Chapter 5- Parties & Emily Wilson

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I stuffed some popcorn into my mouth as I didn't move a single muscle, keeping my full attention onto the television screen.

I was currently sitting on Emma's bed, watching a tv series called 'The Vampire Diaries' this show is extremely addicting! Emma hardcore ships Stefan and Elena but I keep arguing with her how Damon and Elena is just right!

As the show ended I flicked the tv off and turned my head to Emma who's busy on her phone. "Oh I forgot to ask! How was dinner last night? I heard you had company." She sang with a wink and my mouth falls open in surprise.

Where did she hear that from?

How doe she know that I was with Liam?

Oh my gosh this is more terrible than I imagined.

"Who told you that?" A horrified expression washes over me as I cautiously ask her the question that I thought I wouldn't have to.

"Rebecca, you told her last night." She explains slowly not really knowing why I'm acting weird and that's when everything clicks.

I squeeze my eyes in embarrassment with a tiny nod in realization.

Yeah, I did do that. Heh. . . Totally slipped my mind.

"Terrible." I say briefly, hopping that I'm in the clear since Camilla's bedroom is right next door to Emma's.

"Who was it with?" She asks innocently and I bite my lower lip as I rack my brain for a name. "Andrew Anderson." I blurt not really thinking it through completely and she just laugh.

"Can't get any worse than that." She points out in agreement.

Oh you have no idea.

Bad doesn't even begin to describe how last night went. Liam and I kept kicking each other under the table the entire time!

He's so frustrating! I mean I knew he could get your blood boiling but I didn't know it could be that extreme. It's actually funny when you're not the person he's aggravating.

"Any who, are you going to Daniel's party tonight?"

Oh, I know where she's going with this. Emma, just wants me to tag along so her parents will let her out, and that means I'm forced to watch her and Gabe talk the entire night while I stuff my  face with chips and continue to make boring conversation to a wall.

Not to mention that she ditches me every time. . . It hurts to think my best friend, who I constantly look for, would purposely drag me to a party that she knows I hate and then leave. I don't talk to many people so I would mostly be hanging in the corner by myself.

Maybe it's my fault that I don't include myself, but maybe it's just not what I'm interested in because if I was? I probably would involve myself.

"I wasn't planning on it." I admit truthfully and she pouts at my answer.

"You have too! I don't want to be alone tonight." She whines with a playful slap on my forearm. "Gabe, isn't coming tonight if that's what you're wondering." She acknowledges my concern and I let out a sigh, internally rolling my eyes at the sound of his name.

"You don't want to be alone? Easy solution don't go."

"If I don't go that's going to look rude. He is Gabe's friend." She clarifies the 'Gabe's friend' part as if I would be more understanding.

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