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The next morning, Merlin woke up early before the sun rose. He climbed into some thicker brown pants, thick boots, and a thin shirt with a thick black jacket that fit snuggly. He looked through the drawers, and found another black cloak with a hood. He tied it around his neck, and pulled the hood over his head.

Merlin grabbed a Quince fruit from Gaius's room quietly, and headed down the street towards the gates. Two knights stood there awake and on guard. They held their spears to Merlin, whose face was covered.

"Who are you?" One asked. Merlin peeled back his hood.

"I'm sorry to have alarmed you." Merlin apologized. The two lowered their spears.

"We're deeply sorry for that, sire." The other apologized.

"It's alright. No trouble. I will just be on my way now." Merlin said. He popped his hood back on, and the continued out of the city. The knights were confused, but just stood guard.

Merlin continued into the forest for about 10 minutes, and stood there.

"Ebony!" Merlin called out. He heard her thumping footsteps, and he saw her run to him in her natural form. She had some blood on her claws, probably from a stag.

"Hello there. Would you mind bringing me to the druid camps? I need to speak with them before I get tired again." Merlin asked. Ebony crouched down for Merlin, and then she set off. Merlin guided her to where he could feel the strong magic force. As they rode, Merlin watched the sun rose.

It was about a couple hours into their journey until Merlin found the camp. Clothes hung everywhere, as long as strips of cloth. Merlin jumped off of Ebony, and walked towards the camp. He was met with a couple women who were washing clothes in the stream.

"Emrys. Welcome back. The rest of the group is right ahead." One woman greeted. Merlin thanked her, and headed further. He finally was greeted with the many people walking around, dancing, cooking, or talking. Many heads turned, and greeted Merlin. The chief of the camp walked towards Merlin.

"Emrys. It's so nice to meet you. I go by Azerus. Please come with me." He ushered Merlin. Merlin followed him through the camp to a large tent, and walked inside. There were makeshift tables and chairs set up, and the more important druids of the camp among themselves. But once they were alerted of Merlin, they soon greeted him.

Merlin and Azerus sat down, and talked.

"Would you like some tea? Or some water? Or maybe something to eat." He offered. Merlin turned down these offers.

"I actually came for some answers. I believe you may know." Merlin asked. Azerus nodded, and let Merlin continued.

"A couple nights ago, I was struck down by many arrows. I went into a coma, and soon after I died. But then I came back. I thought maybe you would know how that would've happened. Or maybe I never died in the first place." Merlin asked.

"I thought you already knew about this, Emrys?" Azerus said confused. "You do know that you are immortal. As long as the druid race is alive, you will always come back from the dead." Azerus broke the news to Merlin. Merlin leaned back in the chair and rubbed his face. He was not told this.

"I'm sorry if I have upset you Emrys. I thought you already knew." Azerus apologized.

"Is there anyway to reverse this? To make me mortal?" Merlin asked. Azerus rose an eyebrow.

"You wish to become mortal?" He asked. Merlin looked him in the eyes.

"I apologize Azerus if it sounds selfish of me. It's just that I have found someone to love. They're mortal. I will be living past them, and my family and friends, too." Merlin apologized to him. He felt a bit selfish now.

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