A Wedding

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It was the day of the wedding, and Merlin was extremely excited. He got dressed in his all black outfit, and his mother looked divine in the fancy dress. Gwen got dressed in a nice dark purple dress, and she had Merlin's cloak all folded up.

Gwen explained to him how the ceremony would go, and what would happen. Gwen left the room, and retrieved a suprise for him. When she returned, a little girl with pure white hair and bright blue eyes was standing beside her in a bright blue dress.

"Ethel!" He exclaimed. She ran to him smiling, and Merlin opened his arms out to give her a hug. Thew popped into the room and watched them rejoin.

"She seems to still feel very connected to you." He commented. Merlin separated, and gave Thew a hug.

"Thank you for coming, and for bringing her." Merlint thanked. Ethel held onto his hand.

"No problem at all. The Moore family decided not to come. It seems that Mrs. Moore has finally gotten herself pregnant, so they are staying at the camp. But they give you thanks for bringing Ethel into their lives. They think having Ethel made her fertile." He told him.

"I am glad they are happy." Merlin said sincerely. He introduced Hunith to Thew, and he kissed her hand.

"It is lovely to see you Hunith. I ave always wanted to meet you." He said. He managed to make her smile and blush very slightly.

"The ceremony is about to start. We need to get down there." Gwen urged. Thew, Ethel, and Hunith walked in one direction to sit in the throne room audience rows, and Merlin followed Gwen another way to the entrance doors. Both Gwain and Percival were the ones to open the door.

"Don't be nervous Merlin. They will love you. And if not, execute them." Gwain joked. Merlin nodded, and they heard the light piano music play.

Both Percival and Gwaine opened the doors for Merlin, and he walked down the isle, with no cape draggin behind himself. Everyone stood to watch Merlin. Only one Lord from Arthur's side had joined the ceremony, and some friends of Arthur and some druids only Merlin had met were in the room. Hunith, Thew, and Ethel sat in the front row on his side. Merlin was especially amazed to see a familiar face in the front row. It was the blind man with no name. He sat in front wearing a brown wool cloak. Merlin looked at the thrones, and now saw two. Both made for Kings.

Merlin walked up to Arthur, who stood waiting, in his red Camelot cape. Gwen walked around the side, and handed the cape to the recorder.

Merlin made his way up the stairs, and stood in front of the priest, and beside Arthur.

"Merlin Emrys. Arthur Pendragon. We are gathered here today to witness the first royal Camelot marriage between a King and a Sorcerer. Before I start the ceremony, does anyone object to this marriage?" He asked. But no one dared utter a word. After a moment of silence, the priest continued.

"King Arthur Pendragon, son of Uther Pendragon. Do you take Merlin Emrys to be your lawfully wedded partner?" The priest read.


"And do you, Merlin Emrys, son of Balinor, take King Arthur Pendragon as your lawfully wedded partner?"


"Now by the grace of God himself, and by the grace of all that is lawful. I now wed thee, as King Arthur Pendragon, and Merlin Pendragon. You may now kiss your King." He concluded. Arthur leaned over, and they both kissed. Everyone cheered, and some threw flowers onto them. They seperated, and the preist continued.

"Now we will move on with your coronation as secondary King of Camelot."

Arthur walked to the throne on the left side, and sat down. Merlin now faced the priest.

"Do you promise to protect this kingdom, til your last dying breath? Do you promise to do anything for this kingdom as to save it? Do you promise to die for King Arthur, if given the chance? And finally, do you promise to help him lead the army into battle, if the occasiona ever were to arise again?" The priest asked.

"I promise." Merlin said shortly. The recorder walked up to his, and draped the black and red cloak onto Merlin's back, and tied it to his jacket. Merlin immedaitely kneeled down in front of the priest.

A servant walked up to the priest, and handed him another gold crown, identical to Arthur's, except the jewels were the color of the sea. A deep blue.

The priest laid the crown onto his head.

"Rise my child, and serve this kingdom. Til your lungs draw it's final breath." He commenced. Merlin stood, and walked over to his throne. The black cape drapped off.

"Long live the Kings!" The crowd cheered.

"Long live the Kings!" The servants joined in.

"Long Live the Kings!"

"Long Live the Kings!"

"Long Live the Kings!"

"Long Live the Kings!"

Arthur and Merlin leaned across their throne chairs, and kissed each other once more.

"Long live us." Arthur said.

"Long live us."

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