Chapter 11- Apologies & Awkward Lunches

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"Furious? That doesn't even begin to describe the look on Liam's face after you left." Jessy laughs, holding the sides of her stomach in pain from giggling so hard.

Turns out right after I bolted out of the cafeteria, Jessy hid towards the back and caught Liam's reaction— he clearly wasn't happy about any of it.

Besides if Emma didn't film the whole thing and decide to post it on Instagram for the entire school to say than maybe he wouldn't be so pissed off!

"It was hilarious, it was very refreshing seeing you take control like that. I'm proud of you for not letting that boy stomp all over you." Jessy smiles genuinely, grabbing her pink quilted crossbody bag off my kitchen table, so we can start heading towards the front door— the rest of the girls will be here any second to pick us up from my place.

"I mean you could've went a tad easier on the boy but good work nevertheless." She chuckles in amusement, and as her curiosity grows she can't help but ask if my mom found out about this situation.

"Are you kidding me? That would mean having to explain to my parents about Liam and I being—" I purse my lips as I struggle to find the words to describe our relationship. Definitely not friends and definitely not more than that.

"Close?" Jessy suggests and I shrug not really knowing what else to consider us. "Sure, lets go with that."

Not even two seconds later the doorbell rings and I immediately sigh in relief— I felt myself growing anxious thinking too deep into Liam's and I's relationship like that. I peak my head over at the giant windows and I notice that the girls are in Ariana's white Range Rover parked outside my house. 

The two of us run out of the house excitedly with big grins spread across our faces. "There's our two favorite besties!" Emma squeals in delight as we finally approach the car together, earning a laugh from Jessy and I.

I feel my phone buzz rapidly in my pocket and I quickly fish it out wondering if it's my mom from inside.

But it isn't.

It's Liam.

My heart is in my stomach as I pull open the messaging app.

I need to talk to you. Please.
~ Liam sent at 3:10 p.m.

"Is he actually serious?" I question in disbelief more to myself than anyone.

Jessy turns to look at me curiously and I don't hesitate to hand my phone over to her, especially since she's already peaking over my shoulder to see who's the main reason of my mood swing.

Her eyebrows pull together seriously as her eyes scan over the message for a couple of seconds, but before she can actually give me any of an input on my situation her attention seems to be on something behind me. "I think the more important question is why is he pulling up to your house?"


Liam is here?

Oh my gosh— I really regret not touching up my makeup when I got home from school today. Jessy's hands instantly shoot out to help tame my flyaways, while I quickly adjust my top before he has a chance to fully park and get a glance at me.

"Damn, he's looking hotter than ever." Rebecca grins from the passenger side of the car and I roll my eyes at her eagerness, someone seems quite amused by all of this— she swears that I'm a main character in a teen romance novel in some crazy alternative universe, but I swear she's absolutely insane.

My eyes now trail there way over towards Liam's parked car and when he gets out i feel my heart race. "Give me a second." I whisper feeling my nerves take over me. The girls nod understandingly, not putting any pressure on me to hurry up so we can hangout already. Jessy now hops into the back of the car, shutting the door behind her so she can chill and wait in the car with everyone else.

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