Chapter 16

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Emilie POV
"Good job you two just killed yourselves" I look over towards Minho but see that he isn't looking at me. I turn around and see that Thomas ran in here to.
"What?" He says sounding a bit surprised but more scared.
"And you..." Minho then turns and looks at me.
"What in the shucks name made you think that running in here was a good idea?!"
"I-I-I didn't..."
"Oh so something magically just made you run in here" He says sarcasticly.
"Yes... " Him and Thomas give me a confused look.
"What the shu-" Minho was suddenly cut off by a loud screch. He looks at the direction in which it came from and quickly stands up.
"Come on we gotta go!"
"Wait what about Alby?" I look at his unconscious body but he just ignores me until Thomas kneels next to Alby
"What happened to him?" Minho sits back down and leans against the wall.
"What's it look like he got stung"
"What happened to his head?"
"I did what I had to do"
     Me and Thomas look towards Minho and we instantly know what happened. We were about to stand up until we hear another loud screech but this one was much more closer than the last. Minho was standing up and takes a few steps ahead of us but me and Thomas stay where we are.
"Alright help me get him up" Me and Thomas were about to lift Abby up but Minho had other plans.
"We gotta go... " We both look up at him surprised.
"The maze is already changing" He said as he started to walk away from us.

"Hey Minho!" I say with anger but fear laced in.
"We can't just leave him here" With that he walks back over to us and helps us lift Abby up. Thomas and Minho rap Albys arms around them while I lift both his legs. Once we are sure we have a good hold on him we start moving. But we don't go far considering our situation. Finally Minho tells us to put him down for us to rest, but once we do we hear another loud screech.
"This isn't going to work! We gotta go! We gotta go!" Minho suddenly stands up and starts pacing around.
"Wait, wait, wait, we gotta do something we gotta hide him" Thomas says
"I don't know, Minho just think. Is there not a single place we can take him" In complete panic and rage Minho grabs Thomas by his shirt and pushes him to the wall.
"Listen to me shuck face take a look around! There is no where to go!" Minho then let's go of him.
"You don't get it we're already dead"

   Never once have I ever heard Minho sound so defeated. Night haven't even fallen in yet he's already given up. Finally letting myself give up I sit down next to Abby, hug my knees, and stare at the vines that covered a wall infront of me and that's when I get an idea.
"Um guys... " They both turn and watch me stand up and walk towards the wall and turn towards them.
"I have an idea"
     It was dark now but we managed to tie Alby up with the vines and pull him high up where hopefully the greivers won't get him. We were almost done but we needed to hurry before the greivers find us.
     As we were pulling the vine one of the walls of the maze started to slowly move distracting Minho.
"What are you doing?" Thomas asks.
"We gotta go! We gotta go! We gotta go now!" Minho says frantically once he sees a greiver close by.
"No no no no" Thomas says
"Minho we just have a little more and we'll tie it off"
"Stay with us Minho" Me and Thomas try our best for him to stay and help us. But it doesn't work.
"Sorry Greenie" Is all Minho says before he suddenly grabs me and runs. Making me leave Thomas and Abby to deal with the greiver on there own.
"M-Minho let me go! We need to go back and help them!" I try to reason with him but he isn't listening. I then try to get him to stop running or at least pull my wrist from his strong grip but it's no use. Suddenly he stops running.and tries to catch his breath. I take this chance and free myself for his grip.
"Well excuse me for trying to keep at least you alive" I look at him a bit taken back.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean knowing Newt he will be completely devastated if the only person that matters to him was taken by the maze and also Newt will most likely be the glades new leader he's going to need you by his side to support him" I didn't know what to say.
"Didn't think about that when you ran in here hug shucks face?" Minho says jokingly.
"I didn't run in here. I mean I did but I-"
"Had something control you. That it made you run in here" He gives me a serious look.
"You have a lot of explaining to do shank"
"Fine but only if we make it back in the glade" He nods.
"Fair enou-" I cut him off
"All of us" Indicating that we have to go back and help Thomas and Ably. Minho just sighs and looks over me and towards the direction we just came from.
"Alright fine but we have to hurry"
     We go back to where we left them and thankfully we find Alby up in the vines secure and safe. This is also tells us that Thomas got away on time.
"Come on Emilie let's go find that dumb shank"
     We start running again until we finally find him and a greiver right behind him but tangled in the vines. I have no idea how he did that, I don't want to know how, but I'm glad he did.
"Your a crazy son of a bitch!" Minho says to Thomas scaring him completely.
"Glad to see your okay Thomas" He looks at me and smiles.
"Glad to see your okay too"
"Yeah yeah we are all okay but we won't be for long if that thing catches us" We look towards the greiver and see that it's tearing up the vines that are restraining it.
"Follow me now come on" Minho then starts running and we follow close behind him. We keep running until we see a section of the maze starting to close.
"Okay its closing. Come on we can lose it down here!" We follow Minho and cross the closing walls or so I thought.
"Thomas?!" I yell out.
"Come on what are you waiting for?! Get out of there!"
     Thomas is still on the other side of the closing section and I didn't understand what he was doing until I saw the greiver and I instantly knew what he's trying to do.
"Come on!" Thomas yells out to the greiver while me and Minho watch in anticipation. Once the greiver is close enough he starts running, but by this point the walls are very narrow.
"Come on Thomas!" I yell out trying to encourage me and Minho joins in.
"Don't look back!"
"Move your ass!"
"Come on Thomas!" I finally yell out until he just barely makes it through and ends up crashing into me causing us both to fall to the floor.
"S-sorry" He says as he gets up and helps me up as well.
"Your good"
"Holly shucks Greenie" We look at the now closed section of the maze and see a greiver that is now completely crushed.
"Woah..." is all I can say. Minho just shakes his head and pats Thomas shoulder.
"You really are crazy shank" He then sits down on the floor.
"Come let's rest before we start moving again" As soon as he says this I quickly let myself rest.
     I am most definitely not used to running like this at all. My feet hurt after just a few hours of running. How can Minho and the other runners do this everyday?
"Damn Minho how can you do this everyday?" I ask as I rub my feet.
"You get used to it after a while. Why your already tired" I glare at him and he just laughs.
"Shut up idiot" We all start laughing until we heard a screech from greiver that was probably close by. Minho sighs and then stands up.
"Come on shanks we still gotta survive the rest of the night" Me and Thomas reluctantly stand up as well and start making our way through the maze.

Hello people I really hope you guys like this chapter. Be sure to leave a like/comment those really motivate me to write. Oh and be sure to check out the rest of my work especially my newest one Soldier.

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