Chapter 16- Carnival Dates & Sarcastic Remarks

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My phone starts to buzz on the table besides Emma and she immediately snatches the phone up before I even have a chance to check who it was, or an idea as to why someone possibly could be calling me this early in the morning.

"Ooh someone's little studdy buddy is calling." She teases in a sing-song manner that would make ones face flash an ugly shade or red, dangling my phone from her fingertips in pure enjoyment. 

I control my heart, my body, my stubborn obedience for it to stay in tact. Not wanting a single second in this brain of mine to stray from the idea of that strong passion of denial I have instilled since the day that he walked into my life. 

Feelings are not my forte.

Especially for the ones that are about 6' foot, have dark hair, and aren't afraid to give you those stupid intriguing looks that just makes you want to do stupid things  

The thought of his heart falling align with mine is enough to make me realize how irresponsible it is of me to think of something like that in the first place. I hate hearing him being called my studdy buddy because it makes my  stomach has a mind of its own. To someone else it might sound like what's the big deal in that little comment. Maybe in my mind it's the idea of us sharing something with him that nobody else can and I absolutely despise it.

My body remains unfazed as Emma continues to give me a teasing look that's basically saying go ahead and flirt with the guy already. I can't. I won't. 

I grasp my phone out of Emma's hold and tap the answer button before bringing the cold device up to my ear. "Hello?" I answer calmly trying to push Emma's head out of the way as she tries to listen in on the conversation, dying to to know what was going on and what he might say.

"Hey, are you busy?" His voice comes off gentle yet demanding all at the same time and it sends goosebumps right down my entire body.

Only him.

"I'm talking to you so how busy can I be?" I question sarcastically earning a a low deep chuckle to escape his lips.

"I want to take you out tonight." He says firmly and there goes my heart automatically skipping a few beats all by itself again.

"No thanks, I'm actually quite busy tonight." I attempt to act calm and cool by lying through my teeth, but I don't think I'm very successful at doing so, because I know Liam and I don't have to see him to know that he's probably smirking on the other end at my terrible lie.

"Please, Giana."

I give Emma a warning look while she stares at me as if I was insane if I don't so, she keeps mouthing to say 'yes' while throwing a fist pump up in victory.

I shake my head at her and she takes that as her cue to grab the phone out of my hold making my anxiety bubble up in my chest. "Hey Liam, excuse my best friend's manners. She would love to go out with you tonight- yes, I'll make sure she actually shows up." She grins happily while clasping her cold hand over my mouth so I don't have a say in any of this.

As soon as that rushed sentence leaves her lips I reach for the phone, but she easily gives it up without a struggle, and the number disappears within seconds.

Call ended.

Dang it.

"It looks like you got yourself a date tonight." She smirks in joy and I roll my eyes to prevent my cheeks from turning a bright shade of red, but of course they don't listen to me and heat up anyways.

"It's not a date."

"Whatever you say."


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