Chapter 1

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       I suddenly wake up gasping for air my lungs felt like they were on fire with every breath I took. When I was finally able to calm down my breathing is when I realize the situation I am in and start to frantically look around but I'm just barely able to see anything at all.
     I call out to see if anyone else was in here with me but nothing. That's when I realize that I was in a metal box that's moving but I don't know if it's going either up or down but one thing's for sure it's moving way too fast. I tried yelling out for help again.
"Please somebody help me!"
     But no matter how loud I yelled no one was coming. I tried to stand up and look through some of the crates that were in here with me to see if I could use anything as some kind of weapon but because of how fast this thing was going I couldn't even stand up without falling. As time passed I started to get more and more scared I didn't know where I am or where I'm going and-
     That's when it hits me. I don't remember anything. I don't remember my friends, my family, where I'm from or how I got here heck I don't even remember my own name.
      Suddenly I hear loud sirens. I look up and see red flashing lights and more importantly a dead end. Judging by how fast this thing is going I instantly think that it's going to crash. I quickly head straight towards a corner of the metal box and sit down. I pull my legs up to my chest and put my head low I shut my eyes tightly and brace myself for impact, but it never comes.
     Everything suddenly goes dark again. I lift my head up and that's when a blinding bright light suddenly appears out of nowhere it takes me a second for my eyes to adjust. Suddenly I can hear doors opening and people laughing. When my vision finally starts to clear up I can see a few figures but I can't see anything specific yet. Suddenly I hear someone jumps in the box I was in.
     By this time my eyes have fully adjusted and see that it's a boy with sandy/ dirty blonde hair and brown eyes looking straight at me he's skinny but you can tell that he's strong. He looks a bit taken back when he sees me and just stares at me with wide eyes. Suddenly I hear someone else calling him.
"Newt what's taking you so long?"
     I look up and that's when I realize that I'm surrounded by a bunch of boys. I immediately start to tense up and start taking deep breaths trying to calm myself down. The boy who I'm assuming is Newt seemed to have snapped out of it. He yells out in a clear voice.
"It's a girl." The boys started an uproar and start hollering things such as...
"Is she hot?!?"
"I call dibs"
"You can't call dibs I call dibs"
"It's about time"
"We are going to have fun tonight!"
     I started getting more and more scared by their comments. Just what are they planning on doing to me? Are they going to kill me or worse are they goin-
     I was cut off from my train of thought when I hear Newt yell at the boys. It wasn't until now that I noticed that he has a heavy British accent. He then looks back at me and takes a step towards me and I flinch in response and he immediately notices.
"It's alright I'm not going to hurt you and I won't let any of these shanks hurt you either I promise."     
     He takes a few more steps towards me and holds his hand out for me to take. His eyes are so calming, his voice is so soothing, and his movements are so gentle. It almost makes me want to trust him 'almost'. I grab his hand and yank him towards me I quickly move out of the way and as he hits his head against the wall I was leaning against on.
   Is the only thing I hear from him the rest I just tuned out. I quickly get on top of one of the crates and jump right out of the metal box only to be met by more guys. I frantically look around some of them have unreadable expressions on their faces but a majority of them have huge grins and some are still hollering things at me.
     That's when I run.
     I notice that there are four giant walls surrounding this place my eyes finally land on a small opening. A way to get out of here. I hear the guys behind me still laughing and hollering things.
"We got a runner!"
   I don't really care though all I want is to get out of here as soon as possible. I'm only a few yards away from the gate when suddenly I get knocked down. The guy gets on top of me and pins both of arms down to the ground. It takes a second but I'm finally able to process what's going on. I frantically squirm in a desperate attempt to free myself from him but it doesn't do much. I soon realize that he isn't pinning down my legs. So I pull my right leg up against his stomach and use my all of my strength to flip him right off me.
     He lands right on his back and lets go of my arms. I get up again and turn only to see that my way out is now being blocked by a few guys. So I run to a different direction and I see another way and I quickly head towards it. But I'm not able to go far because before I knew it someone grabbed me from behind and lifted me up. I didn't know what to do anymore so I started kicking and screaming.
"SUELTA ME SI NO QUIERES MORIR!!!" (Let me go if you don't want to die)
     I unconsciously started yelling in Spanish and it definitely didn't go unnoticed.
"What the shucks are you saying Greenie?"
     Said the guy who was holding me from behind. I can't see how he looks like but I can tell that he's strong. Another guy comes up he's tall and has dark skin. You can tell that he's a leader of this place just by looking at him.
"What the shucks happened here Minho? And where's Newt?"
     By this point, I'm tired of trying to get away so I just stop squirming if they kill me then fine. The boy now known as Minho is still cautious about me so he just keeps his grip on me.
"Nothing Alby the new Greenie just went a little crazy and Newt is in the Med-jacks don't worry though its nothing serious."
     When Alby looks at me he's a bit surprised to see me but quickly hides it he then looks back at Minho.
"Put her in the Slammer that will give her some time to calm down."
"What? What's the Slammer?" Alby just looks at me and calmly says.
"Don't worry it's nothing too bad"
     He then walks off leaving me with Minho still holding me from behind. His grip is really tight to the point that it's starting to hurt me. He seems to notice and just sighs.
"Okay if I let you go do you promise not to run away or hurt anyone again?"
"Alright I promise"
     He then finally puts me down but firmly grips my arm. I then look at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh come on after what you did to Newt and Gally"
"So what is this place?"
"Ugh, this is usually Newts and Albys job."
"Oh come on just answer some of my questions"
"Fine since someone as small as you was able to beat Newt and Gally especially Gally then as a reward I'll answer three of your questions."
"Alright first question why can't I remember anything? I mean I can't even remember my own name."
"Don't know why we can't remember anything but don't worry you'll remember your name in a few days the creators at least let us remember that."
"Okay second question what is this place?"
"This is the Glade you'll get the tour of the place later."
"Now my last question. Where are the other girls?"
"There aren't any your the first one."
     With hearing that I got the urge to run away again but I couldn't since Minho had a tight grip on my arm. I'm terrified I don't trust anyone here but there is no way I'm going to show it. I decided that if I want to make it out of this alive then I have to stay calm and me freaking out won't exactly be much help to me. As I was thinking this Minho suddenly spoke up.
"So can I ask you some questions?"
"Sure but only three"
"Oh come on seriously?"
"Yes there goes your first question"
"Fine! Second question how the shucks did you hurt Gally like that? I mean I understand how you got Newt but Gally had you cornered I mean from where I was standing it looked like he had it all under control."
"I don't know instincts I guess. It just came to me like I've been in that kind of situation before."
"Oh okay now third question what the heck were you saying back there? When I finally got a hold of you started yelling out this whole other language me and everyone else were confused."
"I was speaking Spanish and I was saying let me go if you don't want to die."
"Ha! I find it hard to believe that someone as small as you can kill anybody." Kill... I don't know why but I got a very uneasy feeling when he said that.
     We didn't say anything after that the rest of the way we just stayed quiet. When we finally reached the Slammer I was relieved to see that it's just a small jail. Minho went over to it and opened it.
"Alright get in Greenie."
"Will you stop calling me that"
     I didn't care if I sounded harsh I was already at my breaking point and Minho sure didn't show any hesitation of pushing me further.
"Sure if you tell me your name right now then I'll stop calling you Greenie."
     He smiled but I just glared at him. It doesn't seem to have any effect on him so I just jump in without saying anything else. After that Minho closed the door and locks it. He then starts to walk away but before he does he tells me that Newt will come by later to give me the tour.

No Escape Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora