chapter 1

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Two years ago

"Mom!!! Don't go, you can't leave me here with him!!!!!" I yelled crying hard as hell. My mom was leaving me and worst, leaving me with him.

"I'm sorry, sweetie, but I have to go. You know that." My mom says, not even fazed by my hysteria. It's like she can't wait to never see me again. Why can't she take me with her. I mean its not like I'll be trouble.

"Take me with you," I beg, crying uncontrollably. "Please," I whispered.

"I can't, You have to stay here, where you won't get hurt by me anymore."

"Fine!!!! Go and never come back!!! I never want to see you again. I can't stand to look at my own mother, who won't even bother to say she's sorry. Or even say why she's leaving. Just leave," I said, still crying, but wanting her to hurt just as bad as I do right now.

"Jada, you know I love you. I'm leaving and you don't need to know why. Good bye, Jada Ocean. I love you."

"Good bye, Myra. And don't come back." I said harshly as the tears were still streaming down my face. When I said this, it must've broken something inside her as she turned away with tears runngin down her face. "I will always love you." she whispered, so low that I don't think I was meant to hear. I watched, silently, as she put her bags in the car and got in the driver's seat. From my perspective it looked like she was bawling as she drove away, her shoulders shaking and her hands gripping the steering wheel so tight her knuckles were white. As much as I tried to lie and say I didn't care that I just made my mother cry and hurt her just as bad as I was hurting, I knew inside that I cared and felt horrible, to the point that I felt sick.

"Jada!!!! Get your ass in here and stop the fucking crying would you!? She's gone and now you're all mine!!!"

"I'm coming, sir." I said. The thought of living with him by myself made me want to cry even harde, but I dried my eyes and walked inside with my head held high. I walked into the livingroom where he sat, drunk and high with his friends, as always.

I know you're thinking that it's my dad, but I'm not. I'm actually talking about the people who live with us, their son. His parents died in car wreck last year so Myra took him in because we lived with his parents and he had no where else to go. He's eightteen now, but is still living here. And since he's still here my mother decided it would be a good time to leave me. She hasn't looked at me the same since my dad died three months ago and I was with him when he died. But I couldn't do a thing about it. But now I'm stuck here for another year at the least.

"Did you hear me, slut?" He said, laughing hysterically,as if calling me a slut was the funniest thing ever. His friends joined in, laughing for a good twenty minutes before looking at me again. "Well, did you hear what I said?"

"No, I don't have time to listen to drunken, high idiots." I said flatly.

"Oh, Ocean, you better watch your mouth." He said, trying to be intimidating, it wasn't working.

"Or what? You gonne beat me? Too late you already did that. Rape me? Oh, wait you already tried that. So what the fuck are gonna do? I'm not scared of you." I spat out the words angrily at his face.

"You should be scared, Ocean. I don't have time for bratty ass children."

"Quit calling me that name. You lost the right to call me by my middle name."

He didn't respond, instead he launched himself at me, punching me in my face. The force of his nody was enough to throw me to the ground, where he kicked and punched and scratched me. He grabbed me by my hair and drug me to his room, leaving his friends behind. He pulled my up once we got in his room, pulling some of my hair out, no doubt my head was probably bleeding. Once I was standing to my full height, he looked me straight in my eyes. His eyes were blazing with hatred, he looked so angry and scary at the moment that I almost wanted to shrink back.

"Listen here, your mom isn't here to protect you anymore so you better behave and not cause me any trouble, I will not hesitate to hurt you and anyone else who gets in my way. I am going to let you stay here, but only under certain conditions." He then proceeded to tell me, down to a T, what his conditions were. And let's just say he had a lot. Like a lot.

I hated my mother for leaving me with him. I hated myself for letting my dad die in front of me. I hated this house, I hated the pain I'd been through. And most of all, I hated him.I hated Zayn Malik.

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