Chapter 17

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Newts POV
     I couldn't believe what I just witnessed. Not only are my two best friends are stuck in the maze for the night but also the love of my life. It was all my fault that she ran in. If I hadn't had let go of her hand or was faster at stopping her then she would still be here. She will never come back to me, because I couldn't protect her.
"Newt... " I turn to look at Chuck.
"They have Minho with them and Emilie and Thomas are really smart and strong if anyone can survive the maze it's them" I wanted to desperately believe that but...
"No ones ever survived a night in the maze Chuck" I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. But I couldn't.
     Not because the other gladers were here but because I really couldn't it was like I became numb like I was no longer capable of any kind of emotions. I was about to walk back to mine and Emilies room but Chuck stops me before I could even take a step.
"Then they will be the first ones to survive the night" I turn around only to see Chuck trying to find a comfortable patch of grass to lay on.
"Chuck your not seriously planning on spending the night out here all by yourself?" I ask and he shakes his head in response.
"Of course not your gonna stay here with me" I sigh at this.
"Nope it's decided. No getting out of it now Newt"
"Besides I want to see your face when I prove you wrong shuck face" I don't know what to say so I just look at him and I'm not the only one.
     Many of the other gladers who were leaving or were about to leave just stopped and looked at him. No one says anything but instead they start to find a comfortable spot to spend the night on. Chuck then looks at me expectantly.
"Come on Newt hurry up and find a good spot before you end up sleeping on a pile of rocks" I don't say anything and just lay down right next to the doors.
     It's actually a bit funny when you think about it, many of the guys here find Chuck annoying or a nuisance. But here he is giving everyone a small spark of hope that our friends will make it out alive.
     I couldn't sleep that night not without her by my side. I need her here with me, her head laying on top of my chest while I have my arms  tightly wrapped around her. I can't even imagine the terror she is going through right now. Every time I closed my eyes I would see her laying dead on the ground in a pool of blood.
     Finally before I even realize it my tears started to slide down and I couldn't stop them. No matter how many times I tried to wipe them away more just kept coming. The only people that I truly cared about are trapped in the maze for all I know they could be dead right now. Just the thought of it-
"Newt " My thoughts were cut off by Chuck.
"S-sorry Chuck did I wake you up?" I don't turn around to face him so that he won't know that I was crying though something tells me that he already knows.
"Yeah sort of" He yawns out.
"Sorry" Is all I can get myself to say. I don't hear him say anything else so I just assumed that he went back to sleep.
"Emilie is really smart and strong not to mention brave she can take care of herself Newt. Besides she has Minho and Thomas with her to help so if anyone can survive the maze it's them" I don't say anything and after a while I can hear Chuck snoring again.
    I know that it's foolish but I'm starting have a small glimmer of hope. Maybe they can actually do it maybe they can survive the night. Please let them survive the night, I won't be able to live without them, without her. It was barely dawn by the time my eyes started to get drowsy. I tried to fight it I didn't want to sleep not as long as she's in there but eventually I ended up giving in and fell asleep.
     I jolted up as soon as I herd the doors open. Me and the others quickly  got up and waited for the doors to completely open hoping that they survived. But when I saw that no one was on the other side my heart break into a million, my stomach felt like it was in knots, and I felt a new set of tears ready to come out.
"I told you Chuck they're not coming back" I start to walk away until I hear Zart.
"No way... " I turn back around and see Minho, Thomas, and Emilie carrying Alby back into the glade. As soon as she passes through the doors we all help set Alby down.
"You saw a greiver?" Chuck asks
"Yeah I saw one... " Thomas answer but Minho scoffs and Emilie shakes her head.
"He didn't just see it he killed it" Emilie says still amazed that he was able to take down the monster.
     Me and the keepers decided to hold a gathering but later on in the day. For now we just want Thomas, Minho and Emilie to rest for a few hours. Me and Emilie haven't said a word to each other as we walk up to our room.
     As soon as I close the door I grab her and kiss her. She is surprised by my action and doesn't respond at first but after a moment she wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me back. When I pull away and tightly embrace her and she does the same and buries her face into my chest.
"Please don't ever do that to me again love. I could never be able to live with myself if anything were to ever happened to you" I gently whisper into her ear.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry" She mumbles over and over again as her tears silently slide down.
     I tighten my embrace on her and kiss the top of her head. Once her tears subdue I gently pull away and see her injuries. She only has a few scratches and a few bruises but other than she was completely fine. She gently cups my cheek with her hand and I place my hand over hers.
"You haven't slept all night have you" She gently whispers.
"How could I sleep without you right by my side" I give her a sad smile and a new set of tears slide down from both of us.
"I'm sorry Newt. I'm so sorry"
"It's alright love that doesn't matter anymore what matters is that you and the others are safe and sound" I say as I gently wipe away her tears. I then walk her over to our bed and tuck her in. I was about to get up and leave but she grabs my hand before I could.
"Newt you need to rest to" I give her a small smile.
"I'm fine love. You on the other hand need to rest" I kiss the top of her head but she just gives me her puppy dog eyes.
"Please for me" She whisperes gently. I sigh knowing fully well that I could never say no to her when she looks at me with those eyes. I get under the covers, wrap my arms around her waist, and pull her into my chest.
"Sweet dreams love" I whisper to her and we quickly go into a dreamless sleep.

Hello people. I'm sorry that this isn't one of my best chapters but what do you think of the new cover? I worked really hard out on it so hope you guys like it. Anyways I promise to do better on the next chapter until next time have a good night or day.

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