Queen Amelia

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Merlin woke early next morning, feeling a lot better. He could feel his magic come back to him, and he wasn't tired. Although the feeling didn't stop Gaius from warning him about too much physical exertion. Merlin ate a Quince as his breakfast, said goodbye to Ebony, and he went to retrieve Arthur's meal. He opened the door, and placed the tray on the table.

"Rise and shine!" Merlin exclaimed as he opened the curtains, and let the light shine through. Arthur groaned and turned his back, covering his face.

"Come on you prat get up. Uther said he had something that would be done today. But he didn't tell us what." Merlin said. He laid out Arthur's clothes for the day. Arthur realized what was happening.

"Merlin. Today we are hanging the Queen Amelia." Arthur told him as he sat up. Merlin nodded.

"I predicted it to happen any day now. I'm just surprised that Uther waited so long. I guess if it is what must be done." Merlin said quite maturely. Arthur got out of bed and dressed, with Merlin helping into something occasionally.

"Doesn't it bother you to constantly see them hanged?" Arthur asked. Merlin nodded.

"Of course it bothers me. Technically they are my children in a weird way. And I don't think anyone would want to see their child be hanged. But Queen Amelia tried to kill me and you. She has been corrupted. I would rather her die than you. So if this is what must happen, then it shall happen." Merlin told Arthur. He helped him into a heavier jacket with more ornate buttons for the hanging.

"You really are dedicated to this destiny." Arthur commented. Merlin lightly smiled.

"I am doing it for as many selfish reasons as I am for the good of the people and you. You know Arthur. You are destined to bring magic back into the land. To live a prosperous life with I by your side. Now whether you made me your friend along the way was up to you, but I am glad you chose to befriend me." Merlin told him. Arthur nodded. It definitely explained why Merlin was so adamant on keeping Arthur safe.

"Would you still have protected me as a servant even if you did not have to?" Arthur asked. Merlin nodded.

"Of course. For better or for worse you are the Prince of Camelot. I think anyone would be honored to serve you. But then again you are a complete arse, so I'm not so sure." Merlin teased Arthur, which earned him a laugh.

Merlin headed to Uther with Arthur, and they stood on the balcony looking down at the courtyard. There was a large platform, with a beam and a hanging noose, ready for any takers. It made Merlin sick to his stomach to look at it. He nearly found himself close to that situation many times, and looking at it made him feel scared. Soon the chief executor arrived, and a knight brought Queen Amelia to the platform. Her hair was matted severely, and her dress was dirty and covered in hay. He did not bat an eyelash as the man placed the noose around her neck and tightened it.

"You are sentenced to hanging for attempted murder of the royal family." He announced. He pulled the lever that dropped the floor, and Amelia dropped. She struggled a little, and then people could hear laughing. Uther and Arthur watched confused at how she could muster laughing. Merlin looked at her, and did not like the sight. In an instant, Queen Amelia was gone. Vanished out of thin air. Uther, Arthur, and Merlin looked down nervously. Merlin had a bad feeling.

"Knights! Find her!" Uther yelled down at the knights below. Everyone dispersed, and the knights went searching. Uther left, with Arthur and Merlin following.

"How could that be!? She was right there! Oh that traitorous witch!" Uther raged.

"What could we do father? Anything you need to be done." Arthur asked. Uther shook his head.

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