Chapter 9- Fights & Confessions

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The slight breeze in the air makes me want to shiver since I didn't have a jacket on me. Days like these are the times that I get mad at myself because I'm always too lazy to carry a jacket around.

I walked over to one of my favorite oak trees- this spot is where some of us will come out and eat our lunch instead of sitting inside. The school even set up an area with tables and umbrellas, it's definitely one of my go to hangout areas.

Luckily this spot is getting the slightest peak of sun right over it since I'm only wearing a cropped T-shirt. I take a seat down letting the warmth of the sun warm up my skin.

I told Emma that I needed some fresh air for lunch so now I'm just sitting here by myself at the end of my lunch period. I really needed a few minutes to let my thoughts ponder without any distractions.

A grin makes its way onto my lips as I reminisce over Saturday night which is quite a memorable one for me. Liam Palazzesi kissed me? It still boggles my mind that what happened between us happened. If that makes sense?

I can't believe my first kiss was with the quarterback of my school. For four whole years I've heard girls obsessed and drool over him, and I didn't get what was so special. But seeing him behave so differently towards me is definitely refreshing compared to his normal sarcastic self.

I stare down at the diamond bracelet on my wrist and run my fingers across the cold metal.

Liam and I texted for a little bit yesterday but he told me that he had to go to football practice, so I didn't want to act like some clingy girlfriend and I just let the convo die out after that.

My eyes wander around the open and I swear I think my eyes are playing tricks on me as as I see Ethan with Camilla? Oh my gosh.

There she is leaching all over Noah as if her life depended on it.

As if Noah could sense my gaze he looks up and flashes me a bright smile. He gives me a short wave and heads on over towards my direction.


This is the last thing I want to deal with right now. Not for Noah personally but definitely for the witch next to him.

Are these two like a thing now? He couldn't have picked a worse person to date.

"Hey, Giana." Noah grins, towering over my small frame.

To say that I'm beyond embarrassed at this situation would be an understatement. I'm guessing he doesn't know that Camila and I don't particularly get along?

Camila snickers over at me, her bright pink skirt raising up her thighs as Noah wraps his arm around her waist.

She places her mouth onto Noah's shoulder and lets out a muffled laugh. I know what she's trying to do and it's definitely working. The anger continues to boil up inside me as she looks over at me like I'm some sort of nobody.

I grew some courage and stood up to be face to face with the witch herself. She doesn't seem the least a bit threatened as her face morphs into complete amusement. She wants to make me feel like a joke and I can't deny that I suddenly do.

"Nice seeing you again, Noah. We'll catch up soon." I smile sweetly.

I just want to prove that her being here doesn't bother me. That I couldn't careless what she does because I'm still unfazed. Even if I am freaking out on the inside. 

I look over at Camilla who's waiting for me to say something to her but I just roll my eyes and turn on my heel to walk away.

I think she physically wants to snap me in half that I 'disrespected' her but that's not my issue.

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