Chapter 18- Jealousy & Reactions

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Liam's POV

"Palazzesi, my office now."

Damnit, I should've known better than to take the turn down this hall. I honestly don't even have to think twice about what this conversation is going to be about, I'm so screwed.

Chase and Ryan turn to look at me with smirks plastered on their dorky faces. "Yeah, Palazzesi, get to coach's office now." Chase chuckles sarcastically and Ryan joins his fit of laughs before adding a comment of his own. "Someone's in trouble."

"Alright, I'm glad you two had your fun on joking on me but I highly suggest you stop it now before I—"

"Whatchu gonna do?" Chase provokes with another laugh flowing out of his mouth. It's truly funny how he acts all tough on the outside but is the biggest wimp out all of us.

I extend my arm back as my hand curls into a fist and as I continue to pretend that I'm going to punch his 'pretty face' as he likes to call it, the scared boy jumps back with a frightened gaze knowing that I can very well take him down with one punch.

"Good talking to you buddy." I grin in amusement, slapping his back a few times solely to annoy the shit out of him, and he plays-off the pain of how hard I actually patted him on the back since he likes to act all macho— especially in front of the group of girls walking by.

I turn on my heel and jog my way over to my coach's office, tugging the one arm strap that's slung over my shoulder from my backpack higher up since it was falling.

"What's up coach?" I grin widely, walking past his tall frame in the doorway. He continues to eye me with that usual pissed off expression that he wears on his face, but I don't bother to ask him what's with the issue since I know he's going to chew my ear off about it for the next hour anyways. My feet carry me on over towards that one heavy leather seat behind his desk— the one that he he uses only for himself, but I don't bother asking to sit there because I already plop myself down in the chair.

I lean my feet on his desk as I put my hands behind my neck, and that earns a full on eye roll out of him, something my immaturity usually loves to give him.

"I'm assuming you know why you're here?" He hums seriously, closing the half glass door behind him, but when he turns around he folds his arms across his chest defensively, noticing my way too calm behavior over this serious situation.

"No, want to enlighten me?" I lie, covering my tracks a smirk so he doesn't go too hard on me.

He blows out a frustrated stream of air, shaking his head repeatedly, and pinching the bridge of his nose to calm himself down. "Liam, you're a good kid and a good teammate— that's exactly why I put the responsibility of being team captain on you."

I roll my bottom lip into my mouth and chew on it, one of my all time nervous habits.

"But with the way you've been behaving? You can kiss that scholarship goodbye." He informs, all playing around stripped from his voice, and that instantly makes a hard lump begin to form in the middle of my throat.

"I'm sorry, coach"

"I don't want you seeing that girl anymore." He says flatly and my mouth falls open in surprise as those words left his mouth.

Don't get me wrong I love my school, my team, and even my hotheaded coach— but giving up the one thing that brings me true happiness besides football? No one gets to determine that for me.

"What girl?" I defend and he raises his eyebrows at me with another disapproving shake of his head. "Giana Russo, the name ring a bell?" He sarcastically asks.

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