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After that day, Arthur came to him once an hour to check on him. Each time he would bring Merlin some kind of food or drink or flower. Arthur knew that Merlin was not in a good place, and he would not leave his fiancé's side. In the mornings Arthur would wake Merlin and deliver breakfast. At lunch he would come back to take the still full tray, and hand him a piece of fruit that was preserved. And at lunch he would take the usually half eaten preserve back, and give him dinner. At dinner he would make Merlin eat, and Arthur would eat with him. It broke his heart to see Merlin so sad. This went on for a couple days, but Arthur noticed that Merlin was feeling better. He sometimes woke up before Arthur woke him, and he would eat at least half of everything Arthur gave him. Merlin became more social, and even asked for some of his friends to stop by to talk. Arthur thought he had done something good for once.

Really it was Merlin's will. Merlin was devastated the first day or so. But then he was reminded by the ring. The gold ring that Arthur gave him. He knew that he would have to get better for him. And soon Merlin started feeling better. He was more happy. Because he didn't think about the far future, but he thought about the present. One morning he went to Arthur's room before he woke up.

Merlin was still wearing his pajamas when he padded into Arthur's quarters, and climbed into Arthur's bed. Arthur immediately knew who was there, and curled up next to him. They both were awake, but they laid next to each other.

"Are you finally feeling better?" Arthur asked softly, running his fingers through Merlin's hair. He nodded.

"I'm sorry I've been such a pain. I don't mean to bother you so much, I just really did not feel... alright. But I feel much better now. And to have you in my life, to know you're alive, makes me feel ever better."

Arthur kissed his forehead and pulled him close.

"So about that wedding..." He asked. "When do you want to have it?"

Merlin thought for a moment. "Anytime is alright with me. Just having you is enough."

"Good. Because I want to get married as soon as possible. So I can finally call you my king." Arthur told Merlin boldly. He gave him a peck on the lips, and went to get dressed. Merlin headed back to his room, and got dressed as well. It was the first time in awhile since he was out of pajamas. It felt nice. He wore all black, as usual, but he sported a red necktie. He found it tucked away from long ago, and hadn't worn it since. It was usually there to hid his scars. But there were no more scars to hide. Merlin felt it was more nostalgic. To have his old piece of cloth around his neck. He wore a brown cloak to accommodate it, and he walked out. This time he fetched Arthur breakfast.

He piled the tray high, and walked back to Arthur's room. When he opened the door, Arthur was gone. Merlin set the tray on the table.

"Arthur?" He called. No answer. He left the room, and walked down the halls. He passed many servants and maids, and many were surprised to see him out of his room after so long. Some even looked scared slightly. Merlin walked on, until he rounded a corner, and bumped into Arthur.

"There you are. I was wondering where you went." Merlin giggled slightly. The two walked back to his quarters.

"Sorry. I had to go tell the servants to set something up."

The two arrived to the his quarters, and ate while chatting.

"So what are you setting up? If I may ask." Merlin said, sipping on some milk.

"I told the servants to set up the throne room. You said you did not mind when our wedding was, so I told them to set up for a wedding." Arthur shined a cheeky grin. Merlin's mouth gapped.

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