Bonus Chapter- A Letter To Giana

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Dear Giana,

I'm sorry for acting rude to you this past month and I truly hope you accept this apology. I know it's not much but I want you to know that this hasn't been easy. Having someone look exactly like you is just crazy to believe!

I saw an opportunity to become someone else for a day and I took it.

It seemed like fun at the moment but I didn't realize the damage I was creating. I always wanted a twin growing up so I used to this to my own advantage to stir up some fun in my life.

I know that we started off on the wrong foot but I'm hoping we could change that this time around. I know this isn't an excuse for my behavior and how I treated you.

Trust me, I know!

Enzo has been nagging me about it for the last month now.

I know you're probably thinking right about now that I have some ulterior motive but I promise this time I'm being nothing but genuine. . . Leaving for college soon has really made me rethink my life decisions.

I want to make amends between us if you're willing to?

I know you're a really good person, Giana, and I've taken that for granted but I really want to fix what I've created before I leave.

I hope somewhere deep down you believe in second chances because all I want to do is to leave things on a good note- ah literally. Get it? Lame, yes I know.

Anyways I'm not really expecting a reply from you, but if you do happen to change your mind and consider my offer I would really appreciate it.

Thanks sincerely Juliette.

(A/n- This is the official letter Juliette left for Giana! )

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