Chapter 21

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Emilie POV
I close the door behind me and make my way up towards mine and Newts room. I didn't know what to think, granted I feel as if a lot of weight was lifted off my shoulders by telling Minho, but I also feel a lot of guilt as well. I wanted to tell Newt first but I guess I was too much of a coward to tell him.
When I open the door I see that it's completely dark and empty. I close the door and make my way over to the bed. That's when my foot bumps into something on the floor, I pick it up and use the moonlight to help me see. When I realize it's the device that showed me that video of my past I instantly drop it and kick it underneath the bed.
"I want nothing to do with my past"
That's when it hits me. Did Newt see this? Does he know? I quickly shake my head at this of course he doesn't if he did know than he would have asked me about it and he had multiple chances to ask me.
I sit down on the bed and take off my shoes, jacket, and let my hair down so that I can sleep more comfortablely. Just as I'm doing this Newt comes in and smiles at me.
"There you are love. I've been looking all over for you so that we could go to bed" I get up and kiss him on the cheek and hug him. He does the same by kissing my forehead and hugging me back.
"You alright love?"
"Yeah I'm fine Newt I just have a lot on my mind right now" He tighten his grip on me and I do the same to him.
"I know it's a lot love and I'm sorry for even suggesting for you to even think about becoming a runner" If possible I bring him closer to me.
"You have any reason to apologize Newt you didn't do anything wrong"
"No buts you didn't do anything wrong okay"
"Alright..." With that we both lay down but we don't sleep we just lay there and hold each other a few hours pass by until I finally speak up.
"Newt what do you think it's like outside the maze?" After he doesn't say anything for a while I almost thought that he was asleep.
"I don't know but what I do know is that I will be there with you because you are the only person who makes me truly happy and I will do everything that I can to protect you" I bury my face into his chest.
"I love you so much Newt you honestly have no idea"
"I love you too and you have no idea either I'd rather die than to live the rest of my life without you" This time I don't say anything for a while.
"Newt I have to tell you something when I come back tomorrow"
"So you are going to be a runner than?" He asks with his voice becoming more and more tired.
"Yeah..." He kisses my forehead.
"Promise me you will be careful and come back safe and sound so you can tell me whatever you need to tell me alright"
"Alright I promise" With that sleep overcame us both.
3rd POV
It was early morning and Thomas and Minho are eagerly waiting for the doors to open.
"So I'm guessing Emilie isn't coming then is she?" Thomas's asks after no signs of her what so ever.
"No she's not I guess..." Minho mutters under his breath.
Thomas was upset that she didn't want to help out with running the maze and finding a way out. She's important to the group and she handled a night in the maze really well. She was able to keep a level head and able to come up with great ideas to help them survive the night. But he could somewhat understand why she wouldn't come, she was a keeper and probably couldn't just drop her responsibility so suddenly, unlike him who has only been here a few days and has no responsibilitys what so ever. That's the only explanation he could think of for her not coming.
Once they hear the all too familiar sound of the doors opening they prepare themselves for a long day of running. Once the doors are completely open they were about to run but before they even took a step they are stopped by someone calling for them to wait. The two boys turn around and see Emilie running towards them with a small backpack latched onto her back, her throwing knives secure on her waist, and a new pair of running shoes.
"You boys didn't think you could get rid of me that easily did you" She jokes once she reaches them Thomas laughs.
"No we didn't think so"
"You came..." Minho whisperes to himself. Thomas gives him a confused look as to why he is so surprised for her join them, but decides not to voice it out yet.
"Yeah I didn't think I would come but I promised Chuck that I would get him out of here, and I'm not about to break it any time soon" She gives him a small warm smile and he soon gives her one of his smirks.
"Glad you can join us Shank"
"Glad to be here" The three teens turn towards the open doors and stare into the maze.
"Come on Greenie and Shank I won't be slowing down so you two better keep up with me"
Minho quickly runs and Thomas and Emilie are right behind him. After many turns and a lot of running the two new runners are exhausted after spending the entire morning running. Minho quickly notices but doesn't stop running until they are almost there.
"Alright you big babies we can take a break now" As soon as he says that the two collaps on the floor and take big breaths. After a couple of minutes of catching their breaths Thomas stands back up and walks toward one of the turns.
"Where are you going greenbean?" Minho asks with a raised eyebrow.
"No where just going to look around that's all"
"Don't get lost shank" Thomas nods and leaves with that Minho turns to me and gives me a serious look.
"So did you tell Newt?" I shank my head.
"He has to know. He deserves to know Emilie... You can't keep hiding this from him"
"I know but how do you tell someone who wants to escape this hell hole that the person they love doesn't want to leave" He narrows his eyes at me.
"It's not that you don't want to leave you're just too scared to leave" I look down refusing to meet his eyes.
"How can I not... I don't remember everything but I know that I lived in hell before I came here"
"This is hell too. The creators took our memories, our families, our freedom and you would rather stay here than to fight to get it all back" He says with anger clear in his voice.
"You don't know. You didn't see what I saw you didn't feel what I felt you don't know anything!" She yells. He was about to say something but Thomas came back before he could he stood back up and started running without saying anything else.
"Did I miss something?"
"No nothing important" With that they quickly catch up with Minho and run until they finally reached their destination.
"That's strange" Minho mumbles.
"Seven is not supposed to be open for another week" They all look at eachother not sure of what to make of this situation.
"What the hell is this place?" Emilie asks as they aimlessly walk around the maze.
"We call them blades" They soon end up running into some rags that are a deep red.
"It's Ben's, isn't it?" Thomas asks Minho as he pick it up.
"Yeah. A Griever must have pulled him down here"
He gets back up and looks around until they suddenly starts hearing a beeping sound. Emilie goes into Minho backpack and grabs the strange device that they found yesterday. She starts walking around and and as she does it starts beeping faster.
"I think it's showing us the way" She yells over her shoulder and they start following close behind.
"Minho, you ever see this place before" Thomas asks him.
"No" They continue walking until they find themselves in a dead end.
"It's just another dead end" Minho sighs in disappoinment but just as he was about to walk away a whole new passage opens leaving the three stunned.
"Are you sure about this?" Minho asks Thomas and Emilie.
"Not really" They make their way down the new found passage until Minho step on something slimy.
"Grievers... " Is all that Thomas says. They were going to continue their way down until they hear a loud crash.
"What the hell was that!?" They soon feel and see the maze changing.
"We gotta go! Come on!" Emilie quickly hands Minho the strange device and they start running.
Soon the moving maze turns more and more dangerous by the second. By the time they finally reach the blades they start closing Emilie and Minho make it to the other side but Thomas was still trapped.
"Come on Thomas!"
"Hurry or we'll get trapped in here!"
With that he runs faster and just barely makes it. After almost getting crushed and trapped multiple times they finally make it back into the glade where everyone is waiting.
"What the hell's going on out there?" Newt and many other gladers follow them as they make their way to the map room.
"What the hell have you done now, Thomas?" Gally yells in complete anger.
"We found something, a new passage. We think it could be a way out" Thomas answers
"Really?" Everyone looks at the three runners in completely shock.
"It's true. We opened a door, something I'd never seen before. I think it must be where the Grievers go during the day" Minho confirms it.
"Wait! Whoa, whoa, whoa... You're saying you found the Grievers' home? And you want us to go in?" Emilie tries to comfort Chuck by putting her hand on his shoulder.
"Their way in could be our way out, Chuck"
"Yeah, or there could be a dozen Grievers on the other side. The truth is, Thomas doesn't know what he has done, as usual" With this Thomas turns around to face Gally.
"Yeah, at least I did something, Gally. I mean, what have you done? Aside from hide behind these walls all the time?"
The two looked like they were about to fight any second now. Emilie was about to step in and stop them but Newt grabbed her arm to keep her from going. When she turns to look at him all he did was shake his head at her. She sighs and watchs them argue silently hopeing that things don't get physical.
"Let me tell you something, Greenie. You've been here 3 days, all right? I've been here 3 years!"
"Yeah, you've been here 3 years and you're still here, Gally! What does that tell you? Maybe you should start doing things a little differently"
"Maybe you should be in charge, what about that?" Suddenly they stop arguing when the new girl Teresa tries to get everyones uattention.
"He's awake" With those simple words everyone rushs over to the med-jacks.
"Has he said anything?"
"No" When they finally arrive they see him already sitting up.
"Alby, are you all right?" Newt asks as he sits right next to him but all he does is shake his head.
"Hey, Alby we might have just found a way out of the maze. Do you hear me? We could be getting out of here" Thomas tries to sooth him but to everyones surprise it just makes him cry.
"We can't. We can't leave. They won't let us" He cries out.
"What do you mean we can't leave?"

Hello people I know this isn't my best one and I'm sorry for that but their is a lot to look forward to in the next couple of chapters and IP m excited to write them anyways until next time have a good day or night.

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