed her wounds, and Merlin watched the fight unfold.

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