Chapter 15

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Emilie POV
    I wake up due to the warm rays of the morning sunlight that are seeping through the small window of the room. I yawn, then sit up and stretch my arms and legs trying my best to wake myself up so that I prepare myself for the day.
     As soon as I walk out of the homestead the first thing I notice is Newt, Minho, and Alby standing by the maze doors. At first, I didn't think much of it since Alby and Newt have seen Minho and the other runners go into the maze many times before. That's what I thought they were doing until I saw Alby run into the maze with Minho.
I was confused by this since it's forbidden for anyone to go into the maze unless you're a runner. I wanted to ask Newt what was going on but since it looks like Alby will be gone for the rest of the day I didn't. Since I didn't want to bother him, so I quickly grab a small breakfast and head off to work. With the lingering question in the back of my head.
     When I reach the blood house I see that Winston has already arrived and was in the pig pen with a shovel.
"Morning Winston," I say as I grab a shovel to help him.
"Morning shank," He says. We stay quiet after for a while.
"So what's eating your mind shank?"
"Huh?" I look at him a bit surprised he asked me that and he just smirks at me.
"Come on you usually talk to nonstop to the animals," He says as he looks at the pigs and then back at me.
"Did you really think I wouldn't notice?" He says with a smile and raised eyebrow.
     I couldn't help but smile he's like a brother to me and I'm like a sister to him. The others have also noticed of our brother and sister bond. We are always laughing, joking, and pranking either each other or some other gladder mainly Gally.
"I just saw Alby go into the maze and I was just wondering why"
"Oh that he just went to go retrace Bens section of the maze," He says as a matter in fact. I felt a little-relieved knowing that it isn't that much of a big deal.
We continued working throughout the day until it started raining. Me, Winston, and the rest of the slicers left the blood house and ran for the homestead for shelter. Since the blood house has a lot of leaks and also because the place will stink like crazy once it gets wet. As soon as I reach the homestead I try to go through the giant crowd of boys and hope to find Newt, and let me tell you it's easier said than done for a short girl like me.
"Excuse me"
"Oww, you're crushing my foot!"
"Oof" As I'm trying to get through the crowd I bump into someone.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going" I look down and see that it's Chuck.
"Oh no it's fine Emilie anyways are you okay?"
"Oh yeah I'm fine" He gives me a small smile and scratches the back of his neck seemingly nervous about something.
"Can I ask you something?" He hesitantly looks up at me.
"Of course you can. You can talk to me about anything" I try my best to make him less nervous.
"Do you ever wonder what your life was like before the maze. Like do you wonder how your parents are like or if you have any brother or sister and stuff like that?"
     I was taken by surprise, out of all the things he could have asked I sure wasn't expecting that one. But I don't actually wonder since I remember a little bit about my dad and I know for a fact that I have an older brother and most likely a younger brother since I always see that little boy in my memories. But I've never really remembered my mother though I can't really complain I've been luckier than most here I actually remember my family but still.
     Every day I can't help but wonder what kind of relationship I had with my dad and brothers before the maze. We're we close? We're we distant? Did we fight a lot? Did we care for each other? I ask myself these and so many more questions every day and I never get any answers. I know it's foolish for me to ask myself these questions since I'll most likely never see them again, but still, I can't help but wonder, what my life was like before I came here. One thing for sure though it was probably a lot more dangerous than being stuck here.
"All the time," I say with a sad smile. He takes a moment before he asks me something else.
"Do you think we'll ever get out of here?" He sounded so sad and scared.
"Of course we will, we just have to be patient" I try to sound hopeful but it doesn't do much for him. He looks down unable to meet my eyes anymore.
"But what if we don-" I cut him off.
"We will..." He slowly looks back up at me and waits for me to continue.
"I promise I'll get you out of here and get you back to your family" He suddenly hugs me taking me completely by surprise but I quickly hug him back.
"Thank you Emilie" He whispers as a few tears slide down his cheek.
"No problem kid" I smile at him as he nods against my shoulder. This somehow felt familiar to me but I decided to ignore it.
    A part of me is always telling me that I'm better off in here than out there but I'll worry about that later. For now, I'll just enjoy my time here with my boyfriend Newt and my friends. Finally, Chuck and I let go of each other and went to go find Thomas and I went to go find Newt.
     After a little bit more of struggling, I found him leaning up against a tree staring at the rain in deep thought.
"There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you" He smiles at me as I walk closer to him.
"Oh really love" He smirks at me with a raised eyebrow and I stop on my tracks.
"Yes really do you know how hard it is for a small girl like me to get through such a huge crowd of boys," I say half joking and half annoyed causing Newt to laugh.
"Come here I'll make you feel better" I smile as I walk over to him and he soon wraps me in his arms. We stay silent and don't just watch the rainfall. Until I remember my friends are out there in the maze
"I hope Alby and Minho are okay" I breath out now a little bit worried about them.
"Don't worry love it's Alby and Minho we're talking about I'm sure they are doing just fine" He tightens his grip on me to try to comfort me but I can't seem to shake this unsettling feeling. I feel like something bad is about to happen, I hope that I'm wrong.
     By the time it stopped raining it was around the time the runners started coming back everyone came back safe and sound except for two, Alby and Minho.
     We were all surrounding the doors that Minho and Alby left from. Hoping that they will appear any minute and pass through the doors safe and sound.
"Come on guys can't we send somebody after them?" Thomas finally asks.
"It's against the rules"I and Thomas look towards look Gally.
"Either they make it back or they don't" He finishes.
"But we-" Newt suddenly holds my hand and squeezes it.
"We can't risk losing anybody else" I look at Newt and see how upset and worried he is. 
     The doors are about to close and his two best friends are still in there. I look into his eyes and squeeze his hand back. Suddenly there is a big gust of wind and the doors start closing I tighten my grip on Newts hand and him does the same to me.
"There," Thomas points towards Minho and Alby. At first, I felt relieved to see them but then I see Minho desperately trying to drag Alby back into the glade.
"Come on Minho you can do it" Chuck yells out and then everyone starts yelling at him.
     Either encouraging him that he can do it or tell him to leave Alby behind. But I know for a fact that he would never do such a thing. I want to help but I can't no matter how much I want to, all we can do is watch Minho struggle to drag Alby back into the glade.
"They're not gonna make it" Newt let's go of my hand. He lost hope.
     He thinks that his two best friends are going to be trapped in the maze for the night and most likely die. I was about to reach for his hand and tell him not to give up, but I can't. I can't move my arms, my legs, I can't even talk no matter how hard I try I can't do anything it's as if I'm frozen in place. Suddenly something moves me and makes me face the maze.
'What's happening to me?!"
     Nobody seems to notice that something was wrong with me since they were all focused on Minho and Alby. I wanted to scream out to get somebody to help me but I couldn't no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't, something was controlling me.
     I watch as the doors slowly close only leaving a narrow space between us and our friends. I quickly forget the fact that I'm not able to move and hope that by some miracle my friends are able to cross those doors, but it doesn't happen the exact opposite happens.
     All of a sudden the thing that is controlling me suddenly makes me run. I can feel Newts hand desperately try to grab mine and I hear him cry out my name to stop me but it comes to no avail. When the doors close is when I finally realize what just happened, I slowly stand up and take in my new surroundings.
'I'm in the maze'

Hello people I just wanted to say thank you for reading this chapter and wow almost 600 readers to some it's not a lot but to me it means the whole world it makes me really happy when you guys read, like, and comment  it just makes me really happy and it motivates me to write even more. Anyways I'm curious on what you guys think so far on Emilie, please let me know what you think about her in the comments. Anyway later guys have a nice day 😁

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