Chapter 24- Juliette & Skipped Classes

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It's officially been a week of just being back to normal without completely being back to normal. Now that Ariana isn't around our group feels more lonelier than you think, like a chunk that can't simply be replaced.

As for the other matters, I've tried my best to continue life without thinking of that crazy girl who looks exactly like me but acts the complete opposite.

Thankfully Enzo got Liam's phone back from her and handed it back over to him We don't really know why she did, what she did, but if I'm going to be honest I truly don't want to know.

Clearly whatever the reason is, is not a good one.

Anyways, I'm currently in my chemistry class and sitting in my normal spot towards the back with Emma sitting in front of me.

Liam however is sitting on the opposite side of the classroom in the back as well with his stupid group of football friends.

They don't really know we're dating now, but I honestly don't care. I rather us be on the down low than to deal with those drama filled girls and rude, misbehaved boys that just so happens to come along with me dating Liam.

I focus my attention back to reality and see that Liam has on his signature lettermen jacket, the same one that he begged his dad to buy him back in freshman year when that was considered the 'trend.'

Not going to lie though I low-key have always drooled a tad more for a boy who play sports, especially if that guy happens to play football! Or if he's also a tall, extremely handsome, dark haired, mysterious brown eyed, smirking boy— or in other words goes by the name Liam Palazzesi. 

Anyways, Emma keeps going on and on about Gabe and how he texted her some lame apology message for how he cheated on her. She wants to believe him even though I keep telling her how wrong of an idea that is. Does he honestly expect her to buy that fake line of bullshit that he's trying to feed her— I mean— okay, yeah she totally is.

"Hey Giana, what did you get for number sixteen?" A masculine voice whispers lowly next to me, startling me from my thoughts and forcing me back into reality, but luckily it wasn't anyone annoying or crazy, just Andrew.

Andrew is this boy that has literally shared at least one class with me every single year together since middle school. We've sat near each other in the past and gotten to know each other because of that stupid assigned seat, last name rule.

"'C. Gallium.'" I whisper back with a polite smile and he instantly flashes me a thankful smile in return.

My eyes automatically now turn to look over at Liam once again and his eyes are now fixated on me with a tiny smirk peaking on the corner of his lips.

Liam's friends are still busy talking and making jokes, but he seems more entertained at looking at me than whatever their conversations is about.

I can't help but roll my eyes in attempt to act all annoyed even though I truly wasn't. Far from of it actually! My heart even begins to flutter at the small gesture, so that's exactly when I forced myself to look back over at Emma..

"He's so cute when it comes to you." She hums with a teasing giggle escaping her lips. Just as I was about to reply to her statement a knock on the door erupts loudly and startles me a bit at the sudden urgency.

The girl with long brown flowy hair whose always sitting in the first seat of the classroom lets out a loud frustrated sigh. This is probably the eleventh time today she has to get up to answer the door for whoever needs to come in.

My breathing hitches in my throat at the sight of a girl who I definitely wasn't prepared to walk through that damn door.

I'm. Going. To. Go. Hide. In. My. Bedroom. Forever.

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