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yoyoyo the gay is here and it shall only intensify from here. i know i made you wait awhile but it shall be glorious of the new edicts will be great



Merlin bustled around the dinning hall getting things set up. He picked out the nice metal plates with the ornate ingravings, and the gold goblets. Merlin was just setting up the orchestra, when he noticed they were one missing.

"Where's the other violinist?" He asked.

"He came down with a cold." One of the violinists told him. The ceremony did not need any violins, so he guessed that's why he never noticed.

"I can fill in for him. This needs to be the perfect banquet." Merlin told them. Be hurried over to Arthur to speak to him. A lord was speaking to him, although Arthur looked disinterested.

"Arthur. Would it be okay if I killed in for a violinist? I can get someone else to cater you." Merlin asked. The lord rolled his eyes.

"A servant should only serve the king-" The lord started, but Arthur interrupted him.

"I don't mind. You can have gibralter fill in for your spot. But at some point I want you to join me so I can properly introduce you to the lords. But won't your arm be sore?" Arthur asked Merlin.

"I can block the pain for awhile." Merlin told him. Arthur nodded worriedly.

"You would have a servant sit at your banquet?" The lord asked astonished.

"What? He's not just any servant. Anyways, what you were saying." Arthur said, keeping onto the conversation.

Merlin headed back to the orchestra.

"I can fill in. But at somepoint I will have to leave. Just try to manage the song when I am gone." He told them. Merlin looked around the room, and saw that everything was almost set up.

"Let's practice in the courtyard. No one should be there. That or only a couple of people." Merlin suggested. The group moved their instruments outside, and they began to play.

They practiced some songs that just repeated over and over. Merlin dismissed them after awhile and told them to set up. Merlin quickly blocked the pain in his shoulder, and ripped the bandages off so he was more free.

Merlin stood, and began to play. It sounded very clean and precise. It was very nice at the beginning. Merlin speed it up, and made it more playful. He switched between the two, and decided to keep playing classical music. He must have been loud because the people came out of their houses to watch. Soon Merlin had his own audience. Even some of the lords came out to see what was happening. Arthur joined the group, and soon noticed that it was Merlin playing the violin.

"Merlin?" Arthur spoke to himself. He watched as Merlin swayed to the music. Soon he picked up pace, and it became very lively. Merlin danced back and forth, but kept the notes clean. Soon the townsfolk took dancing partners, and danced in the courtyard. Arthur watched happily at everyone having fun. Gwen hooked her arm around Arthur's and dragged him out.

"Come on Arthur!" She exclaimed happily. Arthur soon mimicked the lively dancing, and everyone danced to the music. Some of the lords looked confused, some laughed, and others rolled their eyes. Arthur did not care. They would leave soon anyways, and he was having fun as it was. He switched partners, and danced with some of the other women. Merlin felt the pain, and he finished the last note. Everyone clapped for him, and Merlin blushed under the attention. Arthur came up to him and hugged him, keeping track of his shoulder still.

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