Chapter 18

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Emilie POV
"Things are changing there is no doubt about that" Gally says as he looks among the keepers.
"First Ben gets stung in broad daylight and then Alby, and now these two have taken it upon themselves to go into the maze. Which is a clear violation of our rules here"
"Yeah... But they did save Albys life" Frypan states calmly.
"Did they? For three years we've coexisted with these things and now you've killed one of them" Gally points accusingly towards Thomas.
"Who knows what that could mean for us" It is dead silent when Gally says this.
"What do you suggest we do?" Newt finally asks.
"They need to be punished" This causes an uproar among the keepers. But Newt quickly silences them and turns towards Minho.
"Minho. You were there with them what do you think?"
"I think..." He looks between me and Thomas.
"In all the times we've been here no ones ever killed a griever before" He looks over towards me.
"Emilie came up with the idea on how to keep Alby safe for the night while I was being a shank, and when I turned tail and ran..." He then looks at Thomas.
"This dumb shank stood behind to help Alby and I know Emilie would have stayed too if I haven't dragged her with me and I know because she was yelling at me for it too" Some of the guys laughed at the last part.
"Look I don't know if they're brave or stupid. But whatever it is we need more of it. I say we turn them into runners" This causes another uproar among the group of boys some were agreeing others not so much.
I look over towards Newt and see him glaring at Minho for even suggesting the idea of making me a runner. In all honesty, I don't know how I feel about this, I've always been scared of the maze but after last night-
"If you want to throw the Greenies a parade, that's fine. Go ahead" Gally looks at everyone in the room.
"But if there is one thing I know about the maze. It is that you do not-" He is suddenly cut off by the alarm of the box. Everyone stands up and looks among each other.
"It's the Greenie alarm" Minho explains to Thomas as we run out of the council hall.
"But how is that possible? We just got Thomas a few days ago" I ask worriedly, he doesn't answer as we hurry over.
Newt and Gally are the first ones to arrive, they quickly open it and Newt jumps in as all the other gladers surrounds it. Me, Thomas, and Minho make our way to the front so we can see what's going on and we are completely stunned by what it is.
"It's a girl," No one says anything, completely stunned of what's happening right now.
"I think she's dead... "
"What in her hand" Newt grab a piece of paper that in her hand and reads it.
"She's the last one... ever" He looks up at us scared and confused like everyone else.
"What the hell does that mean?"
Suddenly the girl wakes up and scares everyone making us take a step back from her. She's breathing heavily and isn't looking at anything in particular.
"Thomas" She breaths out before passing out again. We all look at him not really knowing what to say or do.
"Still think I'm overreacting?" Gally says as if his point was just proven.
"That's enough Gally. Minho, Thomas, and Emilie come on help me get her out here and to the med-jacks" Newt calls out taking all the attention away from Thomas.
"The rest of you go back to work" He commands and the gladers reluctantly go back to what they were doing.
We were able to get both her and Newt out of the box without any problems. Minho carries her over towards the med-jacks with Thomas and Newt next to him while I followed a little bit behind while we make our way over to the med-jacks. As we are walking I notice something fall off from the girls pocket, going completely unnoticed by either of the three boys. I quickly pick it up and look at it. It was a black rectangle with a red light blinking light but that wasn't the strange part the strange part was that it had my name on it.
I look towards where Newt, Minho, and Thomas are and then back at the object in my hands. I wanted to go and show this to them but something was telling not to and to see what it is on my own. I eventually give in to the temptation and look around to make sure no one else saw me and secretly slide it into my pocket and head towards our room.
I close the door behind me and close the curtains of our small window I then take out the strange object and take a better look at it, and notice that the red blinking light is actually a button I press it and a holographic image suddenly shoots out.
It was an image of a strange looking man with green hair and a sparkly green suit to match. He was sitting on a chair with a wide smile and was facing towards what I'm assuming is an audience. As I'm looking at the image I see something that shocks me.
"I-is that me?" I whisper to myself.
In the background, there is a picture of me and the little boy from my dreams and memories. We weren't smiling in the pictures we didn't show any kind of emotions in them except for the fear in our eyes. I didn't know what to say or think all I knew was that I was terrified and I didn't know why. My hands were trembling, my heart was racing, my breathing became ragged, and my eyes were watering. Without even thinking about it I raise my trembling hand up to the image, but as soon as I touch it the image starts talking and moving and I am horrified...
3rd POV
"Now I know we all know who our next guest already is and I know she's the most anticipated one" The crowd he was facing was loudly cheering.
"Now without further a due from District 10! The girl you've known and loved since she was born!" The crowd's cheers started to get louder.
"EMILIE MARTINEZ!" He yells out and the whole room was filled with cheers and half of the audience even stood up clapping and cheering as the young girl walked out.
The top layer of her dark brown hair was made into a bow and a braid and the second layer was straightened. She was wearing a black and white lace cocktail dress with a black bow wrapped around her waist and black heels to match. She had little to no make on and to top it all off she had her silver chain on. She looked nervous as she walked but she kept a small smile on her face. The strange looking man stands up, kisses her on the cheek, hugs her, and then guides her to sit in the chair next to him.
"My oh, my look at how you've grown. You look so beautiful so stunning isn't she folks" People start clapping, cheering, and whistling in response as if agreeing with him.
"T-thank you C-caeser" She stutters out as she grips onto her chain.
"Oh Emilie you are so cute when you're nervous but there is no need for you to be"
"I'm sorry"
"Oh, it's fine anyways how are you liking the Capital so far? Is it everything dreamed it would be?"
"Yeah it's great," She says not really knowing what else to say.
"That's it" Everyone laughs at Caesar's comment.
"Come on tell us more. What is your favorite thing about the capital?" Emilie takes a moment to think about it.
"I really like the view in my room especially the fact that I can change it whenever I want with just the simple press of a button" Caecer and the audience laugh at her response and he asks her another question once everyone calms down.
"Now how did you feel at the tribute parade?"
"Ridiculous," She says without giving it a second thought but everyone just laughs thinking she was joking when she really wasn't.
"Oh don't be silly Emilie to me you looked absolutely adorable in that little cow costume," He says and the crowd agrees with him.
"Now you received a rather high ranking an 11 to be more exact, that's higher than what your father received"
"Yeah, I was really surprised when I saw my ranking I honestly thought they hated me" Everyone laughs.
"Well they obviously loved you if they gave you such a high number beside we wouldn't expect anything less from you"
"Now I have a few more questions for you" Caecer reaches out and holds both of her hands and gives her a sad sympathetic look.
"It's about your father" Everyone goes quiet.
"I think that I speak for everyone here when I say that we were all very devastated when we heard about his passing" Emilie eyes start to water and doesn't say anything half of the audience silently weep still devastated that he is gone. While the other half gives her sympathetic looks.
"You and your brother are all of what you have left of each other. Is that right?"
"Did he come to say goodbye to you?"
"Of course he did"
"And what did he say?"
"He said that he knows that I can do it that I can win and that he'll be waiting for me back at home"
"And what did you say?"
"I couldn't really say anything I honestly didn't know what to say, but I regret it more than anything now. Knowing that there is a chance that I might never get to see him again I regret it" Her eyes start to water as she says this and many of the people in the audience start crying devastated for her misfortune.
"Well, Daxten will most likely see this... Why don't you take this chance and tell him what you need to say so you won't go in with any regrets" Emilie turns to the camera with her eyes full of tears.
"Daxten I want you to know that you're the best big brother anyone could ever ask for. I love you so please take care of yourself and I can't make any promises but I will try to make it back home" Finally a tear escapes and everyone is either crying or at the near the breaking point of it including Caecer.
"And try you will. I wish you the best of luck Emilie and that all the odds are in your favor"
Emilie stumble back when the video stops playing
'None of this makes any sense....'
'Why did the creators send this to me?!'
'What do they want from me?!'
She was gripping on to her hair as tears were streaming down her cheeks as she was asking herself these questions. She finally drops to her knees and asks herself this final question.
'What did I do to deserve this...?'
Suddenly her head starts to hurt and it gets worse and worse by the second and she starts seeing small flashes before her.
A little girl and her big brother were huddled up against each other in a corner of her room, the two were crying uncontrollably while in the next room they could hear their father smashing and breaking everything he could get his hands on. Cursing at the people who had caused this tragic event to their family.
The same girl but now a few years older was wondering around the woods late at night desperately looking for her father. When she was finally about to give up and head home she stumbles upon a tree with the most horrific thing she will ever see.
Tears were streaming down her face, and she couldn't breathe as she stumbles back and falls She stared in horror at what she's witnessing. Her father's body hanging limply on a branch with a necklace of rope wrapped around his neck.
A woman stands on the doorway and watches the young girl look at the night sky through the window of the moving train.
"You know that you being chosen is more than a mere coincidence right" The young girl doesn't turn around to face her but she does scoff at her.
"I know that I'm not an ignorant little girl anymore. I know a lot more than you think..." She says clearly annoyed and angry.
The woman just stands there and looks at the poor girl. Despite the way, the young girl just talked to her the woman didn't seem angry or annoyed at the girl instead she felt pity for her. The young girl who is being forced to follow the same path that she and her father were forced to take as well as many others.
"I'm not an idiot I know my mother's death wasn't an accident, that my fathers wasn't really a suicide, and that if my brother wasn't over the age limit than they would have taken him too" She continues still angry but also sad of the cruel faith her parents ended up with and also the fact that her and her brother will most likely meet the same one.
The young girl walks off the stage she looked like she was about to break down and cry, but as soon as she was out of the cameras and audiences view she wiped away her fake tears and acted as if nothing was wrong.
"Idiots" She mumbles to herself. As she's walking she passes by the little boy who is wearing a cute little suit but still looks completely terrified.
"Hey, kid..." He stops and turns to face her. She then gives him a real genuine smile.
"Don't sweat it just be yourself and without a doubt, they will love you" This seems to ease the little boys' nerves a bit and gives her a small smile in return before he walks towards the stage.
The young girl couldn't sleep while knowing what is to come tomorrow morning. She gets up and goes to the kitchen to get something to drink hoping that will help her sleep. But when she reaches the living area she is surprised to see the little boy sitting on the couch crying. She hesitates at first but walks over to him and sits next to him without saying a word.
"I'm scared of tomorrow..." He cries out.
"I'm going to die in there it's obvious that the odds are against me" She quickly pulls him into a tight hug and holds him.
"No, they're not I'll make sure you make it back home I promise"
"Hurry up and climb!"
The two were climbing up a tree trying to get as high and away from the rapid flood that's below them. The two were able to reach a certain height where the flood won't be able to hurt them anymore. The two were tired, bruised, scratched, and hungry. But at least they were safe for the night.
As the two were climbing up the tree to find a good spot to sleep the little boy unknowingly placed his foot on a weak branch and slipped.
"NO!" Emilie cried out.
"I don't want to remember anymore!"
She couldn't take it anymore even though they were small flashes of memories they were enough to tell her that she is better off in the maze then out there. It took a lot out of her but she was able to stop herself from remembering anything else other than the things she's already seen.
She tried to stand up and walk but everything was the blur for her. She tried to use the wall to support herself but even by doing this it was difficult for her. But despite this, she tried to make her way out the door desperate to leave the room. When she is only a few feet away from the door suddenly opens making her lose her footing. She braces herself for impact but is instead met by warm arms and is surrounded by a familiar scent. Emilie looks up at him and gives him a tired smile.
"Newt" She whispered before passing out.

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