Chapter 27

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Emilie POV
"As much as I hate to admit it I'm actually gonna miss this place...." I said to myself as I walk around my house one last time before going into the maze.
    I walked around the house admiring everything about it from the structure of the house from, to the newly polished wooden floor, to the glass chandelier hanging from the ceiling. As I continue walking I eventually make it to the dining room where I see an all too familiar figure.
"President Snow...." He was sitting at the very end of the dining room table twirling a white rose between his fingers.
"You know you remind me a lot of your father Ms. Martinez..." He said as he continued to play with the white rose.
"Strong, smart, resourceful, charismatic..." He says with no hint of dishonesty.
"President Snow what an honor" I say trying to hide my surprise.
"Now Ms. Martinez I think it would be best if we remove the formalities" He finally stops playing with the rose and glares at me.
"Yes that would save us both time" I glare back at him.
"You know you also seem to remind me of a cockroach you and your father... a small dirty cockroach" He says with utter disgust.
"Well then you must not be very good at your job if you're gonna let a small cockroach segregate the entire Capital" I say without giving it a second thought.
"Yes well it is a very fragile system where the smallest error can misplace everything."
"Then why are you here?" He stood up at this and slowly walked towards me.
"Take it however you want a warning or a threat but think about your next move very carefully because it will either allow you to live as a proud, loyal, and obedient victor or a war will commence within your district more blood will shed, men women and children will be killed mercilessly, and the buildings crumble down until there is no longer a district 10. Now is that understood?"I looked at him in horror. For a moment I forgot that he could destroy my entire district with one simple command.
"Why are you telling me this?" I ask without thinking and with this he sighs.
"As much as it pains me to say this but you also remind me a lot of myself when I was younger and I do believe that with the proper guidance we could become great allies to each other. You could end the segregation within the Capital and convince the districts to my favor and I will ensure your and your families safety" I looked at him in complete disbelief it's almost as if he knew what I was planning on doing.
"So you're offering me your protection...?" I asked completely stunned.
"Essentially yes though I will give you some time to think about this offer, Though I do believe you should decide rather quickly considering what you'll be doing in a few minutes" He says in almost a mocking tone.
"Yes sir" I simply say in a calm yet shaky voice.
"Good..." He looked pleased with himself and finally walked towards the door.
"Well I must get going and best of luck with when you go live. Oh and do control what you say or one of these days it will drag you into much deeper trouble that you can't escape from" With this he leaves the room. Being terrified is beyond what words can describe what I'm feeling right now. I was already worried about my family but now my entire district was at risk of being completely destroyed. In high sight it would be much easier to become his mindless puppet that way everyone one would be safe and survive this madness.... but as selfish as it sounds I don't want to survive anymore I want to live.
After I was sure President Snow left the house I quickly went up to my room and pulled out a small wooden box that was hidden underneath my bed. When I opened it in it was my mother's silver necklace and newly attached to it was the light pink rock that Zenith gave to me. Though whenever I see these two things makes me sad I feel safe and protected at the same time. I put it on and squeeze my necklace in fear but also in encouragement.
"Emilie!!!" I suddenly hear someone call out my and I quickly run back down stairs to the front door of the house where I met Alvinal my stylist.
"Thank goodness I thought you ran off. Now come come you'll be on in two minutes" Alvinal pulled me towards her and was straightening out my clothes and was tucking in a piece of my hair anything that looked the slightest misplaced she would fix it to make me presentable for the Capital.
Are you sure you want to do this... i-it's not too late to change your mind you know..." Alvinal said in a last attempt to change my mind as she prepped me to go live.
"Too be honest I'm having some second thoughts..." She looked like she wanted to say something maybe try convince me one final time but she held her mouth shut and without saying anything else she gave me a tight hug me.
"I'm so proud of you... regardless of what you decide" She whispers to me before letting me go and guiding me to the front door of my house.
"Now remember to stand up straight, look at the camera, and smile" Alvinal gave me her usual smile as she opened the door. I close my eyes and took a deep breath in an attempt to calm myself, I then open my eyes and walk out the door knowing exactly what I was going to do.
      I suddenly open my eyes and see Newt screaming out my name. Before I could even register what was happening he suddenly grabs me and pulls me out out of the helicopter. There were loud gun shots everywhere and men yelling at us to run towards the building. As we're running I suddenly remember where we were and what we were doing here I wasn't sure if we were really safe or not, if I escaped WICKED or President Snow. I didn't know anything beyond this point all I knew was that I had to keep running to stay alive. Finally we make it into the building where there is a loud alarm going off and many people working different kinds of machines. Once everyone makes it inside the giant door closes behind us and are met with a man that reminds us of a rat.
"You kids doing all right?" The rat face man says with a smile he then starts to walk away and gestures us to follow him as he continues to talk. We look at each other wary and unsure of what to do but in the end follow him.
"Sorry about all the fuss. We had ourselves a bit of a swarm" He starts to explain.
"Who are you?" Thomas asks him.
"I'm the reason you're all still alive. It's my intention to keep you that way. Now, come with me. We'll get you kids squared away" We continue to follow him as he continues to explain everything to us
"You can call me Mr. Janson. I run this place. For us it is a sanctuary, safe from the horrors of the outside world. You all should think of it as a way station. Kind of a home between homes."
Thomas interrupts him.
"That mean you're taking us home?" With this Mr. Hanson turns around to look at Thomas.
"A home of sorts" He quickly answers.
Sadly, there wouldn't be much left of wherever you came from. But we do have a place for you.
A refuge, outside the Scorch, where WICKED will never find you again. How does that sound?" He once again turns to look at us and we all again look at each other unsure of what to do.
"Why are you helping us?" Minho asks.
"Let's just say the world out there is in a rather precarious situation. We're all hanging on by a very thin thread. The fact that you kids can survive the Flare virus... makes you the best chance of humanity's continued survival. Unfortunately, it also makes you a target, as no doubt by now you've noticed" Everything that this man was saying made perfect sense but I still didn't trust him I didn't trust anyone other then the Gladers.
"Beyond this door lies the beginning of your new lives. First things first... let's do something about that smell" With that he leads us further into the building and stops in front of a door.
"The boys can come in here and shower and once you're done there will be some spare clothes for you to use. As for you two..." He looks at me and Teresa.
"There are separate showers you can use" I don't know how but I knew that this would be the last time I would see my friends. The last time I would see Newt.
"W-what?" I stammered.
"Well we can't have all of you sharing a bathroom it's best for you two to use a different shower" He explains.
"No I don't want to be separated from my friends" I say out loud and I can see a quick glance of annoyance from Janson. He looked like he was about to say something but Newt quickly stepped in.
"It'll be fine love we'll take a quick shower and then meet each other right after. Okay?" I shake my head at him and continue to protest.
"No we won't" I whisper to him.
"Yes we will" He said back to me.
"No we won't. Newt we can't trust them" I finally say to him but he just looks more concern at me.
"Yes we can they've done so much for us already we will be just fine" I wanted to run away and take Newt and all of my friends with me. I don't know how but I just know that this place isn't safe, I know that Janson is lying to us, and I know that he's somehow involved in all of this. I wanted us to run away from this place but I knew that it would all be pointless since there is no way out. So I give Newt one last tight hug knowing that this is most likely the last time I'll ever see him again.
"Promise me you'll be careful" I say as I bury my face into his chest.
"Don't worry I promise" He says as he hugs me back. When we pull away he places both his hands on my cheeks and makes me look up at him.
"I also promise that we will see each other again" I do everything I can to hold back my tears and instead take off my necklace that's been tucked under my shirt.
"Then please hold on to this for me" I gesture my necklace towards him.
"Emilie..." He was about to protest but I stopped him before he could.
"Please it will make me feel better and you can give it back as soon as we see each other again"  With this he sighs but gently smiles at me and takes my necklace and puts it on.
"I love you" I finally say.
"I love you too" He says back and kisses my forehead.
     With this I look at Janson and Teresa who are just a few feet away waiting for me and hesitantly walk away with them. I want to cry more than anything because I know that I might never see him again but if he holds on to my necklace even though it might not be much it still gives me a little bit of hope that maybe one day we will. True to Jansons word he lead me and Teresa to another place where we can shower.
"Now we have fresh clean clothes for you to change into and once you're done there will be some guards to take you where you need to be" Janson says looking directly at me. I don't say anything and just nod and with that he walks away.
"Come on it'll be okay, as soon as we finish we'll see Thomas, Newt, and everyone else once we finish" Teresa says in an attempt to cheer me up.
"Right" Is all I say as we walk into the shower.
3rd P.O.V
After the guys finish taking their showers they were soon escorted to some sort of medical facility. Where the doctors and nurses would check on there physical strength, take blood tests, give them shots, and many more things. Once they were done with that they were soon escorted into a cafeteria where there were many other kids who were also put into other mazes. Thomas, Newt, Minho, and all the other gladers were talking to the other kids and hearing how they escaped they're maze until they were interrupted by Janson.
"Good evening, gentlemen. Ladies. You all know how this works. If you hear your name called... please rise in an orderly fashion, join my colleagues behind me... where they will escort you to the eastern wing. Your new lives are about to begin" He announced and everyone quickly quoted down and listened intently.
"Connor,Evelyn, Ev, Justin, Peter, Allison, Squiggy...." As he was calling these peoples names Thomas saw Teresa walking by the cafeteria through a window and with this he quickly gets up and starts to follow her.
"All right. Settle down" Janson says not paying much attention to Thomas and continues to call out the last few names.
"Hey, Teresa? Teresa!" Thomas calls out as she walks further away from him. He was about to follow her and call her name one last time but he was suddenly stopped.
"Hey, hey, hey" A guard said stopping Thomas from his tracks.
"Where are they taking her?" Thomas asks
"They just have to run a few more tests. Don't worry, they'll be done with her soon" The guard says in an attempt to calm her down.
"Is she okay? Thomas asks still worried about his friend.
"She's fine" The guard simply says and with that Thomas goes back to his friends. After they finish eating they were all sent to a room with multiple bunk beds.
"I got top bunk" One of the boys suddenly calls out but Minho quickly climbed on top of one of the top bunk beds.
"Too slow" He says in glee.
"I could get used to this"
"Yeah. It's not bad" The Gladers started to say as the they claimed there bed.
"Hey, what do you think those guys want with Teresa and Emilie?" Thomas finally asks still worried for his friends.
"Now, if there's one thing I know about those two girls, they can take care of themselves. Don't worry about it" Newt says as he climbs into bed.
"What worries me even more is that you don't seem to even care about Emilie" Thomas accuses Newt.
"What is that supposed to mean" Newt quickly gets up and glares at Thomas.
"You know exactly what I mean. Emilie clearly didn't want to be separated from us but you didn't even seem to care! You basically just threw her away as if she just meant nothing to you!" With this Newt was fuming and was about to punch Thomas but Minho and Frypan were quick and held him back.
"Newt calm down!" Minho and Frypan yelled out.
"You don't know anything! I care about her, I've fought for her, protect her, and would gladly die for her! So mind your own bloody business!" With this Newt shoves Minho and Frypan away from him and goes back to his bed. Everyone looks between Newt and Thomas surprised that the two were actually about to fight especially Newt since he was always the level headed one.
"Let's just get some rest we've had a long day" Minho finally say and heads off to bed and everyone soon follows suit.
Soon enough everyone fell asleep everyone but Thomas for some reason he couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right with this place. He new that everyone was still in danger and it didn't help that Emilie and Teresa were separated from them. Suddenly he started hearing metal banging around him he quickly look around but couldn't find anything until he started hearing whispers.
"Hey. Down here" Thomas heard a whisper coming from underneath his bed.
"Oh, my God" Thomas say not expecting to find the boy from the cafeteria in a vent underneath his bed.
"Come on. Follow me" The boy simply says as he turns around and heads further down into the vent
"What?" Thomas asks but the boy was to far down to hear him so with no choice Thomas follows him.
"Hurry, this way. Come on" The boy says as he continues to crawl through the vent.
"Hey, wait a second. What the hell are we doing?" Thomas tried to ask him another question but the boy just seems to ignore him.
"Come on, we're gonna miss it"
"What the hell am I doing? What are we doing?" Finally the boy seems to stop and looks down.
"Come here. Watch" Thomas looks down and sees the doctors from earlier rolling in what looked like people with a white cloth covering them completely.
"What the hell was that?" Thomas asks sounding a bit scared.
"They bring in new ones every night like clockwork" The boy finally answers him.
"You know what they do with them?"
I don't know. This is as far as I've ever gotten. The vents don't even go into that section. But once they go through that door, they don't come back out. I don't think anybody ever really leaves this place" He finally says
"Come on. We've gotta go before somebody notices we're gone." The boy starts to crawl away but Thomas stops him.
"Why did you show me this?" He asks the strange boy.
"Because maybe the others will listen to you. There's something weird going on here. And I know you think so too"
"Hey, wait. What's your name?" Thomas asks one final question.
"Aris" He simply says. And they head back to their respective rooms without anyone ever noticing that they were gone. As soon as he gets back he wakes everyone up and tells them exactly what he saw. Newt now calm tells Thomas that it's late and that they will talk about this later.
"Alice, Barry, Walt, Edgar, Samantha" They were in the cafeteria and once again hearing Janson call out the names of the next group of kids that get to leave.
"I wanna know what's through that door" Thomas finally says after an entire day of everyone ignoring the topic.
"Now, we've been over this. You said they were covered up, so you don't know what you saw it could've been anything under there." Newt once again tried to reason with him.
"I know exactly what I saw. They were bodies Aris said they bring in a new batch every night" Thomas tries to explain once again but no one seems to listen to him.
"Who the hell is Aris?" Minho finally asks and Thomas points to a boy sitting alone holding up a piece of food and starring very intently at it.
"Well, I'm sold" Minho says not the slightest convinced.
"Okay, until we know anything for certain, we should just keep our heads down... and try not to draw any attention to ourselves, all right?" Newt tells everyone in the group more specifically Thomas but he doesn't seem to listen and gets up and heads straight towards the group that is supposed to leave tonight.
"What is he doing?" Newt asks very concerned on what's about to happen.
"I think he's drawing attention to himself" Frypan says looking just as worried.
"Hang on. You weren't called" A guard quickly stops him.
"I know, I'm just gonna be a second" Thomas tries to go through again but is once again stopped.
"This is a restricted area, kid." The guard tells him once again but Thomas doesn't stop.
"I just wanna see my friend. Can you let me through?" He asks one final time.
"Get your ass back in that chair" The guard says in a threatening tone" With this Thomas walks away and it looks like it's over but he quickly turns around and tries to barge his way through the door once again.
"Back off!" The guard yells out and pushes Thomas away from him.
"What's your problem, man?" Thomas pushes him back and his friends take this as a cue to intervene and hold Thomas back. Janson seems to have heard the sudden commotion and quickly heads back to break up the fight.
"What's happening here? Thomas? I thought we could trust each other. You know we're all on the same team here" He tries to reason with Thomas but he just glared at him.
"Are we?" Is all Thomas say and Janson looks down to the ground and smirks.
"Get them to their bunks" Is all he says.
" Get your asses in there! All of you" They guards yell out as they shove everyone into their room and lock the door.
"What the hell was that about?
"You didn't really think they were just gonna let you through?" Newt and Minho we're starting to lecture Thomas but Thomas pulls out a keycard that's he stole from one of the guards and shows it to his friends.
"Nah, of course not I'm gonna find out what's on the other side of that door" He tries to explain himself but everyone is just tired, annoyed, and concerned of Thomas.
"Newt, they're hiding something. Okay? These people are not who they say they are" He continues to explain himself but Newt seems to have had enough.
"No, Thomas, you don't know that! The only thing that we do know is that they helped rescue us from WICKED. They gave us new clothes, they gave us food, they gave us a proper bed some of us haven't had that in a long time"
"Yeah, but Newt don't you find it just a little bit strange that you haven't even caught even a glimpse of Emilie the entire time we've been here. I know you don't want to admit it but I know you're worried too. Thomas finally says to Newt and for the first time since they got here he shows concern. Newt was about to say something but he started hearing metal banging from within the walls and soon a vent flys off from underneath Thomas bed.
"Hey, Thomas" Aris pops out from the vent and greets him.
"You got it, didn't you?" He asks a bit out of breath.
"Yeah. Let's go" Thomas simply says and starts to crawl into the vent.
"All right, look, maybe you guys are right. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. But I got to find out for sure. Just cover for me I'll be back as soon as I can" The boys in the room were annoyed but oblige to Thomas requests.
After crawling through the same path in the vents as they did last night they reach their destination and use the stolen key card to open the door. Once inside they are met with these strange alien like figures in tubes of water but once they head further into the strange room they are met with many of the kids who were going to the supposed safe haven. Instead they are hanging in the air with wires and tube connected to there heads.
"What the hell?" Thomas whispers as they walk further into the room.
"Teresa?" Thomas quickly rushes to one of the victims who looks eerily similarity to Teresa but once he removes her hair from her face he sighs in relief thankful that's it's not her.
"It's Rachel. They took her the first night I told her it was going to be okay" Aris say behind Thomas devastated and guilty that it's his friend who is most likely gone forever now. Thomas looked like he was about to say something to him but they hear the doors suddenly open and quickly hide.
"You sure this can't wait?" They see Janson walk into the room.
She was very specific, sir. She wanted to speak with you personally" Somebody was explaining to him as they walk deeper into the room.
"As if I don't have enough to deal with" He mumbles to himself in annoyance but soon enough he musters up the best smile he can and is soon met with an older woman through a holographic screen. The older woman has blonde hair that was put in a tight bun and was wearing a completely white suit.
"Good evening, Doctor Paige lovely to see you again. Although I admit... I wasn't expecting to hear from you quite so soon." Janson greeted her with his best business smile.
"Change of plans, Janson. I'll be arriving a little sooner than expected. First thing tomorrow" Dr. Ava Paige says without greeting him back or even offering him a smile. But Janson just ignores it and continues as if nothing happened.
"We'll be delighted to have you I think you'll be pleased with the progress we've made. As you can see, early results have been extremely promising. Whatever it is you've been doing to them in there, it's working" He tries to complement her but it fails.
"Not well enough. I just received board approval I want all the remaining subjects sedated and prepped for harvest by the time I arrive" She states simply almost making Janson show his annoyance to her.
"Doctor Paige, we are going as fast as we can. We are still running tests..." He tries to stop her from rushing them but once again fails.
"Try something faster. Until I can guarantee their security, this is the best plan" She says with annoyance and as a matter of fact.
"Ma'am, security is my job. We're on 24 hour lockdown here. I am assuring you... the assets are secure" Janson says somewhat angry that she has insulted his work.
"Have you found the Right Arm?"
"Not yet. We tracked them as far as the mountains
"So they're still out there and they've already hit two of our installations. They want these kids as badly as we do and I cannot...I cannot afford another loss. Not now, when I am so close to a cure. If you are not up to the task, I will find someone who is" She says in a threatening tone.
"That won't be necessary. Might I suggest we start with the most recent arrivals" Janson says to try and get back to their good side.
"Just get it done" She says in annoyance and with that Janson starts to walk away but is quickly stopped by Dr. Ava Paige.
"Janson I don't want them to feel any pain" She says show pain and sympathy for the first time.
"They won't feel a thing" Janson says in a cold voice and with that the holographic screen goes down and as soon as Janson leaves Thomas and Aris rush back into the vents to warn the others.
"Thomas!" The boys yell out as soon as they see Thomas crawl out of the vents.
"We gotta go. We gotta go right now" Thomas yells out as he rummages around the room looking for ways to barricade the door.
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"What do you mean,we gotta go?" The boys ask him confused of what's going on but Thomas doesn't answer.
"They're coming. Come on. We gotta go. They're coming for us" Is all Thomas says. Once they see Aris crawl out of the vents they start questioning him hoping to get some answers.
"Aris, what happened?" Some of the boys ask him but he just stands there in complete shock and fear.
"Thomas, can you just calm down and talk to us" His friends try to calm down Thomas but he just starts mumbling things.
"She's still alive"
"Who's still alive. Teresa?"
"Ava?" The boys seem even more confused with these answers.
"Will you just turn around and talk to us?"
"It's WICKED!" Thomas finally yells out and everyone becomes silent.
"It's still WICKED. It's always been WICKED" Thomas says as he uses the bed sheets to lock the door shut.
"Thomas. What did you see?" Newt corners Thomas and looks him straight in the eyes.
"There's no time to explain right now but you guys have to come with me it's too dangerous here" Thomas finally says. The boys look amongst each other and with no hesitation follow Thomas and Aris into the vents. Aris leads everyone to another vent opening where the closest exit is. Thomas is the first one to go out and quickly looks around to make sure the cost is clear. Once he's sure he tells the others to come out of the vents.
" Come on, come on" He says making sure everyone comes out.
"Okay, let's go" He says and everyone was about to start running but Aris quickly stops them.
"You guys go ahead. There's something I gotta do" Aris suddenly says.
"What are you talking about?" Thomas quickly questions him.
"Trust me, it's important. You guys wanna get outta here, right? Just go" Aris quickly says Thomas was about to protest but Winston volunteers to go with Aris.
"I'll go with him"
"Okay, Winston, go! Go! Come on" With that they start running but suddenly run into one of the doctors in the facility.
"What are you kids doing out?" As soon as she asks this an alarm goes off. Thomas quickly grabs a hold of her and demand her to lead them to Teresa and Emilie.
"Freeze!" A guard suddenly yells out from a corner of the hallway and starts shooting at them.
"Stay where you are!" The guard yells out as the guys try to run away from him all except Minho who stops mid way and runs straight towards the guard.
"Minho!" Thomas yells out as Minho slams his knee up against the guard making him slam into the wall knocking him unconscious.
"Shit, Minho!" Newt says to Minho both impressed and in shock of what his friend just did.
"Okay. Let's go. Come on. Let's go" Thomas says as he picks up the guards gun and points it to the doctor.
"Now take us where they are" Newt says and soon enough she leads them to her.
"Where is she!"Thomas yells out as he's pointing the gun to the rest of the people who are in the room.
"Where is she!" Newt yells out as well and the other doctors point towards a curtain. Thomas pushes the gun onto Minho. Thomas and Newt run over to the curtain and push it out of the way only to Teresa there but not Emilie.
"She's not here" Newt mumbles to himself and starts looking around the room almost as if he's hoping she'll appear out of nowhere.
"She's not here!" Newt finally yells out and takes the gun away from Minho and points it to the hostages.
"She's not here! Where is she!" Newt yells out again but the doctors look confused not sure if who they are talking about.
"Where's Emilie!" Newt yells out and they finally start to realize who he talking about.
"W-we don't know!" One of the doctors muster out. Newt was about to yell at them again but Frypan beats him to it
"Guys? They're coming! Where do we go?" Frypan says as he sees guards making there way towards them.
" Frypan! Move!" Newt yells out as he pushes a table up against the door barricading the door.
"Okay, we gotta get outta here!" Minho yells out as he takes the gun away from Newt and points at the door.
"Everyone stand back!" Thomas yells out as he grabs a chair and starts slamming up against a window that leads to another room.
"Newt! Help" Thomas yells out and Newt quickly grabs another chair and are soon able to break the glass. Everyone starts climbing over the now broken window and open the door and are soon met by another guard.
"Stop!" He yells not realizing that they have a gun and Thomas quickly shoots him but instead of killing him he is electrocuted.
      Everyone looks stunned not expecting that kind of out come but soon snap out of it and start running until they find a giant. Thomas runs the stolen key card hoping to open it but it's not working.
"Shit. Come on!"
"Thomas!" They hear a familiar voice call out and everyone know immediately who it is.
"Open this door, Janson!" Thomas yells out as gives the key card to Minho and points the gun towards Janson.
"You really don't want me to" Janson says in a calm voice.
"Open the damn door!" Thomas yells out once again but Janson doesn't comply.
"Listen to me! I'm trying to save your life. The maze is one thing, but you kids wouldn't last one day... out in the Scorch. If the elements don't kill you, the Cranks will. Thomas, you have to believe me I only want what's best for you" Janson tries to reason
"Yeah, let me guess. WICKED is good?" Thomas finally says in a calm voice and Janson glares at him.
"You're not getting through that door, Thomas" As soon as Janson says that the door finally opens showing Winston and Aris.
"Hey, guys" Aris says and everyone starts running through.
"Thomas! Come on! Let's go!" With this Thomas starts shooting the gun at Janson and the guards. Janson quickly takes cover and the guards start running towards him. Thomas quickly runs out of ammo and throws the gun at the guards and starts running towards the now shutting door.
"Come on, Thomas! Come on!" Everyone yells out and Thomas was able to slide right underneath the door at the last second.
      Aris quickly grabs something and starts slamming it against the card reader preventing anyone from the other side from opening the door. All while Minho is going through some bags and grabbing things that could be helpful to them. Once they have grabbed as much as they could they run up to another door and are easily able to open it. Once open they are met with the outside world where a sand storm occurring right now.
"Wait what about Emilie" Newt yells out suddenly realizing that they forgot about her.
"We don't have time we have to go" One of the guys yells out.
"No! Wait!" Newt was about to protest but Minho grabbed Newt and dragged him away from WICKED along with everyone else.
-Some Where in the Facility-

"Seems like they've forgotten all about you Ms. Martinez" A man says as he watches the group of teens running outside escaping WICKED through a screen over Emilies shoulder.
"It seems like they really don't care about you if you're able to slip right through their minds as if you're nothing" The man says in a mocking tone.
"Yeah I guess you're right" Emilie says as she watches her friends escape without her forgetting about her and abandoning her completely and soon realization sinks in that she meant nothing to her friends but what hurt her the most is that she meant nothing to Newt.
"I hope I never have to see them again"

Hello people I'm really sorry that it took me so long to publish this last chapter a lot of personal things got in the way but no worries I'm back. Anyways even though this is the last chapter there will be a sequel so I really hope you guys will stick around for it. Anyways thank you for reading and I hope to see you in the sequel have a good day or night.

No Escape حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن