Chapter 27- Bonfires & Duplicates

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"You better keep an eye out on her." I say strictly, my eyes following the brunette very closely as if my life depended on it.

She has on a flowy tangerine colored dress and a pair of white flats with a fashionable beach hat thrown onto her head.

She definitely has better taste than when she's hanging out Enzo. It seems very odd for her to fit into this preppy side of town, especially since she has more of a rebellious aesthetic to her than a rich snobby school girl.

"Aren't you suppose to be saying the opposite to me?" He puzzles, probably assuming that I would get jealous and angry at him for looking at another girl— luckily this one looks just like me.

I still haven't figured out why we look so identical yet, but I have heard online that there's a one in one- hundred and thirty-five chance that someone in the world looks just like you. It's super rare to come across them in person— I'm guessing we're that one?

"Shush." I hiss, tilting my head up to get a slightly better look at him so he can see the look on my face showing that I'm being serious about all of this, but turns out he's already looking down at me. I gulp hardly at our close proximity and I advert my attention back over towards Juliette and her cute dress.

She's hanging out with two of her friends as they all enjoy an ice cream cone on this suddenly warm day outside a famous ice cream parlor.

I'm determined to find out what this chick has up her sleeve and I'm going to be one step ahead of her this time!

"And if you do check out another girl besides the psycho that looks like me— it's over." I threaten jokingly, not really. I grip onto the cement wall and do my best to try to spy on her without looking like a complete creep.

"You should probably go over there and talk to her friend get some info, just in case, she might recognize me faster than she would you."

"Yeah." He mumbles lowly as he fixes his composure, and buttoning the little grey middle button that brings the suit jacket together.

We're suppose to be at some lame family dinner right now but we both luckily got out of it! Now we're just stuck wearing formal clothes on a boardwalk, we look absolutely insane but thankfully it's dark outside so you can't really see us.

Juliette now heads into ice cream parlor with one of her friends and leaves the shy blonde looking girl all by herself.


I turn my attention back to Liam and notice that the collar of his white long sleeve gets messed up from pulling his jacket a little to roughly and for some reason I can't help myself by fixing it.

I know that Liam and I are dating now but that doesn't mean that still I don't get easily flustered by his presence.

But it seems as if he didn't mind as the fire in his eyes speaks a story I'm afraid that we're both to scared to say aloud.

He holds my hands in place and leave them where I left them on his collar. My cheeks flare a bold shade of red, and I slowly feel myself getting lost in his eyes, completing forgetting the mission, most importantly the reason why we came here in the first place.

Seconds pass and I quickly my throat in attempt to pull me back to reality, advert my gaze to reclaim my confidence. He quickly composes himself and mumbles a tiny thanks before telling me that he will be right back. He causally walks over to Juliette's friend like nothing happened between us just seconds ago.

The girl now begins to stroll along the pier nervously as Liam decides to pretend to not notice her since he's keeping his head hung low.

He 'accidentally' bumps into her and immediately apologizes. Luckily they're not too far away from me so I can hear everything pretty clearly.

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