Chapter 35

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1:00 p.m Saturday May 20, 1964

• Narrator's POV •

It was time, the women carefully climb in to the limo. They fix their dresses and glance at themselves in their compact mirrors. Marie takes a deep breath and straightens out her dress. She's cold all over and a nervous wreck. She clenches her pastel bouquet In her hands. Judy glances at her and smiles.

"You look amazing, sis." She softly says to Marie.

"You don't know how grateful I am for you- for helping me the day we met." Marie chokes out with glossy eyes.

Judy cups her cheek and smiles.

"Palm Springs was a great way to start." Judy says making Marie laugh softly.

For the rest of the drive to the church, Judy kept a hold of Marie's veil. Patsy took pictures every few minutes at every angle she could possibly take. Marie's the only one silent, who could blame her? This all seems like a crazy dream. The limo slowly comes to a halt. Everyone cheers out and gets out the limo. Judy and Marie carefully step out last, Joe runs out by them and stops, astonished.

"Mary, Mary, Mary- MARY!" He cries out with a frozen face.

Marie looks down, sheepishly. He runs to her and kisses her cheek. He caresses her cheek.

"You's alright." He mutters jokingly.

She giggles and playfully punches his arm. He shakes his head and gazes at her.

"You're beautiful, honey pie." Joe mutters still in disbelief.

He takes Marie's arm with his and leads her to a nearby room inside the church. Judy follows happily as they meet up with the other bridesmaids and women. Joe scratches his head as he watches Judy put on Marie's veil.

"So uh- I don't wanna be pushy or nothin' but- ya decide who's walkin' ya?" He questions gazing at Marie.

Marie's eyes widen. All the women stare, she glances up at Joe and smiles.

"Vernon and Rob." She sweetly says.

Joe nods and runs out the door, down the hall and into the men's room. Everyone glances up at him.

"She wants your Daddy and Robert to walk her." He breathlessly says.

Elvis' eyes light up. He nods and watches both Vernon and Robert smiling, honored. He pats both their backs and watches as they disappear out in the hallway. Elvis gazes at Joe, his heart all aflutter.

"How is she?" Elvis asks adjusting a white rose on his tux.

He glares as Joe shakes his head, laughing.

"I don't wanna ruin the surprise man." Joe says looking up at Elvis.

Elvis sighs and looks up at the mirror. He hands are clammy and shaking. Not knowing anything of her makes it even worse. Elvis turns back to Joe again.

"Are the police surrounding the Church?" He asks in a serious tone.

Joe nods and opens the door, showing police crowding around the church entrance.

"What about the guests?" He asks concerned.

Joe nods, "Place is packed, they're just waitin' for the clock to strike 2."

Pacing in the room nervously, Elvis sings softly to himself, calming himself down.

Red puts a hand on E's shoulder. Elvis looks up at him.

"It's time, E." Red says smiling.

Elvis nods, and opens the door wide. He shyly walks down the aisle and Joe, his best man follows behind him as the rest of the groomsmen head to the women's room. Elvis turns to the front of the Church. He breaths in deep as he watches the band prepareto play the infamous bridal music. Joe pats his back, Elvis turns to look at him with a sly grin. The music begins in a light mood, the bridesmaids and groomsmen slowly walk down the aisle. Elvis gazes in wonder. His heart beats faster as each bridesmaid walks down. 'Only one more away from Marie' He thought. Just then, Rita, the adorable flower girl walks down the aisle with William by her side. She throws the flowers on the floor while William carries the rings ever so delicately. The music stops and starts the Here Comes the Bride tune. Elvis perks up as Marie steps out of the shadows, with Vernon on one side and Robert on the other. Both men hold a proud smile. Elvis's eyes widen, he gazes at her new found beauty. He hears the trusted photographer take pictures of his reaction, a tear slips down and he looks down for a moment. He sniffles, wipes his tear and glances back up at Marie. With glossy eyes, she stares at him,

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