Chapter 42- Fake Friends & Complicated Relationships

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I hate this, I hate them.

Those were the only few words that were able to keep on replaying in my brain as I see the two drive off together.

My boyfriend didn't even care to check up on me but has the ability to go off somewhere with her, and not to mention the fact that it's her out of all people!

"That imbecile is more stupid than I thought!" Emma exclaims in anger, looking at the empty spot where Liam's car was just parked seconds ago.

"Maybe he's taking her home home?" I suggest, wanting to see only the positive out of this but I know it's not true especially with that look she's giving me.

"Where to the dump?"

"Why am I jealous? I've never been jealous."

Emma begins biting on her bottom lip and shrugs before making matters even worst for me. "I would be too."


I feel so confused.

Yesterday he was professing his love to me and giving me a cute sentimental gift, while today's he's out driving around with Jessica before even seeing if I was even okay.

"Hey, if it makes you feel any better all the girls are going out to the diner in about twenty to grab a milkshake and a slice of pizza. You should come." She remarks, trying to persuade me into coming by mentioning milkshakes.

I know she doesn't want me to sulk all by myself but that's how I sorta feel right now.

I don't want to feel sorry for myself but I can't help being upset.

"Liam's out doing who knows what and you're going to sit in the house the rest of the day moping? Not on my watch. Come on." She states firmly, grabbing me by my wrist and tugging on me as if this was a game of tug-of-war.

"No." I whine childishly with a pout and she gives me a stern look.

"I don't know the definition of no."

"How about negative?"

"Still not one clue."


I can't help the frown that starts to form on my face as I get lost in my thoughts. I'm currently taking a walk around my neighborhood and trying to clear my head but I don't think it's really helping if I'm going to be honest.

I hung out with the girls at the diner for about an hour, but I couldn't help but feel exhausted within the first few minutes. I sorta used the excuse that hitting my head made me tired and cranky today, so I kinda used that to my advantage to go home early.

Liam hasn't texted me in the past five hours and I feel truly disappointed. Maybe I'm overreacting and maybe I'm just acting like some crazy, psychotic, overprotective girlfriend but loving Liam has made me completely crazy with a capital 'C.'

My thoughts all came to a halt when my face crashes into something hard- that just so happened to belong to the chest of a man.

"Watch it." I spat coldly, not bothering to look up until I heard his chuckle in amusement.

My entire body freeze in place and I force myself to swallow the hard lump that was starting to form in my throat.

It's like every single hair standing up on my body. I looked up to meet the green-eyed boy.

"What are you doing back in town?" I question breathlessly.

He raises a brow at me in curiosity and bites his lower lip to stop another chuckle from escaping his perfect face. He folds his arms across his chest and I can't help but scan his face which hasn't changed one bit.

His green eyes sparkled with amusement and I feel my heart lighten immediately.

"I'm glad you missed me too."

Okay, now that I see him face to face I definitely, might've missed him a little.

More than I would want to let myself admit.

"I heard about my new replacement." He smirks and I instantly roll my eyes at his sarcastic, witty personality.

"In my defense you never reached out to me after you left."

"So, it's true?" He asked, avoiding my previous statement completely and shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

"What is?"

"The whole boyfriend thing."

"I don't think it's any of your business and even if I did, what are you going to do about it?"

"Well, I'm obviously going to have to change that then."


Jessica's POV

Am I a genius? A brilliant one indeed.

I asked Liam to take me home so I can get some more alone time with him.

The farther away from Giana the better!

Liam is clearly mine and he's just going through some weird stage by going out with the looser. I know he loves me I just have to make him see that too.

So, of course I stepped in and pretended to actually care by helping him 'save' his girl and act as if I was genuinely happy for him.

I don't care if he's dating Giana because I can see that he still desires me.

Ladies and gentlemen be sure to bring your popcorn, this is a show you're not going to want to miss.

She has it all by having him by her side and that's not fair because he was mine first!

And what's mine is mine.

I don't share simple as that.

He's mine and Giana Russo can go back to that little quiet shell of hers that she was first bought in and go home.

She deserves what she's about to get.

I'm going to steal her friends, her boyfriend, and everything else that I want.

I mean I've been here for less than twenty-four hours and I already have everyone wrapped around my pinkie and they don't even know it yet.

(A/n- Chapter forty-two is officially out! I finally changed it up a bit and added Jessica's POV into this chapter! I felt that it really added the importance behind Jessica's character and who she is.

What do you guys think of this chapter so far? What do you think of Jessica? Do you think Liam is going to breakup with Giana for his ex? Who do you think that guy was that Giana was talking too?

I really hoped you guys enjoyed reading this chapter, thank you so much if your still reading this.

Please, please don't forget to click that little star at the bottom of the page, to comment, and share. It means so much to me when you guys do.

Thanks again. Until next time!)

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