Chapter 32- Costumes & Surprise Sisters

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"Shopping for Halloween outfits in May? We look like we've completely gone bonkers." Jessy remarks as we continue to scan the party store for some cute costumes.

Camila decided to have her party this weekend which is only two days from now!

I haven't seen Liam in over a day and he's been messaging my phone like crazy, but I haven't been the most responsive.

I'm just still trying to wrap my hand around everything.

I did happen to bring the party up to him and asked if he wanted to do a couples outfit. I might be mad at him still but I'm going to at least try and enjoy the couple things I've always wanted to experience before this does come to an end- if it does come to an end.

At first he was completely against the idea and whined like a big baby about how lame that is, but I of course got my way.

The girls and I have been looking at outfits for over an hour but it's sorta hard to pick out costumes when it's not even that time of year yet. The point is- our options are extremely, extremely limited at the moment!

Jessy is thinking of going a as mouse, duh.

Emma wants to be a scarecrow? Yeah I didn't get that one either. . . And Rebecca wants to be a high school cheerleader. I definitely didn't see that one coming! Note my sarcasm.

Liam doesn't know yet but we're totally going as Danny and Sandy from Grease.

It just makes perfect sense!

One I absolutely love that movie and two the outfits are super cute so that basically sums it up.

Luckily finding a black outfit that matches the one Sandy wears at the end of the movie when she goes rogue and they break out into 'You're The One That I Want' wasn't the most difficult task out of them all if I'm going to be honest.

"I'm exhausted! Can we just skip to the fun part already?" Emma whines as she picked up a couple of costumes off the rack.

Ah, relatable.

Who doesn't look forward to the dressing up part the most?

Liam is going to look so adorable in his leather jacket and slicked back hair.

I love an old school guy.

The heat raises to my cheeks as I begin to daydream about him in my head and praying on everything that I owned that the girls couldn't see how much of a crazy I totally am. I was literally blushing over him when he's not even in the same room as me for crying out loud!

I'll never hear the end of it if they find out.

I've never met someone who made me so vulnerable without even trying.

But, that's the part that scares me the most. . .

When I was younger I vowed to myself that I would never let a guy get the best of me because, I wouldn't want my heart to be broken like a lovestruck little girl.

Truth is, I don't think I could keep that promise anymore.

Liam effects me and I would be lying to myself if I actually pretended that he doesn't have the ability to break my heart because that would be a huge, gigantic lie.

He does.

It's just my choice how I choose to handle myself.

I could continue letting him in just for a little while longer. . . I just have to promise myself not to get too lost in the moment because it'll be that much harder to get over him if things don't end up working between us.

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