Merlin and New Edicts

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Arthur watched as some of the knights started to open the gate. Arthur ran to see who it was, and saw Merlin fall flat. His body lay limp on the ground, covered in blood and arrows jutting out of his back.

"Merlin!" Arthur screamed. He ran across the opening gate, jumped the mote, and rushed to Merlin. He rolled him onto his side, and inspected the arrows. He had no idea if they were fatal, but Merlin was knocked out. Arthur slung Merlin over his shoulder, and ran back into the city. The knights closed the gates once he returned.

"Gaius! Quick I need you! It's Merlin!" Arthur yelled out. Gaius rushed out of a tent to Merlin. Both of them were soaking wet, and Merlin's blood was running down the street.

"Bring him in!" Gaius exclaimed. Arthur rushed inside, and laid him face down onto a cot. Gaius started preparing some water and potions. Arthur pulled out a nice, and carefully cut his jacket off, and slid the remains pieces of fabric off of the arrows.

"I need everyone to leave the tent. Don't come inside until we say so. Gwen you can stay with us." Gaius told everyone. They all left, and only Gwen, Arthur, and Gaius was inside.

"I can remove the arrows, but I don't know if I can heal him quick enough for him to live. He needs to be awake to heal himself, or he'll die." Gaius told Arthur. Arthur went pale.

"What do we do?" He asked.

"If you give me permission, I can wake him up with a spell. He'll be forced to endure whatever pain he is in, and heal himself. But I have no idea what will happen after. All the pain his body may endured might have done something to his nervous system. Even if he didn't feel the pain for awhile, his body acknowledged it." Gaius told him. Arthur thought about it for a moment. He knew that if he let Merlin bleed out, he would definitely die, but if he woke him up, he had a chance of being okay.

"Do it. Wake him up." Arthur told Gaius. He nodded, and pulled the arrows out. Arthur pulled his cloak and shirt off, and immediately started helping Gwen stop the bleeding. The arrows were keeping the blood from exiting, but without them, Merlin was bleeding out. Both Arthur and Gwen's arms were covered in blood. Gaius on the side was creating a potion. He then held his hands onto the goblet, and started muttering something. When he was done, he moved to Merlin.

"Keep your hands away." Gaius told them. They removed the towels, and Gaius stuffed Merlin's wounds with the weird paste. Gaius then placed his hands onto Merlin's back, and started saying an incantation. Thankfully the sound of the rain and panic outside made it impossible to hear Gaius mutter.

Merlin jolted, and groaned. Merlin tried to get up, but fell back down. He had tears streaming down his face from the pain and stinging from the paste.

"Heal yourself. Use every bit of power you have." Arthur rushed.

"I can't reach my back. I need to hold my hand over the wound to heal it." Merlin said shakily.

"Try to heal it without touching it. You practiced it once and were successful. Just concentrate Merlin." Gaius encourage him. Merlin nodded, and braced himself. He started muttering a spell with his eyes closed, and was straining.

No one touched Merlin as he concentrated. They saw rays of blue light shine out of his wounds, and saw them closing.

"Keep going Merlin. You're almost there." Gwen said. Merlin strained some more, and soon the mounds were closed. Merlin collapsed again, and was out like a light. Gwen immediately started to clean off the blood, and Gaius inspected Merlin's pupils and vitals.

"He's in a comatose state. I have no idea what will happen from here." Gaius told them.

"What does that mean?" Arthur asked.

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