Chapter 26

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Emilie POV
"Zenith I'm so sorry about everything..." I cried hysterically as I tightly grip onto the rock necklace that he gave me before he died in the arena of the Hunger Games.
I remember everything. I remember my full name, my family, my friends, where I came from, and who I was before I came here to the maze. Especially everything that I have done and what I went through because of the capital it feels awful because it feels like I lost everything and everyone all over again. It's almost as if I'm reliving all of the pain I went through all over again but so much more worse. My knees quickly gave out and I am soon crying on the floor but I don't care. I shouldn't have ever stepped out of bounds and just kept quiet about the capital, I shouldn't have ever left the maze, and I shouldn't have ever remembered anything, but most of all I shouldn't have fallen for Newt.
As I'm crying someone suddenly grabs me by my hair and and pulls on it forcing me up to stand back up on my feet. The person holds me down up against their body in a tight headlock and I soon feel a gun pressed up against the side of my head.
"You make a sound and I won't hesitate to shot you" My captor whispers and I instantly know who it is.
"I knew you didn't belong in the maze. You and Thomas shouldn't have ever come here" Gally says as he drags me out of the dark room and leads me to the lab where the rest of the guys are huddled up in a group.
His grip on my neck was so tight on me I was barely able to breathe, I tried to loosen his grip on me but as I couldn't I was too weak and tired to be able to do much at this point.
"Gally?" Both Thomas and Newt were about to make their way towards us but Teresa stopped them before they did anything reckless.
"Don't. He's been stung" I heard Teresa.
"We can't leave" Gally finally says.
"We did. Gally, we're out. We're free" I hear Thomas try to reason with him.
"Free?" He scoffs.
"You think we're free out there? No. No, there's no escape from this place" He lifts up the gun away from me and points it at Thomas instead.
"Gally, listen to me. You're not thinking straight. You're not. Now, we can help you" The more Thomas tried to reason with Gally the angrier he got and the tighter his grip became. I tried to loosen his grip on me but it came to no avail until I suddenly made eye contact with Minho and saw him tighten his grip on his spear and I instantly knew what he was planning to do and with that I used every last bit of strength I had left.
"Just put down the gun," Thomas said but Gally didn't listen.
" I belong to the maze"
"Just put down the gun" He repeated
"We all do..." At that very moment I was finally able to get out of Gallys grip and as soon as I did Minho threw his spear hitting Gally right on the chest.
I quickly fell to the floor as I violently coughed and desperately gasped for air and without even realizing it Newt quickly made his way over to me to make sure I was alright.
"You alright love?" Newt asks me with a deep look of concern.
"Yeah... I'm... fine..." I finally say after taking a few more deep breaths.
"Are you sure? Do you need sit down for a bit longer?" Newt says not completely convinced.
"I'm sure" I simply say and try to stand up along with Newts help.
"Thomas..." I hear Chuck softly whisper. Everyone turned to look at him and we were horrified by what we saw.
"Chuck!" Both me and Thomas said. I run towards Chuck's side.
"Oh, shit. Shit. Look at me, look at me! Oh, shit! Chuck, look at me, all right?
I got you, buddy. Just hang on" Thomas said frantically not knowing what to do and neither do I.
"It's okay Chuck you'll be okay," I say in a much calmer manner as I rest his head on my lap I was trying to remain calm for Chucks sake but I have no idea for how long I could hold back my tears.
"Thomas, Thomas..." Chuck gives Thomas the small toy he made that was now covered in his blood.
"No, Chuck. You're gonna give it to them yourself. Remember, I told you that" Thomas says with tears in his eyes.
" Take it" He puts the toy in Thomas' hand and holds on to him as tightly as he can.
"Thank you. Thank you" He says as he gives one last look at both Thomas and I.
"No, Chuck, you're gonna get- Chuck" Finally Chuck takes his final breath as his eyes become empty and hollow a look that everyone is much too familiar with.
"Chuck? Hey. Hey, Chuck, come on! Come on, wake up!" Thomas continued to cry out his name while me and everyone else finally let their tears fall as they cry over the loss of their youngest friend.
"Damn it! We made it. Come on" Thomas keeps crying out.
"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you either..." I whispers as my tears slide down one after another. I gently leaned down and kissed Chuck's forehead one last time and then finally closed his eyes just like I did last time.
"God damn it! Damn it!" Thomas yells out one final time as the doors suddenly opens and light starts flashing in blinding us all. We suddenly start seeing figures of other people coming closer towards us and we soon see those figures with guns and in an army uniform start running inside and grabbing everyone and dragging them outside"
"Chuck! Get up, Chuck! Come on!" Finally, they reach Thomas and me and try to drag us away but we both put up a fight not wanting to leave our friend alone.
"Chuck! You can't just leave him there!" Thomas yells out as they drag the two of us away. When we are outside we both finally start to understand the situation and decide to start cooperating with the soldiers and follow them as they quickly approach a helicopter.
"You guys all right?" A man says once he makes sure everyone is on the helicopter.
"Don't worry. You're safe now" The helicopter soon starts to fly up and it soon goes higher than the maze walls. Everyone quickly leans over and get one last final look at the maze not being able to believe that they are finally out.
"Relax, kid. Everything is gonna change" The man says as we look down at disbelief.
Once we finally lose sight of the maze everyone leans back up against the wall and Newt gently wraps his arm around my shoulder and holds me close to his chest. I don't say anything as I hear everyone including Newt sigh in relief. I tightly close my eyes bracing myself for what comes next because I knew that this chaos is far from over.
"So what are you suggesting we do then?!" Daxten yells out and everyone in the room remains quiet and I take this chance to voice out a plan I've been thinking about for a few days now.
"Well I could volunteer to join the W.I.C.K.E.D experiments"
"Haha very funny but I'm being serious" Daxten says in great annoyance.
"And so am I..." I say in a much more serious tone and everyone in the room looks up at me some intregued and others concerned.
"Right now the Capital is divided right now. Half of the citizens love and adore me but the other half want my head. This leaves us in a stand off with President Snow and if we can get more people from the Capital to favor me then he will leave us alone"
"Ha it's not really much of a stand off if he keeps threatening us, destroying our homes and supplies, and even killing innocent people here in District 10" Fausto said in a cold hearted laugh. 
"I know which is another reason why I should go. If I leave then the people in the Districts will calm down and everything will go back to the way things were"
"Well that isn't much better either way people will still continue to suffer in the Districts and to make things worse the Hunger Games will still continue" Maria said in a calm yet firm tone. 
"I know but right now we don't have the resources to fight the Capital if we continue to defy them then there will no longer be a District 10 or any District for that matter this way President Snow will leave us alone leaving us to fight for another day" No one said anything but just from the looks of their faces it seemed like everyone was agreeing with me.
"No!" Daxten suddenly yelled out while everyone else avoided to look at him.
"It's too risky there has to be something else we can do!" He said desperately thinking of another plan.
"If we dont do something now then we are all as good as dead!" I yell at him bringing him to realization of how grave the situation really is.
"N-no there has to-" He tried to protest again but I cut him off.
"Daxten... this is the only choice we have left..."
My eyes were flooding with tears and my voice was braking. I tried to hold back my tears and stay strong in front of everyone but I couldn't and as soon as Daxten noticed he ran up and hugged me and that's when I let myself go and let my tears fall.
"You don't have to go if you don't want to go, you have a choice too" He tried to convince me one last time but I just shake my head.
"I know I have a choice and I choose to go..." Daxten pulls away from me and looks me in the eye almost as if he's trying to find any hint of hesitation in them and despite having my eyes filled with tears I was more then determined to protect everyone and Daxten seemed to finally understand this.
"I promise I'll come back... and when I do we will finish this war together" Daxten didn't say anything and just pulled me back into a tight hug and I could hear him quietly sobbing.
"You better come back... no matter what happens you need to come back" He tightened his arms around me as if he's scared to let me go.
"I promise..." I softly whisper to him. I promise to come back home and protect the last bit of my family and to eventually finish what I started.

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