Chapter 11

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3rd POV
"You didn't protect me"
"Huh?! who's there?!"
Newt looks at his surroundings and realizes that he's back in the maze.
"You didn't protect me"
"Emilie is that you?!"
He instantly recognize Emilie's voice and starts running through the maze as fast as he can trying to find her. He tried calling her name but she only repeated the same response.
"You didn't protect me"
Finally after taking many turns he finds her standing up straight her hair covering part of her face but is still looking at him with an emotionless expression. He stand just a few feet away from her.
"You didn't protect me. Why didn't you protect me?"
     He was about to walk closer to her but for some reason his body wasn't responding he couldn't move at all.
A Griever was lurking in the darkness right behind her. Going completely unnoticed by either of them.
"Emilie we can-"
"You didn't protect me"
     She cut him off with the same sentence but this time louder then the other times and loud enough to catch the Grievers attention.
"I trusted you and you betrayed me Newt. Why?"
     He tried to speak to her but she cut him off again. He couldn't say or do anything other than look at her with complete guilt.
"I trusted you and told you everything yet you betrayed me and told everyone"
"Emilie I-"
"Your a lier"
     The Griever slowly crept its way towards Emilie once it was close enough it raised its spikes. Finally her eyes meet with Newts. Her expression finally carrying an emotion.
"I hate you"
     The monster throws its spike at her and strikes her in her mid back that ends up going right through her. The Griever releases her and disappears back into the darkness.
     Once it's gone realization finally sinks into him. Newt runs towards her side and sinks to his knees completely ignoring the pool of blood he pulls her on to his lap. Her lifeless body hangs limp and her eyes remain wide open and stare into nothing.
"E-E-Emilie c-come on love"
He gently nudged her refusing to believe that the girl he loves is gone forever.
He nudges her again.
He starts to breath heavily and buries his face into her neck and finally letting his tears fall.
"Emilie... p-please don't leave me"
Newt suddenly wakes up and takes deep breaths. After a few moments he finally calms down a bit and realizes that he's tightly wrapped in a warm embrace and that his face is buried into someone's chest.
Emilie gently pulls away from him a bit to get a good look at him with her adoring eyes that carry so much love for the young man. She cups his cheek and gently wipes away his tears with her thumb.
"E-e-Emilie y-your okay?"
"I'm fine Newt don't worry it was just a bad dream"
She pulls him back into her arms and strokes his hair an attempt to calm him down.
It doesn't take long for Newt to respond. He raps his arms around her waist and tightly holds her against him. Finally letting his tears fall against her shoulder.
"Thank goodness you're okay"
He gently whispers. Emilie tightens her grip on him and kisses his soft hair.
"It's okay Newt we're okay we're okay"
     It took a while but with Emilie by his side slowly but surly Newt was able to fall back into a deep slumber.
Emilie POV
     It was the end of the day. All of the slicers have already left except for me I stayed behind to feed the remaining animals and secure their pen. It isn't until when I finish feeding the last of the animals is when I notice Gally coming over.
"What do you want Gally?"
     I say with annoyance evident in my tone but it doesn't do much he just keeps glaring at me.
"Your wanted in the gathering"
"The gathering? Um sure just let me-"
     While I was in the middle of securing the gate to one of the animals pen Gally yanks me towards him and tightly holds both my arms behind my back.
"Let me go!"
     We started walking towards the homestead.
"Why are you doing this?! I didn't do anything wrong!"
"We'll see about that"
     I try to shake him off of me but that just makes him tighten his grip on me even more.
     When we reach the homestead I see Newt, Alby, Minho, and the rest of the keepers of the glade. When they see us Newt was about to say something but Minho beats him to it.
"Woah woah Gally we told you to bring her not restrain her"
     Even though Minho says this Gally still doesn't let me go and if it's even possible he tightens his grip even more.
     I start squirming because it's actually starting to really hurt me and it doesn't go unnoticed.
"Let. Her. Go"
Newt says to Gally in a low threatening voice with that Gally shoves me away making me trip and fall but Newt catches me before I hit the floor.
     I mutter a quick thank you to him and then look down and notice the bruises that are starting to form. Newt gently stroke my arms where my bruises are and gives me an apologetic look. He then redirects his eyes anD glares at Gally where as he was already glaring at us. Newt was about to walk over to him but before he could Alby started the gathering.
"Alright everyone lets begin"
Everyone but Newt goes and sits down.
Newt looks back and sees Alby do a quick motion with his head that tells him to go sit down. Newt looks back at me and reluctantly goes and sit with the keepers. Alby walks up to me and points to a chair on the other side of the room.
"Go sit over there"
     I just nod and keeping a blank expression. Alby gives me reassuring pat on the back then goes and stands in the center of the room where as I go sit where everyone can see me.
"Alright I'd like to start this gathering with Winston since he's the one who called for this gathering"
     I whip my head towards Winston surprised to see that he's the one who called for me here since he asked for this meeting. I watch him stand up and walk towards the center of the room while Alby goes and sits down.
"Alright this shank right here"
Winston says while he pointing his thumb at me.
"Has done something that I don't want to go unnoticed"
Almost everyone in the room looks at me surprised except for about 3 people including Gally smirking at me. I rack my brain trying to figure out when I did something wrong but I couldn't think of anything. I wanted to say something but I remembered Winston telling me if you are ever brought into a gathering then bit your tongue and don't say anything but alas I didn't listen.
"Hold on Winston I never did anything wrong. I did my part, I never hurt another glader no matter how much I wanted to, and I never set foot in the maze"
I said in a confident voice but Winston just turns to me and smirks.
"I never said you did"
Then why am I here? I thought to myself as I waited for him to continue.
"She's barely been here a month but she's already worked harder then any of my other slicers and for that I want her to be co keeper of the slicers with me"
With that some cheered while others rejected the idea of making me a keeper as for me heck I was just relieved I wasn't in trouble but I was still surprised I knew I was a hard worker but I didn't think my hard work would nominate me to become a co keeper.
Before I knew it everyone except for the two leader started arguing. Half of them on supporting on making me one and the other half completely rejecting it.
I wasn't hurt or offended when I saw my friends frypan and Zart rejecting the idea of making me a keeper. I mean I understand why I'm still new here and it might be too much for me. They are just thinking of what's best for me and the glade that's all. While Minho and Winston are completely supportive of it.
As for me I was neutral if they decide to make me co keeper of the slicers I'll do my best and if they don't then oh well it's an honor to be nominated I guess.
Nobody stopped arguing until Alby finally told everyone to calm down and allowed Winston to continue talking.
"I know she's barely been here a month but hear me out. On her first day on working as a slicer she knew exactly what she was doing and after she became an official slicer the animals have been healthier and better secured, there have been a lot less injuries for the slicers"
"You got that right"
Jeff the keeper of the med-jack said in which everyone laughed easing the tension a bit.
"When I go and do other things I always leave her in charge she even taught me easier and better ways to slice the animals besides she'll only be co keeper meaning me and her will be sharing the responsibility for the slicers so she'll have me to show her the ropes of a keeper. I know she's still new here but I know for a fact that she will do a great job as a keeper for the slicers"
From the looks of it I think Winston converted some of the guys who rejected the idea to agreeing on turning me to co keeper. Winston was about to go back and sit down until Gally spoke up.
"Oh what a load of klunk"
We all turned to look at him.
"Do you honestly believe this she's barely been here a month and she's already being nominated for becoming a keeper. I bet you that she slept with you just so you could help convince us to turn her into a keeper.
He says while gesturing to Winston while glaring at me.
"Excuse me"
I say completely showing my complete anger towards him.
"You heard me I bet you slept with him just so you could become a keeper"
I didn't say anything I just walked up to him and stopped when was only a few inches away from him. He was at least one foot taller then me but that didn't stop me before I knew it I punched him square in the jaw knocking him down to the floor.
For a moment everyone just stood there stunned including me. I know for a fact that I'm not a violent person because in my time here most of the guys always given me rude and sexist comments but I never said or did anything to them I would usually just ignore them and walk away but what Gally said to me just pissed off.
When Gally registered that I just punched him he quickly got up off the floor and was about to punch me back but before he could Minho and Frypan held him back.
He was really mad I think some of the guys were scared of him at this point since the ones that were sitting near him stepped away from him. But I wasn't scared of him I didn't wince or move when he was about to hit me. I still stood where I was and spoke in a calm tone but with anger evident in it.
"I may be a lot of things but I know for a fact that I am not a slut. I would never go sleeping around just to get things if I want something then I work for it. I would never do something like that to myself or Newt you got that"
     With that I turn around and sit back down. Gally then turns to Alby.
"Alby she just broke a rule!"
     Alby crosses his arms over his chest and then turns to me a gives me a stern look.
"One night in the slammer no food or water"
     I just nod there was no point in arguing and I didn't want to argue
     Alby turns back to Gally.
"You did to shank"
     He says while gesturing to the bruises open my arms.
"So unless you want to spend a night in the slammer too then I suggest you shut up"
     Once Gally sat back down everyone else did to. Once everyone has settled down Alby turns to Newt.
"What do you think?"
     Newt stops leaning against the pole and stands up straight gives me a quick glance then turns back to look at the keepers.
"Emilie is a very hard worker and she has helped improve the slicers in many ways"
     He stops for a moment and looks at me again but a bit longer then the last time and then back towards the crowd.
"But she's still new here so I say no on this"
     Everyone then turns to look at me waiting to see if I'll cry or yell at him for not wanting his own girlfriend to be a keeper but I didn't do anything like that. I just shrugged at them like what do you want me to do. Everyone turned there attention back to Alby when he spoke up.
"Alright lets settle this on a vote. All who want her to become co keeper of the slicers raise your hand"
     Seven people people raised their hands supporting the idea of making me co keeper five of them being Minho, Zart, Jeff, Winston, and Alby
"All oppose"
     Five of them raised their hands Newt being one of them. I wasn't mad at him or anything like that he's the second in command he has to do what's best for the glade. With that the final decision was made.
"From here on Emilie will be co keeper of the slicers. She will begin her duties as after she's done her time in the slammer"
     Everyone except for Gally stood up and started congratulating me for becoming a keeper. Until we heard shouting and squealing we all worriedly ran outside only to see four of our pigs either chasing or running away from the gladers. Winston looks at me not mad but surprised and confused to see them out.
"Um... Emilie I thought you secured the pens"
"I was but while I was securing the pigs Gally pulled me away before I could finish"
     We all turn and glare at Gally since it was his fault that this happened. I turn back and look at the chaos these pigs are causing and just sigh.
"Come on Winston let's catch them before Helga catches Chuck"
     I say while watching Chuck run away from from our biggest pig Helga, man for such huge pig she sure can run. Me and Winston were about to take off but Alby stops us.
"Not so fast Emilie you go straight to the slammer"
     I look at the pigs and then back at Alby.
"Alby with all due respect can it wait until after I help catching them"
"No it can't you go straight to the slammer while Gally takes your place in catching those pigs"
"What why me?!"
     Gally asks clearly upset while the rest of us smiled and laughed at the outcome of this.
"Cause I said so"
     Alby said with a strict face but you can see the humor in his eyes. With that Winston and Gally take off to catch the pigs.
"Be careful with Bill he's small but vicious!"
     I yell out to Gally since he's going after our smallest pig. We all laugh when we see Bill bite him and then start chasing Gally.
"Alright Newt take her to the slammer"
     With that everyone starts walking including me and Newt. Once we are from a safe distance from them Newt speaks up.
"Congratulations on becoming a keeper love"
"Thank you Newt"
     I say genuinely he then hesitantly turns to look at me.
"Your not mad that I didn't agree with it"
"Of course not you were just doing what you thought was best for the glade"
     Newt turns back and looks straight ahead with an unreadable expression.
"Is something wrong Newt?"
"It's nothing come on"
     He says but I'm not so convinced.
"Are you sure? Is it what Gally said because you know I would never-"
"I know you wouldn't do such a thing I trust you. It's just second in command stuff alright love"
     We walked in silence for a few moments until Newt started laughing.
"I still can't believe you punched Gally. Man can you pack a punch it looked like it really hurt when you knocked him to the floor"
     I started laughing too.
"It felt good to you have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that"
"But it still earned you a night in the slammer"
     He said while bending down and opening the door for me.
"Eh it was worth it"
     I say while jumping in. Newt just shakes his head and laughs while he's locking the door.
"Alright good night love I'll see you in the morning"
"Alright good night Newt"

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