Chapter 41- Stolen Boyfriends & Overthinking Situations

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I was so happy to finally have the bathroom to myself, I feel as if I could finally to catch my breath and steady out my racing heartbeat. Especially because Jessica's perfume has been suffocating me for the last five minutes.

I'm trying my absolute best to give myself a mental pep talk before heading to class, but it feels as if my feet is glued to the ground and I can't move.

The dismissal bell rang over a minute ago but here I am frozen in place and shaking like a leaf, and staring blankly at myself in the dirty, old mirror trying to get a grip on myself.

Liam was practically in love with Jessica, and I don't know how he's going to react when he finds out she's back.

Especially when she's going to be pining over him like some sort of prize to be won.

This is probably my worst fear come to life.

I suck in a deep breath and do my best to put on a confident smile.  My appearance isn't all too bad today and definitely worth a pat on the back if you ask me.

I mean does Jessica really have that much power over our relationship? Liam didn't date anyone after Jesica, but he chose to date me so that has to mean something, right?

Sure, if that helps you sleep at night.

Excuse me?

You heard me. Come on Giana, you're not that stupid! They broke up because she MOVED. Not because they wanted too and when Liam sees her all those feelings are going to resurface and come rushing back to him. 

Can you please stop talking and making me panic about all of this?!

Technically we're thinking not 'talking.'

Smartie pants.

The door open up again and in comes Jessica along with Rebecca following behind her. The two of them laughing it up and catching up about old times.

That was the last thing I remember before tripping over the roll of toilet paper that was snuck underneath my own two feet, and when my head smacks against the dirty bathroom tiled floor, I feel a great darkness consume my eyes.


My head is pounding and it feels as if the room is going around in circles and more circles. Everything feels heavy and once I begin to regain my vision I'm visited with bright white lights.

Oh damn.

What the hell happened?

I slowly start to rub my temples and let out a low groan as I feel a slight pain shoot up from my lower back.


I tripped over something again, didn't I?

I'm such a klutz.

"Hey, are you okay?" A voice pipes up.

I carefully lift my head up as my hand shoots back to protect it as if I was going to fall all over again. There stood Jessica Thompson standing in front of an unfamiliar doorframe with a weirded out expression.

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