Memphis [5]

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✥ Chapter 5: Memphis ✥

>> “I feel my heartbeat bumpin' to the bass. She gives me butterflies and they won't go away. Under the stars, she took my hand and said, "Love you, need you, need you here to stay.” – Memphis by Justin Bieber 


            From when I woke up on that hot summers day, on the 28th of December, I had been nervous. It wasn’t the kind of nervousness you felt right before doing a speech in front of your class, I was feeling like I might throw up at any moment and as desperately as I tried to think of anything but my date that I had tonight, I couldn’t.

            I had woken up at 5am and I couldn’t get back to sleep. Usually, I would sleep in until around 10am and then I would stay in bed for another hour, though that day I wanted to do anything but stay in bed so I skyped with Hope and to distract me she showed me what she had gotten for Christmas, we both hadn’t had time to Skype each other.

            “They’re so nice! I wish we had shops hear that had clothes like that,” I said as Hope showed me the clothes her Mum bought her for Christmas.

            “Yeah, I really like them, I’ve been wearing them heaps, I don’t think I’ll ever wear anything else.” I laughed; I could picture Hope doing exactly that.

            “Cute,” I said, attempting to wink.

            “Better luck next time, Linnea,” Hope laughed. “Oh my gosh, imagine if tonight you try to wink but because you suck, Carson thinks you have something in your eye.”

            I looked blankly at Hope. “That’s not even funny.” I groaned. “What if that actually happens!”

            She shook her head. “Relax, everything’s going to be fine!” In my 16 years of existing, I had never once been on a date. I had been asked out a couple of times but never once had I actually ever gone out with someone. It made me way too nervous that in just around over 12 hours I’d be going on a date with Carson. What if I did something stupid? Knowing me I’d make the biggest fool out of myself.  “Just act like yourself.”

            “Yeah, no.”


            “If I act like myself, he’ll be running away for me in half an hour tops.”

            “If you don’t act like yourself than how are you going to act?”

            I shrugged.“Sensibly? No sex jokes, not too much swearing, I need to laugh normally and not like a gorilla and I can’t eat like I haven’t seen food in 20 years.” Hope laughed. “This is not funny!”

            “Linnea, you are fabulous, he will like you no matter how you laugh or how you eat or how many sex jokes you make!”

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