Chapter 9

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Newts POV
"That's Emilie"
Minho says with a surprised look on his face. I then notice that it says something on the right bottom corner of the screen. I read it out loud.
"Emilie Martinez, age 14, District 10, 72 annual games, Victor"
"Games, district, victor what does that even mean and why would they send us something from our Greenies past?"
"I don't know"
Alby says to Minho while still looking at the screen. He then turns to me with a serious look.
"Newt your closest to Emilie has she remembered anything or has been acting strangely in any way?"
I didn't know what to do. Emilie trusts me to not tell anyone about it. I'd also be betraying her and losing her trust.
"Newt your the second in command if it concerns the glade and you know something then you have to tell us"
I sigh he's right I'm the second in command and I have to fulfill my duties.
"On the night of her celebration, she remembered something"
"And what was it"
"Her and a kid running away but they were caught by someone covered in dirt and blood"
"Anything else?"
"When I was on my way to pick her up from the pit I heard her screaming in her sleep"
"What was she screaming?"
"Leave me alone please and when I asked her about it she said she doesn't remember any of it"
Alby doesn't say anything he seems to be deep in thought then Minho speaks up.
"Well one thing is for sure she's different from us and not just because she's a girl"
"Your right Minho" Alby says quietly then looks at me.
"Newt she seems to trust you the most so I want you to keep a close eye on her"
"Your acting as if she's going to betray us!"
"Newt calm down I know you don't like this I don't like it either bu-"
"YOU ARE PRACTICALLY ASKING ME TO SPY ON MY GIRLFRIEND AND BETRAY HER TRUST!" Minho quickly moves between us. Despite my unusual anger Alby proceeds to talk to me in a calm voice.
"I know this is hard for you but think about the Glade she might not do anything to hurt us or the glade but the creators can still find a way to use her" As much as I hate to admit it I have to do what's best for the glade.
"Alright I'll keep an eye on her but if she tells anything else about her past the I will only tell you if it becomes necessary alright" Alby and Minho nod.
"Fair enough now let's get out of here before Newt decides to kill you Alby"

Hi sorry for not updating and sorry for the short chapter some stuff came up that made me unable to update.

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