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Arthur woke with a start. He was awaken by screaming and loud crashing noises. Arthur ran to the window, ripped the curtain back, and looked at the city.

Fire was everywhere, and buildings were being burned. In the horizon he saw more fires and smoke. Arthur rushed to grab some clothes, and then ran to Merlin's room.

Arthur bursted in, and saw a mess. Merlin's window had been shattered, and Merlin was currently hanging out of the window, shooting down spells.

"Merlin! We need to get out there!" Arthur yelled. Merlin looked back and nodded. Merlin grabbed two thick cloaks, and handed one to Arthur. The two ran down to the knights and armory to wake them.

"It's Morgana! I had a dream before I woke up, and she was leading an army. She has outnumbered up by the hundreds!" Merlin exclaimed as they ran.

"Every knight awake and on board." Arthur yelled down the hall. Many of the knights were already up, but some still slept.

"Gear up and stop the fires! If any other knights are not in the castle, find them! Gwain, Percival, come with us!" Merlin yelled. They saw Gwain and Percival stumbled out of their rooms, and run down to the armory with Arthur and Merlin.

They geared up quickly, helping each other into armor. Merlin denied the armor, and everyone grabbed a sword and a dagger.

"We need to asses the situation outside." Merlin told them as they ran outside.

People were running around screaming, and unfamiliar men held torches, lighting every house on fire. The other knights flooded out of the castle, and started to attack. Some of the enemies used magic on the knights to kill them.

"This is worse than I thought." Merlin told himself. The group ran back inside, and followed Merlin to Gaius's room.

Inside Gaius was trying to hide certain books with the aid of Don.

"Gaius. Don't fight back. Be cooperative. You just saw us grab some books and leave. That is all you saw." Merlin told Gaius. Gaius nodded, and continued to hide things.

Merlin ran to his old room, and retrieved the staff he stole a long time ago, and his miniature magic book. He grabbed some empty water bags, and handed some stuff to Arthur.

"What the hell is that?" Gaius asked, pointing to the staff.

"Later. For now we need to get out of here." Merlin rushed. They ran back outside, and Merlin ran to Gwen's house. He knocked on the door violently.

Instead of Gwen, Lancelot answered.

"What's happening out there?" Lancelot asked. Merlin was confused for a moment, but ran inside. Gwen was just walking into the living room.

"It's not what you think. He needed a place to sleep." Gwen said. Merlin stopped her.

"I don't care right now. Lancelot, you come with us. Gwen, make sure to obey Morgana. At least pretend that you are her dear friend, and you would help in any way you could. Alright?" Merlin told her. Merlin rummaged through her room as Gwen watched puzzled. Merlin took out a glowing orb from behind a bookshelf.

"No time for questions. We'll be back Gwen." Merlin told her. Lancelot and Merlin ran out, and they ran to the stables. They grabbed their horses, and ran down the street. Merlin rode in front, and he completely wiped out anyone and everyone in their way. Soon they were out of the city, and running towards the border on the east side.

Merlin pulled the purple stone out of his pocket, and spoke into it.

"Ethel. Tell Thew to leave the kingdom at once. Morgana has her men all over the kingdom." Merlin yelled into the stone. He listened close to the stone.

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