Chapter 3

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Newts POV
I was in the Med-jacks getting the cut the new Greenie gave me cleaned up. They came over with a piece of cloth and rubbing alcohol and they looked like they are desperately trying to stop themselves from breaking down on the floor laughing. I just sigh
"Go ahead you can laugh"
And with that, the two broke down laughing on the floor like there was no tomorrow. I just shook my head at them. After a few minutes, Jeff and Clint finally calmed down there laughing and stood back up. They started getting the supplies ready for my cut. They grabbed the piece of cloth and poured some rubbing alcohol on it and Clint started cleaning my cut.
"If it makes you feel any better we weren't just laughing about you," Clint said with a large grin.
"Then what else were you slint heads laughing about?"
"We were laughing at Gally too" Jeff answers.
Clint and Jeff told me how Gally had the girl pinned to the floor and how she practically flipped him off of her. I couldn't help but laugh too I know she got me to but still. Even though she hurt me I was still worried about her and so I asked them what happened to her. They then told me that Minho caught her from behind and how she started screaming in what seemed like a different language. Alby then sent her to the Slammer so she could calm down a bit. The conversation then died down and we stayed quiet for a little while until Minho passed by.
"Hey, Newt you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. How's is she?"
"She's fine she calmed down a bit after I put her down but she still seems a bit shaken up though," Minho says sounding a bit concerned.
"What was she yelling out when you caught her?" Jeff asks with a raised eyebrow.
"She told me she was speaking in Spanish." Just as Minho was saying this Clint just finished treating my cut. He then turns to Minho and me.
"So is she cute?"
I turn to face Clint and glare at him though he doesn't seem to care. He knows I won't say anything so he turns to Minho.
"Actually now that you mention it she is pretty cute."
"What about you Newt? You were staring at her for a pretty long time."
Minho said with a grin on his face.
"Why don't you slime it you bloody shank. I was staring at her because I was surprised to see a girl come up instead of another boy."
"Yeah, right I don't believe you for a second," Minho said with now an even bigger grin.
I didn't think she was cute I thought she was beautiful. But there is no way I'll admit it to these shanks. I was desperate to change the conversation so I just asked Clint the first question that popped into my head.
"So Clint will this leave a scar?" I ask.
"Don't worry it won't. Why are you asking?"
"No reason I just noticed that the girl has a scar to so I just got curious"
With this Minho raised an eyebrow and tilted his head a bit.
"She doesn't have a scar."
"Yes, she does it's on her right eyebrow." With this Minho claps his hands and laughs.
"Haha she hasn't even been here for thirty minutes and you're already starting to give her special attention."
"No, I'm not!"
"Yes you are"
"No, I'm not." Then out of nowhere, Jeff speaks up.
"Then how come when we were taking you here you kept looking around trying to find her?" I blushed after hearing that in all honesty, I didn't think they would notice that.
"I was just worried about her that's all."
Minho just smiles at this. It wasn't a complete lie I was worried about her but I also wanted to see her again I don't know why. Oh, klunk maybe Minho and the others are actually on to something here though I'll never admit it to them.
"Oh yeah before I forget I told her that you'll be showing her around. you won't mind right?" Minho smirks and I just sigh but I'm actually kind of happy.
I know from what she's done so far she is more than capable of taking care of herself but that doesn't stop me from worrying about her. I mean she's one girl surrounded by a bunch of hormonal teenage boys who know what they are capable of doing.
"Alright fine I'll go see her right now then."
With that, I jump off the bed ignoring Minho, Jeff, and Clint and their large annoying grins. As I get closer to the Slammer I suddenly hear screaming and crying coming straight from the Slammer.
As soon as I hear her screaming I instantly start thinking that someone snuck into the Slammer and started doing stuff to her stuff that I don't even want to imagine. Before I knew what I was doing I was running as fast as I could towards the slammer. I quickly open the door and see that no one else was in there. I then see that she was crying and screaming in her sleep. She must be having a horrible bloody nightmare I try to wake her up but she won't respond. I don't know what to do so I just put her on my lap and hold her close desperately trying to calm her down. She finally wakes up she's still crying but seems to be relieved to see that she's still here. We sit there holding each other until she finally calms down.
I asked her if she wanted to talk about it but she said she doesn't remember anything about it. I knew she wasn't lying because she sounded relieved when she said it. I was glad to, I mean I had my fair share of nightmares but nothing to make me scream and cry out like that. But still, I wonder what she dreamed about was it just some horrible nightmare or was it something from her past?

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