Chapter 4

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Emilie POV
Newt showed me around the Glade and told me about the jobs and rules and even introduced me to some of the keepers. He also answered my questions the best way he could except for one. What's beyond those walls? When I asked him he told me that he doesn't want me to get too overwhelmed by all of this new information so I'll find out about the walls some other time. I was skeptical but I decided to trust him for real this time.
"So Newt what's your job here?"
"I'm a track-hoe and the second in command. What about you are there any jobs you're interested in?"
"I don't know yet but one thing is for sure is that I don't want to be a slicer" Newt just laughs at this.
"Then I'll make sure that's the first job you try out" I give him a playful glare.
"What why?" I ask him in a playful manner and he just laughs again.
"Just so you could get it over with" I playfully push him and he does the same to me. That's when I notice these guys stacking up this large lumber of wood.
"Hey, Newt what's that they are doing over there?" He looks to where I'm pointing at and smiles.
"Oh that they are just getting ready for the celebration tonight," He says sounding a bit excited.
"What are they celebrating?"
"We are celebrating your arrival. Every month a new Greenie comes up from that bloody box and every month we celebrate" I nod in understanding.
"Oh so who came here before me?" I ask curiously
"That would be Chuck" As if on cue these bells started to ring throughout the Glade.
"Come on its lunchtime I'll introduce you to him there."
When we got there I looked around just to make sure if there really weren't any other girls here. I guess what Minho said is true I really am the only girl here. I also noticed that everyone was staring at me this made me feel even more uncomfortable but I refused to show it. If I showed any signs of weakness then they just might take advantage of me. I think to myself. I still find it very hard to trust anyone here including Newt which makes me feel a bit guilty since he's been really nice to me.
We get our food and head over to a table that has a boy that seems to be 13 or 14 years old sitting by himself already eating. Newt sits across from him and I sit next to Newt. Then Newt speaks up.
"Hey Chuck this is Emilie our newest Greenie" Chuck looks up from his plate of food and looks at me with his mouth and eyes wide open.
"Wow, she's so much prettier up close. I-I mean h-hi it's nice to meet you"
Chuck blushes a bit but still smiles none the less and he holds out a hand for me to shake and I happily oblige. He then starts telling me about how he felt when he came up from that metal box and how he wet his pants. He then tells me how I should stay away from Gally because of what I did to him this morning. He then told me even more things about how he felt when he first got here. He sure can talk a lot but I don't mind I actually find it kind of comforting.
"Anyways I klunked my pants 3 times when I found out about the maze"
"Wait! what?! What maze!?!"
"Chuck!!!" Newt glares over at him as Chuck shrinks down into his seat.
"Oh you haven't told her about that yet"
"Obviously not!"
I look back and forth between the two expecting them to answer me. But they don't they just sit there in silence. So I ask again this time louder.
"What maze!?!"
"Look Emilie I'll explain all of this to you later alright so just calm dow-"
"No!!!" I cut him off before he could even finish his sentence.
I then get up and run out of the building before Newt and Chuck could say anything else. As I'm running I hear Newt call out to me telling me to wait but that just makes me run even faster. I look around trying to find a good place to hide I then see a forest and run straight towards it. Once I was in the forest I could tell that Newt was catching up to me so I try to run faster but it was pointless because before I knew it he caught up to me and grabbed me from behind.
"LET ME GO!!!"
"DEJA ME EN PAZ!!!" (Leave me alone)
"I don't know what that means but still no" I try to do everything I can to get him to let me go.
"Emilie please trust us"
"Seriously!?! Trust you for all I know you guys could be planning to kill me or something much worse!"
With that Newt puts me down and quickly turns me around so that I could face him. He has this serious look on his face. I look straight into his chocolate brown mesmerizing eyes I don't know how but they somehow calmed me down. He seems to have noticed this because his expression seems to have softened up a bit. He then talks in a calm but serious tone.
"Emilie I promised you that I wouldn't let anyone hurt you and I'm not planning on breaking that promise anytime soon understood?" For some reason, I couldn't say anything so I just nod.
"Good now let me explain the maze to you now."
Newt tells me everything there is to know about the maze. He tells me about how he's been here for three years trying to find a way out. How the walls open every morning and close every night. How these people called the runners go in there everyday mapping in and trying to find a way out. How the maze changes every night. And probably the scariest one is the Grievers and how no one ever survives a night in the maze because of them.
The sun has already started to set by the time Newt finishes explaining to me about the maze. I admit it's overwhelming but I feel like I can start trusting him at least I don't know about everyone else though I could possibly trust Chuck. Newt then stands up from where he was sitting and holds his hand out to me.
"Come on the celebration will be starting soon."
I look up at him and smile I then gladly take his hand and stand up. I expected him to then let go but he doesn't. Which I don't know why but makes me kind of happy that he doesn't we then walk out of the forest holding hands.

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