Chapter 13- Sweatshirts & Games

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I haven't slept a wink since I came home, not even a single second. I keep trying to convince my brain that falling asleep is a good idea but it's like it's got a mind of it own! I've pretty much tossed and turned so much that I probably burned more calories than actually getting up and doing a workout.

Liam drop me off around midnight and believe it or not the party actually took a lot out of me. Especially since I'm not much of a big social gathering person! I get pretty anxious in a crowded room— the kind of room where you basically have to shove your way to the the exit. Not my ideal way to spend a night. 

Not that I did much partying and socializing anyways. I sat in the corner for over an hour eating pretzels with the guy whose usually the life of the party.

And guess what? I even tried to get rid of him too but he didn't budge. He didn't even take the bait when I lied and said that his friends were looking for him. Not to mention the fact that he didn't even lift his head in the direction to any of the eighteen girls that tried to approach him— and yes I kept count.

A loud knock echos into the darkness of my room, interrupting any of my previous thoughts that I was having only seconds ago. I groan groggily, contemplating whether or not to open the door. I just wanted to snuggle into my warm fuzzy comforter and call it a night even if my eyes weren't cooperating with me.. "Come in!" I shouted and it was like I said some magic words because my door immediately goes swinging open and slamming right into the wall behind it. That's definitely going to leave one hell of a mark.

"Mom?" I say but for some reason, it came out more like a question. "Hey, sweetie! I didn't think you would actually be up this early."

"Hey, yeah I can't really sleep." My voice sound so sleepy that I almost don't even recognize that it's me talking. My mom continues to give me a warm smile and now fully strolls on in and takes a seat on my bed, earning a groan from me as the bed dips down.

"Did you need something?" I question with a raise of a brow as I now take in her appearance. Her hair is in a simple sleek ponytail and she has on very minimal makeup along with a grey sweat outfit.

"It's five thirty?" She hums as if that was suppose to ring any bells for me.

"Yeah, so?"

Did she really come in here to tell me it's five thirty in the morning?

She looks at me disappointingly since I'm not one to forget much. "I told you that we have to be out by seven. We have to start heading out soon, where's your bag so your father can bring it down?"

My eyes widen and I think my heart actually stopped. What is she talking about? Ive been so preoccupied with Liam and this damn party, that I haven't even been paying attention to what my mom has been talking about. Especially when she was chewing my ear off he other day when Liam's parents were here.

Oh my gosh.

"Mom, what exactly did I need a bag for again?" I squeak out, trying my absolutely best to contain my anxiety so I don't have an absolute panic attack over some details that now seem pretty important.

"I told you that your father and I have a very important business meeting in Paris to attend in a few days, and that's why I gave you a heads up by letting you know to start packing the other day because you're coming too." She informs me and my mouth falls open.

That makes much more sense why she looked so serious when I wasn't paying attention to her, and playing that super annoying yet addicting game on my phone.

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