Chapter Ten

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Zayn's POV

Evelyn took her "medicine" right on time. Soon she'll forget all about Harry. I'll be the only one she needs.

Instead of Harry Styles plaguing her mind and discouraging her head-space, his name will have lost all significance to her.

"Hello, baby girl. How was your nap?" I ask as I lift her out of her crib.

"Good, I'm still sleepy." She flops her head down on my shoulder.

"Well that's too bad then. I was going to take us to the park today, but since you're so tired..."

"No! No Daddy please! I want to go!"

"Ok I guess we can go."


"Before we go, I need to take a look at your diaper, missy." I start to pull her diaper back.

"No Daddy! I don't need diapers."

"Oh you don't? Well it seems to me that you went pee pee while you were sleeping because when I put you down for a nap you were dry."

She's losing her bladder control!

Another wonderful thing is the fact that she's started to call me Daddy more. Hearing that name makes my heart flutter with happiness.

I think she's finally settling in and with the thoughts of Harry all gone, getting her into a younger, ideal head-space should be easy.

Taking Evie to the park is one of the ways I plan on achieving that.

"Ok, let's go, little one!"

She giggles as I carry her downstairs. Everything's fine until I pull her stroller out.

"That's not for me, is it?" Evelyn asks.

"Yes it is, baby. You're too little to walk to the park." I say as I set her in the seat.

"No, get me out. I want out!"

"Evelyn Claire Malik, if you still want to go the park you'll stop this right now."

"Yes, Daddy."

"Good girl."

As we approach the park designed for our community of littles, Evelyn's eyes widen in shock.

Whatever she was expecting, this is not it.

Littles roam around the area with their caregivers as the sun shines on their backs. It's a beautiful sight actually, but I'm not sure what Evelyn thinks of it.

Considering the progress we made when Niall and Charlotte came over, I think being around other littles does great things for her head-space.

"Are you ready to go play, Evie baby?" I ask, bringing her widened eyes to look at me.

"Um, I-I I don't know..." She squeaks.

"It's okay, baby. They're just here to play too; I'm sure they're all very nice."

I lift her out of the stroller and pat her bottom, signaling her to go play.

She grabs my hand and tugs on it.

"W-Will you p-play with me?" Evelyn asks adorably.

"Of course, darling. What would you like to play on first?"

She points to the slide.

"Okay, baby girl. You run up those steps and slide down and Daddy will be right here at the bottom to catch you, alright?" I tell her.

"Okay, Daddy." She agrees before she scurries up the steps and sets her bottom on the slide. Just before she hits the ground, I swoop her up into my arms and shower her with kisses.

"D-Daddy, stop!" She squeals through her adorable little giggles.

I see other mommies and daddies look on with smiles. Evelyn is the perfect little girl.

"What next, sweetheart?" I ask as I gently set her down.

"Swings!" Evie shouts.

"Good idea, little one." I agree.

We head towards the direction of the swings. As we get closer, I see Evelyn running towards another little girl.

Charlotte Horan.

And as I look up, I see Niall as well.

Evelyn and Charlotte play together for the rest of the afternoon. They swing on the swings, slide down the slide, and just have a great time running around and playing together.

This day couldn't get any better. Evelyn's slipping even further, she's bonding even more with Charlotte and Charlotte's introducing her to other littles.

My baby's making friends and I couldn't be happier that is until my phone rings with a person with no caller ID.

I answer hesitantly.

"Hello? Who is this? How did you get this number?" I ask.

"Oh Zayn. How naive of you. You really didn't think I'd come for Evelyn?" A deep voice sounds.


"I'm coming."

And then the line goes dead.

Sorry for the long wait, you guys! I've been super busy, but I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Don't forget to vote and comment to show me that you liked it!

~Abbie Grace

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