Chapter 20- Arguments & Friendships

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"Seriously, Ariana? You didn't even care to call me back." Emma rants furiously at our so called 'best friend' who seems the least bit interested in our concern for her.

Liam and I awkwardly sit on Alex's couch as we watch Emma's face turn a slight shade of red in our anger as Jade makes some rude remarks towards her. Alex's arm is firmly slung around her shoulders as a smirk is rising upon his face, not only in amusement but enjoyment as well over how upset Emma is over all of this.

Did he brainwash her or something? Because this is so not the Ari I know and love.

She's always one putting her friends first and now a few weeks with this looser and she completely forgets who she is?

I was about to intrude and say something to come to Emma's defense but I also didn't want to be snapped in half by the 'power couple' themselves. So I kinda just glued my mouth shut, not literally of course! That would taste extremely gross. . . and poisonous.

Ariana scoffs in disapproval of her friend and I could see the fumes coming off of her as she begins to bash Alex. "Who the hell do you think you are? You two are not my mother!" She shouts pointing a hard finger at Emma and me.

Liam clearly didn't like the way she was speaking to me because I can feel him ready to attack and tell her to calm down so I decide to man up before he gets involved in our mess.

I swallow down the hard lump that was beginning to form in my that and shakily stand up so I can make my way over to where the three are currently standing. "Listen, Ariana, in no way are we against you. We sincerely care about you and just wanted to come over to make sure you were okay since you haven't been answering your phone." I tell her honestly, and all just does is roll her eyes at me like I'm some sort of imbecile while she folds her arms defensively across her chest.

Is she serious?

"That's enough from you, Giana." She snaps but that's not the worst part, it's the way her eyes look so cold and distant that really hits me.

She looks unrecognizable.

Is this real life? Can someone pinch me so I can wake up from this horrible disaster. This isn't my friend speaking. She would never talk to anyone like that in her entire life.

But I guess you don't always know people, do you?

"You live in some fantasy land hoping that everything is going to work out in your favor. Well guess what? Life isn't seriously like that and that's never going to happen for you. . ." She spits coldly, taking a few steps closer to me and staring down hardly in disgust at my presence.

"Do you actually think that a guy like Liam wants you? You should've gotten the hint the first time when he made a bet over you." She laughs sarcastically, and I could see from the corner of my eye Liam about to turn on her as fast as she turned on us.

I need to keep calm.

I know that I should leave but it's like my heart won't let me give up. This is my best friend I'm speaking about, she doesn't actually feel this way, right?

She wouldn't actually think this poorly about me, right? Can someone please lie to me and tell me that I'm right!

I feel like bursting into complete tears from my heart being shattered into a thousand of tiny pieces that can't be recovered.

Ariana is one of the sweetest and supportive friends I know, we've always been there for each other. She can't hate me, please tell me she can't hate me.

"And Emma? I get that you're jealous of my relationship but I think you should start to learn to mind your own business." She scoffs with another roll of her eyes as she now takes a step back to look at the teary eyed girl.

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