Dear Ex-Best Friend's Diary

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BOOK: Dear Ex-Best Friend's Diary

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BOOK: Dear Ex-Best Friend's Diary

AUTHOR: @skizzzle

TITLE: I think your title is a little lengthy. I also don't think it adds much to the story.



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So I think that your summary gives away too much of the characters & your plot

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So I think that your summary gives away too much of the characters & your plot.

Here's what I recommend:

He made her happy when she thought that nothing could bring her joy. He made her day when everything else around her seemed to let her down.

But everything good in her life crumbled down, right?

At least she didn't think so until the unthinkable happened. He found someone, and he left her. Broken, lonely, and hopeless she turns to the diary he left behind for a place to spill her thoughts.

When he returns, he has three hundred unspoken messages for the three hundred days he was gone and learns he made the biggest mistake of his life.


That's what I would suggest but honestly who am I?


- Anushka: she's very intense. she takes a lot of things to heart. I kind of understand where she's coming from with Cam spending more time with Lana but shouldn't she also be happy that Cam is finding someone who makes her happy? She also seems immature.
- Cam: i think he's a jerk but i also think he's awestruck.
- Lana: why do people call her a hoe for having lots of boyfriends? doesn't it take two to tango? and i don't think people can "steal" people. people won't go if they didn't want to. she can't force cameron to spend time with her. she is a bitch, though.

RUSHED: I think it is a little rushed. One second Cam's her best friend and the next second they're not friends. I don't think people ever stop cold turkey like that, well maybe. I think that their fight at the roller skating rink could've been dragged out just for a little bit longer.

Also, I guess I missed the part where Cam's look alike and A talk. I don't think I really understand why he wrote a song about her? Maybe I just missed it.

PLOT: personally, I feel like this plot is a little cliche & predictable. It's the overworked mean girl bullies the depressed nerd that needs saving storyline.

DESCRIPTIONS: Your descriptions in the actual chapters (like not diary entries) could be improved. You don't go into detail drawing out their surroundings. I mean I can relate because I'm trash at that too.

Also, in your actual chapters you really don't need all capital letters to get your point across. It's just not necessary to the writing. You do a lot more telling than you do describing.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: I think that you have a relatable story going on. But I also think the plot is overused. This is probably because I didn't read enough of the book to see if the plot was what I predicted.

HOW FAR I GOT: I got to chapter 7

- was i hooked: at times, yes
- would i keep reading: no, this is just because i'm not really a fan of cameron dallas

ADVICE: keep writing and have fun:)

My questions for you:
- was this helpful?
- was i too harsh? sometimes I feel too brutal or not enough! just let me know.
- were you offended?

Please PM or comment if you have any questions about your review! You are free to request from me again! :)

Thank you,

— dreamfloats

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