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The next morning, Merlin woke up refreshed and happy. Today was the last day of any major work. Arthur was almost done with all his first month duties as a king, and could soon deal with minor situations.

Merlin got dressed in a thicker green shirt, some black pants, and brown boots. He didn't feel like dressing up extra special, so he just went with casual clothes, and used some minor magic to warm himself since winter was finally falling.

Merlin headed down to the kitchens to fetch breakfast, and then walked back to Arthur. merlin noticed that since he had become king, the cooks act nicer to him, or at least show respect. Usually he was given dirty looks on his way to bring the meal.

Merlin opened the door and set the food on the table. Arthur was actually awake, and looking over some papers.

"Look at you. You're finally growing up." Merlin teased. Arthur cracked a smile.

"Yeah yeah, come here." Arthur said. He gave Merlin a quick peck on the cheek, and Merlin sat down to eat. Arthur joined him.

"So what papers were you looking at?" Merlin asked.

"Just some reports about the latest Morgana plans. I've got some spies hidden around, and they work well with the price of gold." Arthur said. Merlin nodded.

"So anything we should be worried about?" Merlin asked. Arthur shook his head.

"Mostly just small scale attacks. Like robbing some good merchants and trying to recruit the druids."

"The druids will never say no. They're belief is centered around what you and I can do together. We are different sides of the same coin. Without one, it's not a coin. Once I have the knights bring the news to everyone in the kingdom, the druids will move in from hiding. The words spreads fast, and I have fulfilled the prophecy." Merlin said, a bit boasting. He was proud of himself. He did so much, and got the be the lord and boyfriend of the king. What could be better?

"So you're not going to leave me to frolic in the fields with other sorcerers?" Arthur joked. Merlin got up, and kissed Arthur's forehead.

"I would never unless you were frolicking with me." Merlin told him.

Merlin collected the trays, and stacked the plates up. They headed to talk with the records keeper, and then returned to the ballroom.

The turn out was a lot larger than before. The word spread that the very king's second in command was a sorcerer, so the rest of the hiding magic users thought it was much safer to vet themselves.

"Thank you for showing up today. It will be swift. Give your full name, and what type of magic user you are. I will inspect you myself to asses your magic, and then you will move to the other side of the room. Easy enough. First person walk here." Merlin told them. It went quicker than before, and the people were almost done being vetted. A bright eyed boy, probably 18 years old, walked up to Merlin. He seemed very joyful, with outgrown blonde hair, green eyes, and a freckled complexion. Arthur and the recorder kept no reservations about him, but Merlin didn't like the feeling he gave off. He was a bit too happy.

Merlin looked at him for a moment, and walked closer.

"My name's John Sterl. I'm a self taught sorcerer." He told them. Merlin walked closer.

"Why did you decided to study and practice magic?" Merlin asked. Merlin had not asked his of any of the others, but he felt like he needed to ask this boy. It caught Arthur's attention, and he looked at the two.

"Well my father was a blacksmith, and as he grew older, he couldn't lift the materials very well. I was not a good blacksmith, and my strength was on the lower scale. I turned to magic to help me lift the objects for my father. He did not find out about it, and now I just use magic casually to lift heavier objects as a laborer, to help my village." He told Merlin. Merlin looked him up and down. He wasn't so sure.

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