A Normal Day

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Merlin was the first to awake. He felt very warm, and wrapped up. He sat up a little, and saw that he was covered in blankets. They felt very soft, and not itchy at all. He unwrapped himself, and looked around. Everyone was still asleep, and Arthur had no blankets. He was curled up into himself, next to the dying fire. The air was still a bit cold. The beginning of Winter usually made the mornings and evenings cold, and the noon's hot. Merlin grabbed his jacket, and put it on. He took all of the miscellaneous blankets, and laid them carefully on Arthur.

'What a prat. You'd be cold while I'd be warm. You've got a crown, not I.' Merlin thought. He grabbed some more firewood, and fueled the fire once more. He then grabbed the empty bowls and spoons, and found a nearby river to wash them in. Merlin decided to wait until noon time to have a bath, when it was warmer.

He brought the washed out bowls and spoons back, and bagged them up. He loaded up each horse, and turned to the four sleeping knights. A mischevious grin played on Merlin's face, and he gathered his breath.

"Dragon!" He yelled. Everyone quickly shot out of their sleep, and onto their feet. Arthur grabbed his sword, and readied himself.

"Where's the dragon!?" He exclaimed. Merlin laughed at their reactions.

"There's no dragon. It's time for us to head back to Camelot. We'll have to say that the mission was completed but the beast was too big to bring home." Merlin told them. Everyone realized what Merlin did, and they smacked him upside the head playfully. Everyone strapped their swords onto their horses, and rode back to Camelot. The black cat kept himself inside Merlin's shirt, as they rode.

"Do you really think we should bring the puma back to the kingdom? What if it goes no a rampage?" Arthur asked Merlin as he trailed behind to talk to him.

"If the puma goes on a rampage, I personally will deal with it as quick as possible. You have no need to worry." Merlin assured Arthur. Arthur cracked a smile, but accepted his promise.

'I'll end up saving his butt if that ever happens.' Arthur laughed to himself. But he was fine with that. Merlin was his friend after all.

After a couple hours of riding, they reached Camelot, and docked their horses. Merlin dropped off, and went to Gwains horse to help unload the materials.

"I'm fine Merlin. I can do this myself." Gwain flashed a smile towards Merlin.

"Alright then. I guess I'll go help Perci-" Before Merlin could finish, Percival was taking everything off in one load.

"No need. I've got it." He said. Before Merlin could even walk over to Leon, he saw that the horse was unloaded. Merlin and Arthur were the only two left in the royal stable.

"Let me unload the horse Arthur." Merlin said, unstrapping some of the items. Arthur grabbed some as well.

"I'll help then." Arthur said. They walked to the Armory together, and placed everything back in their spot. Once they were done, the black cats head poked out of Merlin's shirt.

"What are you going to do with the cat?" Arthur asked. He reached over, and gave the miniature puma a pet on the head. Merlin felt a little bit of heat rise to his face.

"Oh uh, I'll keep him in our rooms. But I'm not so sure what to name it. We can't call it puma, now can we." Merlin laughed awkwardly. Arthur pursed his lips as he looked at the cat.

"What about Ebony?" Suggested Arthur. Merlin smiled down at the cat.

"That's a great name. I'll call her Ebony." Merlin declared. Arthur laughed at his enthusiasm.

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