An Adventure

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"Who else know about you?" Arthur asked one morning. Merlin had just delivered breakfast.

"Well Gwen and Gwain know. Oh and Morgana knows. But I did not give her that information willingly." Merlin told him. Arthur nodded his head.

"Well I have caught up with everything. You and I have a lot of catching up to do since I apparently missed some information. How about you and I go on a journey to see if we can find the infamous Quince. It's supposed to be a really sweet fruit that's hard to attain. We can talk along the way. It should take two-three days to reach the tree. More than that if bad weather strikes." Arthur estimated. Merlin thought about it. Gaius should be fine alone. Merlin doesn't need to even help that much since he's taken on a new apprentice.

"I would love to go on a journey. I will just need a little time to pack up some supplies." Merlin said. He left the room to head down to the kitchens to pack four days worth of food for two. He then brought the satchels of food to the horses, and strapped them on. He noticed that Ebony was walking outside for a change.

"Hello Ebony. What you doing out here?" He asked. Ebony just meowed and rubbed up against his leg. Merlin picked her up.

"Don't cause any trouble while I'm gone, okay." Merlin told Ebony. She just lifted a paw, and laid it on Merlin's nose as to say 'ok.' Arthur walked into the stable, and saw the display and laughed.

"She really does understand what you say." Arthur said. He stroked her fur, and Merlin let her wander off. Arthur strapped his sword onto his pure white horse, and Merlin ran inside to fetch his magic book, sword, and a couple changes of clothes. He then ran upstairs to grab Arthur a bag of extra clothes, and brought it down.

Once everything was strapped onto their horses, Merlin said goodbye to Gaius, and left Camelot with Arthur.

They rode for a couple of hours, then took a break to drink some water and asses their map.

"We should probably reach mid point by nightfall. There should be a cave system around the area for us to sleep in." Arthur said looking at the map. He folded it away, and they let the horses break for a while and only walk.

"So Merlin. What can you do with you powers?" Arthur asked.

"I can do pretty much anything since I posses the magic of creation as well. But it really drains me to the point where I way pass out. Technically I can even create food, but it just feels wrong to do so." Merlin answered. Arthur smiled.

"So can you create weather?" Arthur asked. Merlin nodded.

"Only if I'm feeling a really strong emotion. If I'm extremely sad it will rain, and if I'm extremely happy it will be sunny. But almost all the time the weather occurs by itself. I think I only caused severe weather once." Merlin said.

"When was that time?" Arthur asked casually.

Merlin sighed. "Do you remember that horrid storm a couple years back? A lot of fields got soaked in water, and trees were being struck by lightening. That was me." Merlin told him. Arthur did remember. It caused a lot of trouble.

"May I ask what happened?"

Merlin nodded. "Just before I tell you what happened, I am no longer angry at you. You had somewhat of a right to do so, and I understand where you came from." Merlin warned, which made Arthur uneasy.

"There was a giant leopard with wings rampaging the streets at night. You caught the woman and was going to execute her. One night I found her hiding. She successfully escaped. I didn't know who she was at the time and helped her. I brought her a change of clothes, water, food, a fire, and kept her company. I had fallen in love with her at the time. Then I found out that she was the creature. But I did not mind. She talked about running away from Camelot and living together. Having children. Living life not in fear of persecution. But I told her that I had to stay to protect you. She stayed with me. I tried my best to lock her up at night because she was cursed to become the monster when night fell. And one night she escaped. You and your knights tried to catch her, but you ended up slaying her. I tried to stop you, but I was too weak at the time. I was so grief stricken and angry. She was the only woman besides my mother that I had loved. I ended up floating her body down the lake of Avalon, and lit the flame that burned her. That night the storm began. Every day I would go to the lake to cry and mourn. Slowly I stopped going, and mourned with Gaius. Then I stopped mourning. I still love her for a long time, but I have finally accepted her death. And I forgave you long ago. It was her destiny to meet me and to die. She wouldn't leave Camelot unless she was with me, so I kept her here. But was the only time I went out of control." Merlin finished his story. It felt good to finally tell someone other than Gaius. He felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulder. Arthur looked grim.

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