Resilient ⊗

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BOOK: Resilient

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BOOK: Resilient

AUTHOR: mangoskies_

TITLE: I honestly think your title is nice. It's short and simple.

COVER: I love your cover! It represents your story so perfectly. It's simple but everything? 10/10! Did you make it?


So, I think that your summary is a bit, bland? I don't know the correct wording there, sorry

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So, I think that your summary is a bit, bland? I don't know the correct wording there, sorry.

Here's what I suggest (as I do in all of my reviews):

"Maybe it's the alcohol, or maybe it's because it's the end of the world, but I kiss him."

With an outbreak sweeping the nation, panic is spread in a rapid succession. Victoria Spencer is one of the lucky few who are immune to the epidemic that is taking the human population out by the hundreds of thousands.

The weird part is that everyone immune is a teenager.

Victoria finds herself being shipped off to a lab with the rest of the "Immunes" where scientists work hard day and night for a cure.

In the lab Victoria does what she needs to survive, even being immune to the disease Victoria learns that life without her family isn't always a life she wants to live. But when situations become more dangerous that ever anticipated, Victoria is determined pry secrets out of the government...even secrets she wasn't prepared for.


Then again who am I, just an amateur writer lol.

- Victoria: so I'm a little surprised she was so clueless/naive in the first chapter. Also, when she leaves her house in the second chapter, wouldn't she be more concerned with keeping her food/water safe? She is a teenage girl who just lost her family & sense of security so i guess technically she isn't going to be thinking the most logically. She also seems to lack grief for her sister. I think that maybe she's in shock. Her sister has been mentioned--her showing anger towards her mother--but I think that watching something as horrific as what happened to her sister would impact her a little more. Maybe she'd be seeing flashbacks of her sister tearing her own face off? & Jo dying right in front her and then having to bury her. With that scene with Dylan, I feel like that would've been a great place to have your character think about what she saw with her sister & Jo. It might've given her much more fear before she jumped into the pool. I understand her "I can't let him drown" because of the guilt she feels with Amelia, however. I think that was good. She's also a act first think later kind of girl.

RUSHED: I think that it's a little bit rushed? I like the fast pace though.

PLOT: your plot reminds me A LOT of The Maze Runner trilogy. Do I enjoy it? Yes. But it does give me The Maze Runner feels lol. You didn't give me much to work with in the four chapters, however.

DESCRIPTIONS: your descriptions are great. they really add to the story. you don't over describe or under describe.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was an easy read.
The biggest probably i have is that your character lacks the basic sense of fear/common sense, I guess. I'm not sure how to put it. She is bold & courageous . She's brave, but I think a lot more realistically she'd more fearful in this type of situation. However, that's just my opinion you don't have to listen to me haha

HOW FAR I GOT: chapter 4

- was i hooked: heck yes
- did i like it: yep
- would i keep reading: probably

ADVICE: keep writing!!!! you have a great story going for ya

My questions for you:
- was this helpful?
- was i too harsh? sometimes I feel too brutal or not enough! just let me know.
- were you offended?

Please PM or comment if you have any questions about your review! You are free to request from me again! :)

Thank you,

— dreamfloats

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