Chapter 12- Liars & Cheaters

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A loud bang erupted from the front door taking all of us by surprise. I looked over to Emma to see her reaction and she looked terrified by this situation, her mouth was opening and closing like a fish out of water. Emma is easily scared and since we're home alone, she's probably freaking out right about now.

"What was that?" Rebecca asked now in a whisper. "A branch? Emma's mom?" I suggested, throwing out a few ideas of what it possibly could be, and they all shook their heads at me as if I was the crazy one.

They're probably making a bigger deal than what it really is but with it storming like cats and dogs outside, it's definitely not the most comforting feeling in the world.

"Emma, you go check." Jessy whispered as she motioned her gaze over to the front door. "What? Why me? Why don't you go check?" She asked as the panic arose in her voice. My heart started to race in my chest as another loud bang hit the door and a shake of the door handle. "It's your house!" Jessy squeaked out as she hid her face with a pillow.

"Fine." Emma grumbled under her breath as she carefully and quietly made her way over to the door. She motioned me to follow behind her since she was very frightened and I bit my lip, nibbling on it as I felt myself getting nervous now and with a nod, I got up and followed behind her. She took a look into the peek hole of the door and just like that the door came flying open, hitting her right in the face.

She instantly cups her nose and lets out a loud yelp as in came Camila and Gabe making the rumors very much true.

I snapped my eyes close and pray that this is all some terrible dream. Emma is seriously going to rip somebody's head off.

On the bright side at least it wasn't a burglar!

I reopened my eyes and not to my surprise this wasn't some terrible dream- this is definitely reality. I think fumes are actually coming out of Emma's ears if you look close enough. Emma gives a deadly glare at her sister and Camilla did the same as she sees us all in her family room.

"Sorry, I didn't think you would be home this early Emma." Camila fakes an obnoxious giggle and Gabe slings his arm around her shoulder. "I thought you were with Ethan now." I remark, trying to have Emma's back through all of this and Camilla's deadly eyes dart over to mine. "That was a long time ago sweetie, stay up to date." She says sassily with a snap of her fingers at me.

I rolled my eyes at her rude personality and take my usual seat on her couch once again. Emma pulls her sister to the side and start arguing in the corner, not so quietly may I add.

After a half an hour went by of just watching the two argue right in front of us. The rain had now finally stopped and all I wanted to do was yell at them to make up already.

My phone starts to buzz rapidly in my pocket and with a low sigh I pulled it out. Is it bad to say that I hate technology? Yes, it's useful but do I need it to survive? No way in hell, why do I even need to text somebody? Its way to much work that's what a payphone is for.

I unlocked my phone and see that Liam texted me. Gosh what does he possibly want?

Are you at Emma's? ~ Sent at 5:10 p.m.

Why? ~ Sent at 5:12

As soon as I hit the sent button he instantly replies.

Come outside. ~ Sent at 5:12

What if I'm not at Emma's? ~ Sent at 5:14

Are you not? ~ Sent at 5:14

... ~ Sent at 5:20

Unforgettableजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें