Chapter 25

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Emilie P.O.V.
As we walk deeper into the room everyone starts scattering around out of curiosity. But as everyone started going to different directions I notice a cracked door. I was able to tell that it was completely dark but I could also see a small blinking red light in the darkroom. I look over to show Newt but he already went to look at the lab like everyone else. I began to make my way over to him but for some reason, I felt drawn to the darkroom and before I even realize it I was already at the door. I felt nervous for some reason though I didn't think much of it considering what we've been through today. I take a deep breath and push the door wide open and walk-in. I try to look for a light switch but I couldn't find anything. I eventually give up and look across the room and walk towards the only source of light in this room the small blinking red light. When I finally reach it I realized that it was a button and pressed it without giving it a second thought.
Suddenly one of the screens in the room turned on and it showed the same man from the previous video that was sent to me when I was in the glade. I was instantly able to recognize him and was stunned in fear. Just like the last video he is smiling and laughing with the audience. The video suddenly starts to automatically play not giving me a chance to run away and forcing me to finally face my past.
3rd P.O.V.
The host was sitting on one of the two chairs on the stage you could hear the audience clapping and cheering as if the greatest thing in the world just happened finally the host stood up with the biggest smile he could give and with that, the audience starts to quiet down.
"Now ladies and gentlemen not only is this year's Victor the youngest female to win but we have also watched her grow up into a strong independent young lady and finally we get to see her take her father's place" The host happily yells out and the audience once again start cheering.
"Ladies and gentlemen this year's Victor Emilie Martinez!"
The host and everyone in the audience stood up and started cheering and clapping for Emilie as she walked out onto the stage. She had a long blue dress with long sleeves, she had her hair up in some form of a bun with small flowers and green vines serving her as some form of a crown. Everyone was happy that she had survived everyone except her. She wasn't smiling, she wasn't cheering, her eyes didn't show any kind of emotion it was like she was nothing more but a zombie but nobody took any notice of that or just didn't care. Finally, she reached the center of the stage and the host gave her a quick hug and guided her to sit on one of the chairs.
"Well first of all congratulations on this year"
"Thank you" Emilie finally said. The host continued to ask her meaningless questions and Emilie answered them with not a hint of emotion until they reached a rather sensitive topic.
"Now Emilie during the entirety of the game you kept the youngest tribute Zenith Baldwin with you the entire time" When he said his name Emilie's eyes started to show sadness and remorse towards her friend.
"Now my question is why?" As soon as that question left his mouth her eyes quickly slowly looks up at him.
"W-why...?" She looked at Caeser with pure shock and confusion but it soon turned into pure anger.
"Why?!" She looked at Caeser in the eye as a tear finally slid down her cheek.
"Why not?! Is the real question he had a family to go back to, he was smart, he was caring, he was a kid who deserved to live a much better life than what he had back at home" She was shaking in frustration as her tears were streaming down her cheeks. Everyone including the host was surprised yet quite at her sudden outburst. Emilie looks behind her and sees not only Zenith's picture but as well as the other fallen tributes.
"And he wasn't the only one the other fallen tributes wanted to go back home too. They wanted to hold their loved ones again, they wanted to live out their dreams, they had bright futures but it was ripped away from them and all it took was a piece of paper with their names on it" She looked at Caeser and then at the audience.
"And all of you are here cheering and clapping as if this is something to be proud of. What if it was you who had to fight for your life, or your child, brother or sister, niece or nephew, or your grandchild" Everyone was silent some of them were even started to feel ashamed of themselves.
"Not only do you force the people in the districts to work to death but you leave us to starve, you destroy our homes, you keep us living in fear, and as if that wasn't enough you separate us from our friends and families... a-and make us fight and kill each other" Though tears were streaming down her cheeks her voice remained calm but it was filled with so much remorse as she started thinking about all the people she lost because of the capital but as these thoughts continued the more she started to speak her mind the less calm her voice became.
"W-w-why... why can't I just live a happy life..." She finally cries out.
Normally the people of the capital would have been infuriated with her but they've watched her grow since the day she was born. They all came to love and care for her as if she was their own child and couldn't stand to watch her cry and eventually everyone in the audience start to cry as well.
"I'm so sorry Emilie we had no idea you felt this way" Ceaser finally said after a long moment of silence.
"But look at the bright side at least you get to see your brother once again as well as being able to live at ease once again" Emilie finally looked up at Ceased.
"You will never have to suffer ever again" And at that moment she realized two things. One that she will never be able to make the people of the capital see how dark and awful the hunger games and the districts truly are at least not by herself and two is that what she has said and done on this stage has sealed her faith for better or for worse.
"Am I right ladies and gentlemen?" Ceaser said with a toothy smile trying to take back control of the audience.
"We won't let our little girl continue to suffer like this!" Once he said this the audience once again started clapping and cheering.
"We will make sure she lives a long and happy life even if it's the last thing we do!" The audience's cheer and clapping got even louder with this.
"Starting with this! Ladies and gentlemen the Victor of the 72nd annual hunger games Emilie Martinez!" The entire audience stood up and if it was even possible cheered even louder for this year's Victor.
Emilie POV
"Ladies and gentlemen the Victor of the 72nd annual hunger games Emilie Martinez!" Emilie looked at the screen in complete shock she didn't know what to say or do. Suddenly the headache she had from the first time she watched a video came back but it was ten times worse than before it was too much for her to bear.
"So how does it feel?" I asked my brother Daxten as we were making our way towards where the annual reaping is being held.
"How does what feel?" He asks me as he gives me a quick glance.
"How does it feel to not be part of the reaping anymore" I stretch my arms and look up at the clear blue sky.
'Even though today is such a terrifying day the sky still somehow remains to look bright and beautiful'
"Honestly..." I look back at my brother and wait for his response.
"... I'm actually still really scared... I mean you and Eva's names are still in there so until you two are no longer qualified I'll continue to worry" I give him a sad smile as I look at him and was about to say something to comfort him.
"HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He suddenly grabs me and puts me in a tight headlock and gives me a noogie.
"So you better not get chosen in the reaping and you better hurry up and grow up so I don't look like an old man when you get out" I was able to push him off of me and rub my head.
"Idiot do you have any idea what they would do to me if I didn't dress according to the dress code!" I yell at him as I try to fix my hair but it didn't seem to faze him as he continued to laugh.
"Relax I didn't mess up your hair" He continued to laugh but he suddenly stopped when we finally reached our destination.
I take some deep breaths to try and keep myself calm but no matter how many times I go through the reaping I always get scared especially knowing that they might try to rig it so they can pull out my name just because our dad was a victor. He lays his hands on both my shoulders and gives me this serious yet gentle look.
"Hey calm down it'll be just like last time they'll pick some other random girl and you and I will go back home as if nothing ever happened okay" Even though Daxten sounded calm and confident I knew that he had the exact same fears as me.
"It'll be okay..." He pulls me into a tight hug and kept repeating these words as if praying and begging to some God to grant us this miracle.
It was the usual routine they check me in, put me in line with the other girls that are my age, and make us watch the same annoying video on how we should be grateful towards the Capital. Finally, a strange lady walks in front of the microphone and begins to speak.
"Welcome, welcome now it is time to choose one courage man and woman to have the honor of representing District 10 on this 72nd annual hunger games..." She looks among the crowd as if expecting us to clap but we just stand there and desperately hope it isn't us who gets picked.
"Now as always ladies first"
I instinctively hold my necklace, close my eyes, and hold my breath as she makes her way towards the giant bowl on the right side of the stage with all of the girl's names on it. She digs deep and moves her hand around as if trying to kill us with the suspense. Finally, she picks a piece of paper, makes her way back to the microphone, and unfolds it.
"Emilie Martinez"
I slowly open my eyes and see that everyone is looking at me some completely relieved and others with pity. I wanted to scream, cry, and most of all run but it would all be pointless. I slowly start making my way out of the group I was put in and was soon surrounded by four soldiers dressed in a white uniform so that I wouldn't escape and just pushed me towards the stage. I tried to look back towards Daxten but they just turned my head around and kept moving forward until we finally reached the stage.
"My oh my isn't this exciting ladies and gentlemen we have one of our beloved victors daughter. Aren't you excited Emilie?" She points the microphone towards me but I can't bring myself to say anything because I know as soon as I open my mouth I know I'll break down crying. She soon realizes that I wasn't going to say anything and continues.
"Look at you, you're so excited you can't even talk and now for the boys", She does the same thing she did for the girls and makes her way back to the microphone with a neatly folded piece of paper.
"Zenith Baldwin" A little boy who seemed much younger then I was soon surrounded by the four other soldiers and was forced to make his way up the stage as well.
"Ladies and gentlemen our tributes from District 10" She then guides us to shank hands.
"Happy hunger games and may the odds be ever in your favor"
We were quickly escorted onto the train and were introduced to our two mentors though I already knew them from when I lived in Victors Village.
"Now Emilie I'm sure you're already aquatinted with these two as for Zenith this Maria Gonzales our victor from 55th annual games and Fausto Corona our victor from the 30th annual games" Zenith nervously shakes their hands and then the two victors look at me.
"Fausto look at her. Emilie, you've grown so much since we last saw you" She opens her arms waiting for an embrace, but I just glare at her and quickly walk past her and Fausto.
As soon as we reach the Capital we were quickly escorted out of the train and into a room where I am soon being washed and prepped for my stylist. As soon as they are done I was sent into a room and told to wait for her. After a few minutes, the door opens
"A-alvinal what are you doing here" I give her a confused look.
"Surprise surprise not only am I your escort but I'm also you're stylist" I don't say anything and just nod.
"Now I have a vision and that is to make you two the cutest tributes this world has ever seen..." She looks off into a distance as if already imagining her vision of us.
'Oh boy...'
"This is stupid why do we have to wear these embarrassing outfits" I complain as I try to adjust the cow costume so that I can at least feel comfortable.
"I know and everyone is going to see us in this" Zenith complains along with me.
"Oh, you two stop it. You're the youngest tributes this year I have to let everyone know about your precious youth" She tries to explain but we just ignore her.
"Keep running!" I cried out desperately as a held onto Zeniths hand as we ran away. We kept running until we were suddenly ambushed by someone who was covered in dirt and blood. He grabbed me and pinned me to the ground.
"I GOT YOU NOW!" He pulled out his knife and was about to stab me but I was able to grab his hands and tried to push the knife away from me.
"EMILIE!" Luckily he didn't grab Zenith but out of the corner of my eye, I could see him just standing there and watching in horror.
"HURRY UP AND GO!" I yelled out.
"Bu-" He tried to protest but I didn't let him.
"I SAID GO!" He stood there for a few more seconds he looked like he wanted to cry but he eventually climbed up a tree and ran far away from here.
Though I was able to stop it for a moment I can't hold on forever, slowly but surely his knife was starting to make its way into my chest to the point where blood was starting to be drawn out.
"Stop resisting and this will be over quick-" Blood was starting to be drawn out.
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!" Someone else yells out. He kicks the guy off of me and roughly grabs me by my shirt. I finally look up and see that it's Ace the leader of the career pack.
"We need her alive if we have any chance of catching that stupid brat" He pushes me towards the three other members of the alliance. I tried to run away but they quickly grabbed me by my arms and pinned them to my back.
"Hurry up and tie her up" He then looks at me and gives me a disgusting grin.
"We're about to give the Capital a grand show"
It was late at night when they finally finished beating me they tied my hands behind my back and leaned me up against a tree. I'm wet, tired, and covered in my own blood but that's the least of my concern. I look up and see at Ace and see him watching me as well while everyone else is asleep.
"I know you guys aren't just keeping me alive just so you can entertain the Capital so tell me what's your real reason" I glare at him but he just gives me a cocky grin.
"You don't know? I don't say anything and just keep glaring at him.
"Huh... I guess you aren't as smart as the Capitol made you out to be"He looks slightly disappointed and finally glares at me but it doesn't last long.
" Unless... You're just pretending to play dumb like you usually do at the Capitol"
"I'll admit catching one of us and using us to lure the other out is impressive" He didn't change his expression and continued looking at her.
"Now let me ask you something. Why are you helping that little brat?" I look at him completely taken back I wasn't expecting him to ask me this and just look to the ground.
"Because he's just a kid, he shouldn't have to fight, he deserves to live" I finally look back up at him with a serious look.
"Just like you, me, and everyone else who's been forced into these stupid games" He had a sad look in his eyes but it quickly vanished as soon as it came.
"Yeah but that's life for you there's nothing else we can do but be forced to obey them" I was surprised I wasn't expecting him to express anything at all.
"You know it doesn't have to be this way. I'm sure if we work together then we can find a way to stop the games" I tried to convince him but it seemed to come to no avail.
"So you want to revolt against the Capitol. It'll be pointless there is no way to stop the games. Besides the last time the districts fought, they almost destroyed everything and everyone. We are already suffering why make matters worse?" He gave me a serious look while I just give him a confused look.
"Revolt? I'm not talking about going against the capitol"
"Well, that's how it sounds like. Just imagine if more than one tribute lives it would be like we're defining the Capitol and if we do that it'll just encourage the districts to do the same thing. Heck, you're defying the Capitol right now" I don't say anything because I don't know what to say.
"Talking about how we all deserve to live and how we can stop the games... I'll admit it all sounds nice and all but it's an impossible dream" He turns back and looks at the fire as if finished with the conversation.
"I know this. I know it's impossible but... what's the point if we don't try. I mean we're all screwed anyway"
He doesn't turn back towards me and just keeps looking at the fire with an annoyed look. He opened his mouth and was about to say something but he was interrupted by a loud rustling noise. He grabbed his spear and slowly got up while waking up the others. Once they were fully awake he gestured them to be quiet and to follow him. But as soon as they left I heard a loud thump and I instantly knew who it was.
"Zenith hurry up and get out of here! They'll be back any minute!" I whisper towards him but he wouldn't listen.
"Not without you" Is all he says as he quickly undid the rope around my hands. We quickly got up and we're about to climb up a tree but I heard a small snap and quickly pushed us out of the way. Next thing we know we saw an arrow on the tree right where we just were.
"Man I was so close but no matter I still have a chance of making a shot" I look up and see that it's Ace and the rest of the alliance members. He pulls out another arrow and positions it. I quickly grab Zenith and push him behind me so he wouldn't be hit.
"Ace it doesn't have to be this way" I try to convince him one last time.
"We can stop this all of this and you know it. We can end these games once and for all and save everyone in the districts" He doesn't say anything and just aims his arrow at me.
"There's a chance that we can live. There is always a chance..." His eyes were cold and expressionless.
"It's impossible... It's impossible at least for us it is"
He then quickly aims his bow towards one of his teammates and shoots them right at their chest. Everyone was taken back by his sudden attack but his teammates tried to compose themselves and fight back but they were too slow and before they knew it they were already lying on the ground dead. Me and Zenith silently watch him as he's standing over his former teammates and quietly mumbles something towards them and hear two canons go off.
He then looks up at me and Zenith with murderous eyes and makes his way towards. I couldn't move, he just killed his own teammates in cold blood and I don't even know why. I was stunned with fear and I couldn't fight back or run away so I just stood there with my eyes closed shut waiting for my fate but if never came. I slowly open my eyes and see him glaring at me with his hands in a very tight fist as if restraining himself from hurting me and Zenith.
"You better keep your word and make things better for the districts" I just looked at him with wide eyes not sure what say.
I wanted to open my mouth and say something but for some reason, I just couldn't. Suddenly we feel the ground beneath us start to violently shake. We all look up and see a large mass amount of water quickly making its way towards us.
"RUN!" Ace yells out and not needing to be told twice I quickly grab Zeniths hand and the three of us quickly try to escape the sudden flood.
We soon found a tall tree that looked like it could withstand the flood and without giving it a second thought we climb it.
"Hurry up and climb!" Is all I say.
The three of us were climbing up the tree trying to get as high as possible. Though it had only been a few minutes it felt like hours as we made our way up but eventually we were able to reach a certain height where the flood wouldn't be able to hurt us. We were tired, bruised, scratched, and hungry but at least we were safe for the night. As we were climbing up the tree trying to find a good spot to sleep Zenith unknowingly placed his foot on a weak branch causing it to break instantly.
"EMILIE!" He yells out as I helplessly watch him fall into the water.
"ZENITH!" I yell out and try to jump in after him but Ace quickly realized what I was about to do and quickly restrained me.
"LET ME GO! LET ME GO! I NEED TO I-I NEED TO-!" I cry out as I desperately try to loosen his grip on me.
"AND WHAT?! YOU NEED TO WHAT?! DIE TOO! HE'S GONE NOW THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO AT THIS POINT!" He screams at me as hot tears are quickly sliding down my cheeks.
"NO HE ISN'T THE CANON HASN'T GONE OFF YET" I scream back at him but he just looks at me.
"There is nothing you and I can do for him now. Our only goal now is for you to keep your word and that means for you to be the new Victor" I stopped struggling in his grip and just look at him stunned not believing what he said.
"What...?" Is all I say as he let's go of me and looks at me with sad eyes.
"Don't let our deaths be in vain" Is all he says as he lets himself fall into the rapid flood.
"ACE!!!" I cry out.
I desperately try and look for him but I soon hear one of the canons go off. I instantly knew what it meant but I didn't want to think about it. I didn't want to think about one of the two boys were forever gone from this world. I didn't want to think that Zenith a young boy who I saw as a little brother was gone and even though I didn't know Ace well I thought that we could have been great friends. I didn't want to think either of these boys had gone from this world especially since they both had such a bright future.
For the first time since the games started, I cried. I cried for Zenith, Ace, and everyone else who has had an awful death because of these games including my own parents. Everything that I have been holding back since way before I was chosen I was finally crying out. As time passed the rapid flood started to slow down and it eventually stopped leaving nothing but the destruction behind. I quickly make my way down from the tree and quickly start looking for Zenith and Ace.
"ZENITH! ACE!" I desperately cry out as I aimlessly wander around the arena. I had no idea how long I was searching but I knew I would never stop until I find one of them alive. As I am continuing my search I suddenly start hearing a sound I know much too well. It was the mocking jays copying the code me and Zenith made for each other. Without giving it a second thought I quickly run towards the direction of the mocking jays singing and I soon see Zenith laying on the floor.
"ZENITH!" I yell out as I quickly run towards and fall to my knees as soon as I'm in front of him. He was severely bruised and cut and could even tell that he had some broken bones.
"Emilie...." He weakly called out my name as he tried to move but I quickly stop him.
"Please don't move I don't want you to get worse" I whisper at him as I to do everything I can to hold back my tears.
"I guess this is it huh? Well, it won't be so bad at least I get to see my mom again" He tries to say with a smile but the tears sliding down his wet cheeks give him away.
"D-don't you dare say that! You're going back home with the rest of your family okay!" I try to lecture him but he either ignored what I said or just didn't hear me.
"Though I'm happy I'm going to see mom again I am sad that I won't be able to see the rest of my family or any of my friends for a long time" I knew he was scared and I knew of what's soon to come is inevitable so I used every last bit of strength I had left and held back my tears and held his hand, stroked his curly hair, and quietly listened to him talk.
"I'm also really going to miss you... you're like a big sister to me..." The hand I was holding was in a right first and he released it and I soon felt him place something on my hand.
"I'm sorry it isn't much but I really wanted to thank you for everything you did for me... for helping me... protecting me... being my friend..." His breathing started to slow down and his eyes started to close.
"...and big my big sister..." With that, his eyes fully closed and his breathing completely stopped.
"Zenith..." I whisper as I finally released my tears. I knew that he was gone forever I knew that he wasn't coming back but for some reason, I couldn't comprehend that.
"C-c-come on get up... we need to go now..." I place my hand on his cheek as I continue to hold his hand with my other hand.
"Please, they'll be here soon to get us out of here..." I continue my pleads but it was met with nothing.
"Come on please wake up..." I then felt a strong gust of wind and I knew they were here to get me. I heard them land and heard them opening the door for me to go inside but I refused to leave without Zenith. Once they realized this I heard loud footsteps heading towards us.
"Come on let's go" I heard an all too familiar voice.
"Not without him Maria..." Is all I say as grip onto Zenith hand.
"I know it's hard but we have to go now..." Her voice sounded sweet yet sad and even though I knew I had no other choice but to leave yet I still refused.
"Not without him..." Is all I say as more tears start to rapidly slide down my cheeks. I then felt her kneel down and rub my back in an attempt to comfort me.
"I know it's hard but you still have family waiting for you back home..."
I automatically started thinking of my brother. I kiss Zeniths forehead and tightly squeeze his hand one last time before I take a deep breath and let go of his hand as I stand up and head towards our ride home all while I tightly grip onto the gift he gave me without even looking at it. I didn't look at it for the rest of the time I spent at the Capitol. I just kept it in my pocket or in my hand tightly gripping on it terrified to lose it.
It's funny actually I'm too scared to look at it because it will remind me if him yet I'm too scared to lose it because I don't want to forget him. He deserved to live and not only him but everyone else that died in that arena they all deserved to live. Finally, after what felt like years I finally made it back home, when I got off the train it wasn't like the previous times when someone came back home this time everyone was devastated over what happened at the end of the games and at the interview. Everyone was looking at me saddened over what I had to go through but also with deep respect over what I did. I suddenly hear someone whistle the same song Zenith used during the games for us to communicate with each other with the Mockingjays and the next thing I know everyone kisses three of their fingers and put it up in the air. As if mourning his death and giving him and everyone who died in these awful games respect. I wanted to cry right then and there I should've been the one to die not him but I was able to hold back my tears and do the salute as well to honor him and the fallen tributes.
Once the crowd dispersed me and my brother were soon escorted to our new home where all the victors live. Daxten tried to act like his cheerful usual self but I knew deep down that things will never be the same. We both knew that we have to be careful on what we say and do or else we would end up with the same fate as our parents or even worse.
"NNNOOOOOOO!!!" I quickly sit up in bed as I woke up from my nightmare in a cold sweat as tears continue to rapidly stream down my cheeks. I was heavily breathing as I took in my surroundings. It took a little bit to register but I eventually realized that I was in my new room.
"EMILIE!" I hear Daxten yell out as he rushes towards me.
"Are you okay?!" I look at him once he reaches my room, his eyes were wide open filled with fear and worry that something might've happened to me.
"Yeah... I'm fine it was just a nightmare" I whisper. I knew that it was just a nightmare but I knew that these nightmares are just the beginning of my personal path to hell.
"You want me to stay with you?" He looks at me with eyes filled with sympathy and sadness. I silently nod and Daxten makes his way over to me and gives me a tight hug as my tears continue to slide down.
"I miss him..." I cry out.
"It should've been me not him and now because of me he's gone!" I feel Daxten tighten his arms around me as if trying to protect me from anything and everything.
"It's not your fault... I know Zenith was happy that you won and I know that he would have wanted you to live too. It's true all of the fallen tributes deserved to live a happy long life... but so do you..." Daxten then releases one of his arms and rummaged through my drawer.
"Here I know you've been avoiding it but I know he would be very happy if you kept it close to you that way he can protect you this time" He places the small object on the palm of my hand and just by the texture I instantly knew that it was Zeniths gift before he passed. With great grief and fear I looked down on if and see a small light pink rock.

No Escape जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें