Chapter 38- Reminiscing & Move Ons

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"Stop," I groan in aggravation as I feel someone pushing on my shoulder in attempt to wake me up from my deep sleep. I am beyond sleep deprived since I hardly had any good rest last night, mostly because my mind is soaring with a million of thoughts from that idiotic party.

I also couldn't sleep because of something else though. . .

It's as if the dark somehow consumed me with thoughts that that I couldn't escape from. It's gnawing at me and I feel like I'm downing as if there was no way to swim back to the top because that's how deep under I am.

I really miss Jade.

I miss my best friend.

The girl who I could go to and tell my entire day to and would never get bored of listening. The girl I could call up at anytime of day and drink coffee with just talking about the most stupidest of things.

I miss her making me laugh when I was down.

I miss shopping together and buying matching t-shirts so we could twin together at school. I miss watching movies together and laughing so loudly that the people in front of us would send little glares our way.

I miss Jade.

And I know that I have to learn to accept that she's gone from my life and she's okay with that, but I'm not.

It's like the tears can't stop pouring out of my eyes especially at three in the morning that was the roughest! All I could think about was the good times and how I hate how things ended between us.

I have friends but none of them will ever fill that void that Jade once filled.

It feels like the story ended between us but I'm still writing in the blank pages.

I squeeze my eyes so tight that it feels as if they were super glued shut at this point. I am brought back to reality by the persistent poking and when I didn't budge the culprit begins to shake me.


I peel my eyes to open up and slowly start to rub them in attempt to get them to work faster as if that was really going to make any of a difference.


"Awe cute, you're drooling. Who were you dreaming about? Was it me?" She teases in amusement just to push my buttons a bit and I immediately swat her hand away as she tries to pinch my cheeks.

I begin to swipe the drool off my mouth and sit up a little bit straighter. I'm looking real cute right now, note the heavy sarcasm.

It looks like a bird made a nest in my hair and didn't bother to fix the strands before leaving.

"What are you doing here?" I question tiredly with a yawn.

The bright sunlight is killing me right now!

"Your mom let me in, duh. I want to hear all about the party. It's already eleven o'clock and I've been dying to know since the clock struck seven."

Eleven o'clock?


Oh gosh.

I hop out of my comfy bed and go over to my dresser to comb my hair down so I didn't look like a complete mess. I started to fill in Emma about everything that happened last night with not only Emily but with Liam as well, and even the little crazy thoughts that I had about Jade. She frowns and tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear at the mention of Jade's name.

"On the bright side you made up with Liam. . . On the downside we still miss Jade."

A friend that has made a permeant mark on my life like a marker to a piece of paper. I don't know if I'll ever truly get over this because there is no erasing it.

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