Chapter 5

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Emilie POV
   As soon as the fire lit up everyone started drinking and dancing. I have no idea where Newt ended up at but luckily I found Chuck and we decided to sit on some logs that are near the fire. Chuck was telling me funny stories that happened to him and the other gladers and how Newt, Alby, Minho, and everyone else here became a family. After a while though Chuck told me that he was going to go say hang out with drunk Minho and that he'll see me later.
   After he left I couldn't help but wonder what my life was like before coming here. Eventually, curiosity got the best of me and I closed my eyes and tuned out all other noises that surrounded me and tried to concentrate on my past at first my head started to hurt but I ignored it I was determined to at least get a glimpse of my past.
    Me and a little boy were desperately trying to run away I don't know why though. I desperately held onto the little boy's hand as if my life depended on it. We kept running in what seemed like a forest. I don't know why but I was terrified. Then someone came out of nowhere covered in dirt and blood he then grabbed me then that's where it came out a scream of pure terror.
   I opened my eyes and take in a few deep breaths, I was completely terrified just by that one glimpse. I don't know what was going on but I certainly don't want to know. I decided that would be the last time I would ever try to remember anything from my past. I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them.
"It's for the best" I whisper to myself but someone heard me.
"What's for the best?" I turn around and see Newt coming over and sitting down right next to me.
"Don't worry it's nothing worth mentioning"
"Oh alright" He looks to the fire then back at me.
"So are you excited about trying out to be a slicer tomorrow?"
"What!? I thought you were only joking about that" I playfully punch his arm but he just laughs.
"Like I said just to get it over with" We talk and joke around about all kinds of stuff. Until Minho comes over and for some reason, he's smirking.
"Hey, Newt hey Greenie."
"Quit calling me that my names Emilie, not Greenie"
"No can do Greenie we all had to suffer from being called that so we're just making sure you suffer to"
"Oh how kind of you," I say sarcastically I then stand up to stretch a bit but then Minho says something that somehow annoyed me.
"Woah you're short"
"What!?! No, I'm not"
"Yes you are"
"No, I'm not"
"Yes, you are" Then Newt jumps in I thought he was going to help me but apparently not.
"It's true Emilie you are short. You are like what 5'2" I scoff at him.
"Have you thought that I'm not short and that maybe you guys are just too tall" Minho just laughs at this.
"No you're just short" He states bluntly.
"Don't make me slap you" I say in a none threatening way and the three of us just laugh I don't know why but it feels like it's been a long time since I've laughed like this. I then notice Minho drinking something.
"Hey what's that your drinking Minho?"
"I actually don't know" He looks at the jar with a raised eyebrow
"You don't know what it is and yet your still drinking it"
"He's not the only one" I turn towards Newt and see that he's holding up a jar of what I'm assuming is the same thing Minho is drinking.
"Wow you two are just unbelievable"
"Here try some" Minho hands me the jar. I smell it and it just makes me want to throw up.
"No thank you I'm good" I give the jar back to Minho and he just shrugs and continues drinking from it.
"Fine your loss"
"Oh yeah, Newt before I forget where am I going to sleep?" Newt then turns as red as a tomato and Minho looks like he's desperately trying to hold back a laugh.
"W-well actually m-me and Alby were talking about that and we both decided that me and you will share a room since we're worried about what the other gladers will do" I can feel myself blushing a bit so I look down trying to keep Newt from noticing.
"Oh okay then"
"Come on I'll show you the way"
   I goodnight to Minho and follow Newt into the homestead and up the stairs. He then stops in front of a door and opens it for me. After we are both inside he heads straight towards the drawers and hands me a t-shirt and some shorts.
"Here you can use these to sleep in. I'll give you some time to change I'll be right out here if you need me alright"
"Okay thank you Newt"
   Newt just smiles then steps out of the room closing the door behind him. I then quickly start changing not wanting to make Newt wait long. But as I'm changing shirts I notice something tied around my neck. I look down to see a small but beautiful rock necklace it's a light pink color. I don't know why but I could feel myself tear up a bit I don't know if by pure happiness or sadness. But one thing is for sure is that I could tell how important this necklace is to me. As I'm admiring it I hear a knock on the door.
"Hey, love are you almost done?"
"Oh yeah just give me another minute" I then quickly put on the clothes that Newt gave me but this time making sure that my necklace isn't hidden underneath my shirt. After I'm done I tell Newt that it's okay to come in.
"What took you so long?" He asks me as he walks back inside the room but soon notices the necklace.
"Where did you get this from?"
"I had it on the whole time but I guess just didn't notice it"
"It's very beautiful"
   He looks straight into my green eyes with his beautiful chocolate brown ones with his amazing smile it makes me wish that he was calling me beautiful instead of the necklace.
"Come on let's get some sleep"
"Yeah, but where am I going to sleep?"
"You are sleeping on the bed I'm sleeping on the floor."
"No way I'm not gonna let you do that"
"Then what do you suggest we do then" I don't want him to sleep on the floor it's his room after all.
"I'll sleep on the floor"
"Ha as if I'll let you do that I'm sleeping on the floor"
"If you sleep on the floor then I'm sleeping on the floor too."
"Boy are you bloody stubborn"
"Right back at you" We both stayed quiet for a while not knowing what to say or do Newt looked like he came up with an idea but was debating on whether or not he should say it until finally, he seemed to have made up his mind.
"Fine then how about... we share the bed then?" I hesitate at first but I eventually agree.
   Is all I could muster up to say. I could tell that my face is as red as a tomato but I'm not the only one the same goes for Newt too. We both got into bed my heart was beating really fast I was worried that Newt could hear it and before I knew it sleep overtook me. The last thing I remember hearing was Newt.
"Goodnight love"

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