Bridge Jump

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I am, in no way, a professional. I give review on the basis of a reader and not as a writer. Please excuse the mistakes.

Book: Bridge Jump

Author: kaykay113226

See, before we proceed further, I would like to apologize. Like really. Deeply. I am so, So, so sorry for being so late. I cannot even. Ugh. I am not even good at apologizing. Lol.

Title: I honestly think that the title suits the story. The relevance of the title can be seen from the beginning. Its not one of those difficult words who make great impressions, but hey, simple things matter the most! So I think its simple, but spiced up. Great!

Summary: Look at the screenshot below.

Summary: Look at the screenshot below

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See, I like it. Its good. But the last sentence doesn't make sense? Is it only me? I think you meant to say but just as fast as life changes for the best, it turned worst. I am still a little confused though. Lol. Exams pretty much messed up with my head, I think. Hahaha. I like the summary. Its a short summary, suitable for a short story. Good job!

Chapter 1: Okay. I didn't know what I was expecting. Maybe some simple short story? I totally didn't expect a poetic one at that. Ah! I suck at poetry. Lol. But honestly, it was so easy to spot. I was like, If I could spot the poetry in this, anyone can. See, one thing I have noticed on wattpad is, many, and I mean many people, don't have a critical eye (I was at that stage before, I still can't analyse literature as well as others), so even if you write it in a subtle, poetic way I am not sure how many people would notice. Since this wasn't subtle but subtle at the same time, it was great. I was surprised.

Chapter 2: So I am liking how the story progresses. I can't comment about pace and all since this is a short story and it is meant to progress faster than a novel. Great job till here because I find it interesting, and since its super short, its easily readable.

Look at the screenshot below:

Look at the screenshot below:

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