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heyo im really getting into this fanfic. just wanted to make a PSA.

please do not comment on my stories with ideas on how to change them or add to them. I just want this story to be from my mind and my will, and seeing people comment what I should do, or change, or even just suggesting changes makes me feel uncomfortable and feel like am not doing a good job. I really do not care if any of you dislike the story, you can very easily go find another fanfic to read, or write one yourself. But whenever I see comments suggesting changes and ideas, I will delete them. And if the comments continue, I'm going to start reporting everyone who has been commenting on this story, telling me ideas. If you have an idea, then please save it for your own story, because I have my ideas for this story, and my plan.

Thank you, and please just consider that it isn't the people themselves, just the fact that I think it's really rude to be suggesting ideas and changes on someone's story. If you want, message me with all your ideas at once, and we can talk. But most likely I will just turn them down anyways.

Thank you for reading all of this, and just please take this into consideration.

Hope you like the story so far, and continue to read as I start popping out the chapters.

Talk to you later muchachos.

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