Chapter 40- Boxes & Promises

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"My sister should be home in like thirty minute so I'm going to have to make this quick before she tries to steal you away from me again." Liam jokes as he continues to hold my hand. we walk up the wooden paneled staircase that leads to his room.

"I wanted to show you something." He admits shyly as we continue to walk up the wooden paneled staircase that leads to his room.

My eyes immediately widen as the two of us approach the room. The room is practically empty at this point and nothing holds any emotions besides the grey colored walls- the one and only thing that is stilling shedding a bit of color in the gloomy room.

Brown boxes are scattered everywhere and only one nightstand is left, but it's not the same nightstand that I remember. It's no longer filled with pictures, candy wrappers, and things that making Liam, Liam. Things that once held meaning to him is gone- everything is gone.

Is that going to happen with our relationship?

Here one day and gone the next?

I can't help but inhale deeply from all of these crazy thoughts, and nervously begin to play with the necklace that Liam got me for my birthday to distract myself from all the feelings that are currently overwhelming my mind and body.

Please tell me this is not actually happening.

Liam drops my hand and I suddenly feel cold as he walks on over to one of the littler boxes in the corner of his room.

I do my best to try and not let my emotions get the best of me but it's kind of hard not to, especially when the reality is that the one guy that I'm completely and hopelessly in love with is moving away from me for four whole years.

And it's selfish of me to secretly wish that he wasn't leaving and staying here with me.

I take a seat on the edge of his plush bed and Liam immediately joins me, holding a box that is sealed shut with a pretty white envelope taped to the top.

"I want you to have this before I leave, but promise me that you'll open it once I've already left?"

He places the box into my lap and I can't help but wonder what's in the box and why I'm not allowed to open it yet.

What's the difference in a month from now?

"You don't have to give me any-"

"I know but I want too." He's reassuring me but it definitely seems like he's also trying to convince himself as well. He forces on a smile and I can sense that things are different now as my eyes roam his once happy filled chocolate ones, which are now turning into nothing but sadness.

I gently place my hand in his and I feel my heart skip a beat.

"Thank you

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"Thank you."

I don't think I'll ever get old of this- him and I.

People might call me stupid for being so young and completely falling in love with someone who I hated only months ago, but life is too short to not take chances, and some chances- those chances are the ones that are definitely the ones worth taking.

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