❃ Interview ❃

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Atlanta, Georgia

Current City
Atlanta, Georgia


Three adjectives that describe you:
outgoing, fearless and comedic

Favorite activities:
baking, petting puppies, sleeping and reading as many books as my attention span will allow.

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What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house?

Giving up a summer to share a toilet with 15 other people.

Do you have a strategy for winning the game?

I'm very observant, good at remembering things and can handle high-stress situations well. I know when I should keep quiet and when I should be loud.

My life's motto is...

You eat what you are... No, you are what you--You know what? It's YOLO.

What would you take into the house, and why?

- My sanity.
- My dog, he's a great roommate.
- Will Kirby, we could have a Chilltown 2.0 alliance!

Fun facts about yourself:

- I am working on my Veterinary Medicine degree.
- Making people laugh makes me happy.
- I can solve Rubik's cubes of all different sizes and shapes.
- I hid a cat, dog and turtle in my dorm room for a whole semester.

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What made you want to be on the show?

I have been applying for a couple of years! My family and I have watched the show for as long as I can remember.

Who is your favorite former player?

I love Britney! She is likable, aggressive, manipulative and entertaining. Johnny Mac is also a favorite. He was so funny, loud and he never ran out of energy. They both were great for TV. Game wise Derrick played an amazing game, he was never on the block! Well deserved win. Especially with Cody by his side, it is one of my favorite seasons.

So, are you looking for a showmance?

Although I am single, my main focus is on winning the game. (laughs)

Do you think you'll find one?

I don't think you can plan on finding someone! If it happens, it happens.

What if there's someone you like and they end up with someone else?

Now you're putting that out into the universe! (laughs) What can you do? I don't think it would be right to do anything.

So, you're looking for love.

No, I'm open to love!

How will you handle confrontation?

I don't like confrontation.

Why not?

I'm very laid back, but that doesn't mean I don't like causing drama! I love drama. But I'm not confrontational. Confrontation gets you in trouble in and out of the Big Brother house.

What would you do if Big Brother made you famous?

I would try and use it to make some positive changes. I would like to give back to my family and help out the kids of Atlanta. Also, if you didn't notice already I'm a huge animal lover! Sign me up for anything I can do to help reduce the number of puppy mills, kill shelters and helping animals get adopted.

And what if you don't win?

I would continue to watch every season of Big Brother and try to get back onto another season!

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